ESP Biography

MARK ANDERSEN, Analytics Professional with Political Science PhD

Major: Political Science / Physics

College/Employer: CImpress

Year of Graduation: 1989

Picture of Mark Andersen

Brief Biographical Sketch:

MIT & Harvard graduate passionate about setting the record straight for history.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

Z9860: Fort Sumter: Clever Strategem or Fatal Plan? in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
What happened at Fort Sumter and how did it launch the US into a Civil War? This class will review the specific details of what happened surrounding Fort Sumter in the months prior to the Civil War, and the choices the statesmen made. Did Lincoln outmaneuver the Confederacy or vice versa? Or were both sides engaged in groupthink and surprised to have provoked a conflict which would kill 620,000 combatants? Historians do not agree. Come with an open mind to learn more, express your opinions, and decide for yourself.