ESP Biography

LAWSON KOSULIC, MIT Freshman Studying Physics

Major: Course 8/ Physics

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Lawson Kosulic

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hello! I am a freshman at MIT. I am currently studying to be a physics major (course 8 in MIT lingo). My goal is to eventually own my own alternative energy company where we are on the leading front of research in multiple disciplines, and the profits are split between going back to research and going towards donating our products to developing countries. When I am studying for school, I can be found doing one of the following things. First and foremost, I am a sponsored yoyo player; if I don't have a yoyo in my pocket or backpack, I probably have one in my hand. I play ultimate frisbee for for the club team here at MIT, the Grim Beavers. I am also a vlogger on YouTube when time allows. Finally, I can be found with my fellow members of New House watching TV, playing Smash, or getting something to eat. Looking forward to meeting you!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X10117: The Ups and Downs of Yoyoing in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
Yoyoing has come a long way since the days of the Duncan Butterfly (if you want to know what I mean, simply look up the World Yoyo Contest 2015 on YouTube). As a sponsored yoyo player and a physics major, I plan to teach you three things: how to play with a yoyo, the physics behind its motion, the physics that go into its modern design. From people who have never put a yoyo in their hand to advanced yoyo players, have some fun and get to know what yoyoing is all about.