Latest Announcement
Summer HSSP 2024 will be not happening this year. We look forward to learning with you in the fall!

Welcome to HSSP!

With over sixty years of history, HSSP is a multi-weekend program where hundreds of middle/high schoolers come to take classes, both academic and non-academic, at MIT. Join us for many days of learning anything and everything!

HSSP is fully student-run by MIT ESP. It is held once during spring and occasionally during the summer. 

Cups of fruit juices
An HSSP class where the teacher is wearing a costume

Learn Anything!

HSSP classes cover various fields, from “Algorithmic Justice” to “Playing Games with Infinity” to “Sensory Neuroscience”. Over the course of multiple weeks, you can take a deep dive into whatever interests you, be it algorithms, Irish history, bioengineering or quantum mechanics!

When is HSSP?

Summer HSSP 2024 will not be running this year. We’re sorry for the inconvenience. We would like our programs to be ran at a high standard but our admin team does not have enough bandwidth at this time to ensure this is possible. We will still be running Splash in the fall for 9th-12th graders.

Who Can Participate?

Spring HSSP is open to current 7th to 12th graders. Summer HSSP is open to rising 7th graders to graduating 12th graders.

Unfortunately, absolutely no exceptions can be made to this policy.

Mutant plushie lab
HSSP students smiling

HSSP Classes

Summer HSSP typically has 5 to 6-week long classes. In previous years, HSSP students took an average of one or two classes. The class catalog will not be released this year as Summer HSSP is not running.

HSSP Details

Many frequently asked questions are answered on our website. For more information, start by visiting the Summer HSSP Details page.

If you have further questions, you are welcome to contact us at summer-hssp@mit.edu.


The entire program costs $70, regardless of how many classes attended. The program fee is paid online.

Generous financial aid is available!


Summer HSSP 2024 student registration will not occur this year

Last modified on May 03, 2024 at 11:48 a.m.