ESP Biography

ABIY TASISSA, A rising junior studying mathematics.

Major: 18

College/Employer: Not available.

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Abiy Tasissa

Brief Biographical Sketch:

My name is Abiy Tasissa. I grew up in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiopia is in East Africa. I took two years of high school in Singapore, in the united world college, before coming to MIT.
I am currently a rising junior in mathematics. I like solving maths problems, reading philosophy and biking.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H3645: Master the Meditations in Junction Summer 2010 (Jul. 01 - Aug. 11, 2010)
"I think therefore I am." is the most widely misused and popular phrase. Come and get to know the six meditations and the real meaning beyond this popular quote. You will be surprised. You can boast to friends that you know Descartes six meditations.

H3646: Problem of Induction in Junction Summer 2010 (Jul. 01 - Aug. 11, 2010)
Will the sun rise tomorrow? What makes you think that when you drop an object, it falls straight down. Whatever your answer, come and get a Taste of some Humean Skepticism. It seems like a common sense but I promise it is going to make you think and wonder.

S3647: Fast Reactors in Junction Summer 2010 (Jul. 01 - Aug. 11, 2010)
An overview of the nuclear industry and the science beyond innovative reactor engineering

H3648: Introduction to Phenomenology in Junction Summer 2010 (Jul. 01 - Aug. 11, 2010)
This is a tough philosophy but with very powerful consequences. We will take a sip of it. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of phenomenon.

X3650: Psychopaths and Law in Junction Summer 2010 (Jul. 01 - Aug. 11, 2010)
Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer and Pedro Lopez. These are serial killers that shook a nation. Why did they do such a thing? We will take different sides and explore the psychology of such people. How is the law supposed to treat them? It is going to be a hot debate and as always the purpose is to keep the mind in gear.

H3652: Pascal's wager in Junction Summer 2010 (Jul. 01 - Aug. 11, 2010)
Why should I believe in God? In this seminar we will go through Pascal's wager and see what answer he provides us. Believers and Atheists welcome!!

S3654: Dynamics of Plumes in Junction Summer 2010 (Jul. 01 - Aug. 11, 2010)
Chimney smokes, BP oil spill and even cough have a very interesting fluid property. In this seminar we will cover the basics and do some calculations to answer some of the interesting questions that arise when studying such phenomena.