Who Is ESP?

ESP Members

We are a group of (mostly) undergraduate students at MIT, and in our spare time, we run the ESP programs that you know and love!

Hover over the photos below to put faces to the names that bombard you with emails learn more about us!


favorite class to teach: cognitive neuroscience

favorite thing to learn: developmental psychology, Hopfield networks, ukulele

favorite juice: grape, guava

favorite ESP program mascot: waterfalls (cascade)


favorite class to teach: ethical chocolate

favorite thing to learn: education reform

favorite juice: aloe vera

favorite ESP program mascot: pineapples


favorite class to teach: how to quit league

favorite thing to learn: how to sleep in class

favorite juice: fairlife choccy milk

favorite ESP program mascot: potato!


favorite class to teach: Perfectionism or Microbial Genomics

favorite thing to learn: How stack plushie pandas into effective pyramids

favorite juice: Mixtures of at least four

favorite ESP program mascot: Space Pandas or Narwhals


favorite class to teach: Scrabble

favorite thing to learn: How generators work (in Python)

favorite juice: Orange Pineapple Juice

favorite ESP program mascot: Harpseals

Li Xuan

favorite class to teach: what’s in a nuclear reactor!

favorite thing to learn: esp traditions!

favorite juice: apple

favorite ESP program mascot: harpseals :3


favorite class to teach: Beyblade Physics

favorite thing to learn: Thermodynamics

favorite juice: Ruby Red

favorite ESP program mascot: Octopus


favorite class to teach: Logic puzzles

favorite thing to learn: Spirit Island

favorite juice: Juice used to unlock puzzles in MITMH 2021

favorite ESP program mascot: dragons


favorite class to teach: Internet Policy

favorite thing to learn: section 230; formal definitions of security (CCA, CPA, etc); third-party doctrine; reduction as a proof method

favorite juice: apple juice

favorite ESP program mascot: turtles


favorite class to teach: classical music; esolangs

favorite thing to learn: splitting apples with my bare hands

favorite juice: pog juice

favorite ESP program mascot: hawaiian sweet & sour pineapples


favorite class to teach: liquid nitrogen ice cream

favorite thing to learn: power electronics

favorite juice: lemonade

favorite ESP program mascot: pandas


favorite class to teach: Board games and D&D

favorite thing to learn: Elliptic Curves and the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem

favorite juice: Lemonade

favorite ESP program mascot: axolotls


favorite class to teach: molecular biology

favorite thing to learn: alternative oatmeal

favorite juice: apple juice

favorite ESP program mascot: harp seal


favorite class to teach: Computer science

favorite thing to learn: Child development

favorite juice: Mango

favorite ESP program mascot: Aardvarks (not biased)


favorite class to teach: (hunt) puzzles

favorite thing to learn: dynamical systems

favorite juice: aloe vera

favorite ESP program mascot: fractal planar sharks


favorite class to teach: math!

favorite thing to learn: toy product design :0

favorite juice: pineapple

favorite ESP program mascot: bottle axolotls


favorite class to teach: your brain on love

favorite thing to learn: why electrons are mobius strips

favorite juice: green tea

favorite ESP program mascot: rubber duckies


favorite class to teach: Historical Linguistics

favorite thing to learn: Stars :0

favorite juice: Cranberry Juice

favorite ESP program mascot: pineapples


favorite class to teach: flirting

favorite thing to learn: self-help content

favorite juice: passionfruit

favorite ESP program mascot: axolotl


favorite class to teach: superhero comics!

favorite thing to learn: how to make apple pie

favorite juice: blueberry lemonade

favorite ESP program mascot: axolotls


favorite class to teach: math, but not real math

favorite thing to learn: program-proving programs

favorite juice: orange

favorite ESP program mascot: sharks


favorite class to teach: organic chemistry

favorite thing to learn: random facts about South Dakota

favorite juice: oat milk

favorite ESP program mascot: Hawaiian Sweet and Sour Pineapples


favorite class to teach: anime

favorite thing to learn: history of disney’s fastpass system

favorite juice: mango is best

favorite ESP program mascot: axolotl


favorite class to teach: Intro to Linguistics

favorite thing to learn: theory of computation

favorite juice: peach lemonade

favorite ESP program mascot: dragons!


favorite class to teach: Mythology

favorite thing to learn: Physics

favorite juice: Bubbly

favorite ESP program mascot: Aardvarks

Last modified on Nov. 15, 2023 at 07:26 p.m.