ESP Biography

CATHERINE KRUCHTEN, MIT Senior in math, future teacher

Major: Mathematics

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Catherine Kruchten

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am currently a senior in mathematics, minoring in literature. I am also a student in the Teacher Education Program, training to get teacher certification by the end of the year.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A Crash Course in Shakespeare in SPLASH (2007)
Ever realized how little we actually know about the man who wrote Hamlet? We'll discuss the sparse pieces of Shakespeare's ...

A Crash Course in Shakespeare in SPLASH (2007)
Ever realized how little we actually know about the man who wrote Hamlet? We'll discuss the sparse pieces of Shakespeare's ...

Math is Beautiful! in SPLASH (2007)
Math can be found in some pretty unexpected places...we'll discuss the use of classical mathematical concepts in works of art ...

Math is Beautiful! in SPLASH (2007)
Math can be found in some pretty unexpected places...we'll discuss the use of classical mathematical concepts in works of art ...