AP Calculus AB

Welcome to AP Calculus AB!!

Andrew Spieker and Mike Garcia
Time/Place: Every Sunday from 1:30 - 5:00 in Room 2-136
Course E-mail: 2009calcab@gmail.com

Unit 2 - The Derivative and Rate of Change
==================== Unit 2 Schedule - This is the schedule, time line, and homework assignments. Once again, note any changes!

    Course Documents:
PROBLEM SET 2!!! is here! Enjoy!
    Continuity, Differentiability, Rates of Change
    Finding and Interpreting the Derivative
    Applications to Physics and Motion
    Product, Quotient, and Chain Rules
    Implicit Differentiation

Unit 1 - Limits and Continuity
==================== Unit 1 Schedule - This is the schedule, time line, and homework assignments. Note the changes that have occurred in class.
Problem Set 1

    Course Documents:
    Exploring Limits
    Pointwise Continuity
    Analytical Definition of a Limit
    Review for Quiz 1!! along with Five Review Problems
    Continuity and End Behavior
    Review for Test on Unit 1!!

Unit 0 - Precalculus and Review
====================     Course Documents:
    Problem Set 0 - This was a preliminary assignment involving some precalculus concepts
    Quiz 0 - The first quiz we had, on precalculus

Last modified on Dec. 01, 2009 at 08:47 p.m.