ESP Biography


Major: Engineering

College/Employer: Cooper Union

Year of Graduation: 2016

Picture of Tiffany Tang

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X6244: The Amazing Race: Pokemon Regions in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
Ever watch the show The Amazing Race? Want to travel across the Pokemon world like you never have? Think you know more Pokemon trivia than anyone else? Welcome to The Amazing Race: Pokemon Regions, a competition pitting you and others in a race, guided by collected clues as you pass stop after stop throughout the world of Pokemon! In a style similar to that of the show, you will be asked to perform various tasks within your game that test your Pokemon knowledge as you race around the Kanto and Johto regions!