Dear students and parents of Spark 2020,
We’re very sorry to inform you that we will not be running Spark this year. Accordingly, please do not plan to come to MIT campus on March 14–15.
We understand that this is incredibly disappointing, and it breaks our hearts to cancel the program. We were looking forward to having you all on campus, and we sincerely hope to see you at an ESP program in the future.
This cancellation is happening in accordance with MIT’s guidelines regarding the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak, which were updated yesterday (March 5) by MIT’s president. Effective immediately according to these guidelines, no events involving K–12 students can be held until May 15, 2020, including our educational programs. As a student group at MIT, we are required to abide by these new guidelines, and we respect MIT’s decision to keep all of our students, teachers, and volunteers safe.
If you have already made long-distance travel plans (including flights, trains, or hotels), please reach out to your travel providers to see if a refund is possible, as many have special policies in response to COVID-19. If a refund is not possible, please reach out to us at
Once again, we apologize for the unexpected cancellation. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at
We hope that all of you stay safe and healthy.
Julian and Rujul
Spark 2020 Directors
Last modified
on March 06, 2020 at 10:08 a.m.