ESP Biography

JOSEPH COX, Professional Shakespearean Actor

Major: Theater

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2012

Picture of Joseph Cox

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Graduate of a classical theatre program and professional Shakespearean actor. Experience with both contemporary and classical works with comedic emphasis.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

Z12839: How to do adult-related money things in Spark 2019 (Mar. 16 - 17, 2019)
This is a class about how to handle money. There are a lot of experiential skills around handling money that students are usually not taught in school, including some very basic things. In this course we will focus on basic life skills around how to make, spend, and move money. This includes how to invest money and what you should invest it in, how to do your taxes (and what is necessary to do taxes well), how to write and deposit checks, how banks work, which banks you should use, and how to apply for jobs. This class will have extensive student-focused question and answer time. Students are encouraged to prepare questions that they have about how to handle money. There is no such thing as a stupid question.

H12840: Consonant Phonology: Strange Sounds of the World's Languages in Spark 2019 (Mar. 16 - 17, 2019)
In this course we will go over the theory, anatomy, and orthography (International Phonetic Alphabet) of different consonant sounds, including sounds in English and lots of amazingly fun sounds that are not at all like sounds in English. This is a very interactive course, with an emphasis on speech production.

H12841: Vowel Phonology: Sounds of the World's Englishes in Spark 2019 (Mar. 16 - 17, 2019)
In this course we will go over the theory, anatomy, and orthography (International Phonetic Alphabet) of different vowel sounds. Because English has one of the most complex vowel phonologies in the world, we will primarily compare dialects of English, but we will also discuss some vowel systems in the other languages of the world. This is a very interactive course, with an emphasis on speech production.

H12641: Introduction to Socionics in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
In this class we will review Socionics, a personality typology and branch of Jungian analytical psychology developed by a Lithuanian woman named Ausra Augustinavicitue in the 1970s. Socionics is moderately well popularized in Eastern Europe and almost unheard of in Western Europe or America. Socionics is an abstract philosophical model and language for describing people and their social interactions, which attempts to answer the question, "How are different people different?" More concisely, it is a system of personality types. In this class, we will simultaneously review the conceptual foundations of this typology, and in doing so, we will address the problem of knowledge and numerous issues in practice. Specifically we will point out the problems and vagueness of the topic of personality types in itself, how it relates to science (socionics is *not* science) and ask what understanding personality types is actually useful for.

Z12642: How to do adult-related money things in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
This is a class about how to handle money. There are a lot of experiential skills around handling money that students are usually not taught in school, including some very basic things. In this course we will focus on basic life skills around how to make, spend, and move money. This includes how to invest money and what you should invest it in, how to do your taxes (and what is necessary to do taxes well), how to write and deposit checks, how banks work, which banks you should use, and how to apply for jobs. This class will have extensive student-focused question and answer time. Students are encouraged to prepare questions that they have about how to handle money. There is no such thing as a stupid question.

H12065: Consonant Phonology: Strange Sounds of the World's Languages in Spark 2018 (Mar. 17 - 18, 2018)
In this course we will go over the theory, anatomy, and orthography (International Phonetic Alphabet) of different consonant sounds, including sounds in English and lots of amazingly fun sounds that are not at all like sounds in English. This is a very interactive course, with an emphasis on speech production.

Z12073: How to do adult-related money things in Spark 2018 (Mar. 17 - 18, 2018)
This is a class about how to handle money. There are a lot of experiential skills around handling money that students are usually not taught in school, including some very basic things. In this course we will focus on basic life skills around how to make, spend, and move money. This includes how to invest money and what you should invest it in, how to do your taxes (and what is necessary to do taxes well), how to write and deposit checks, how banks work, which banks you should use, and how to apply for jobs. This class will have extensive student-focused question and answer time. Students are encouraged to prepare questions that they have about how to handle money. There is no such thing as a stupid question.

A9925: Shakespearean Language: Make the words your own! in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
This course will focus on getting students familiar with Shakespearean text and will involve reading and performing his works. We will also cover how to analyze and interpret Shakespearean text. Students are recommended to wear clothes they can move around in for theatre games and warm-ups.