summerLatest Announcement
Summer HSSP 2024 will not be happening this year. We’re sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Welcome to HSSP!

With over fifty years of history, HSSP is a multi-weekend program where hundreds of middle/high schoolers come to take classes, both academic and non-academic, taught by people like you. Join us for many days of teaching anything and everything!

HSSP is fully student-run by MIT ESP. It is held once during spring and once during summer.

An HSSP class where the teacher is wearing a costume
An HSSP forensics class

Teach Anything

As a volunteer HSSP teacher, you can pick any topic you want and explore it in depth. Your class can range from a large lecture to a small discussion to a project-based workshop, and we offer generous funding for class supplies.

Most classes are taught by small groups of MIT undergrad or graduate students, and we also often have classes taught by people in neighboring universities and other adults in the local area. 

Why Teach?

As a longer-term program than Splash and Spark, teaching at HSSP can be a great way to further develop your teaching skills and engage in depth with school-age students.

Your class will also provide a much-appreciated opportunity for students to learn special topics outside of their school classes.

Cups of fruit juices
Mutant Plushie Lab

Summer HSSP Details

This year, Summer HSSP will not run this year. For more information, please visit our program details page.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at summer-hssp@mit.edu.

Register Now!

Teacher registration for Summer HSSP 2024 will not open as Summer HSSP will not be happening this year.

Looking to attend Summer HSSP as a student? Visit our HSSP students page.

HSSP students smiling

Last modified on May 01, 2024 at 09:09 p.m.