ESP Biography

MARISA DEBOWSKY, Director of Canada/USA Mathcamp

Major: Math

College/Employer: Canada/USA Mathcamp

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Marisa Debowsky

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I love teaching math to people who are excited about math! I do this both professionally and for fun. In my work life, I'm the program director of Canada/USA Mathcamp, a summer program for mathematically talented high-school students, and during the summer, I get to teach at Mathcamp. Outside of camp, I invent classes for fun at teaching/learning festivals like Splash. In all contexts, I like infectious enthusiasm for inquiry, and that's exactly what you find at a place like Splash.

A little about me, aside from math:
0. I like lists.
1. I sing. All the time. Sometimes with a band. Sometimes in the shower.
2. I go see live music at least one night a week.
3. I'm a little bit obsessed with Scrabble.
4. My favorite author is Laurie R. King.
5. My favorite food is mustard.
6. I really hope there's a third season of Dollhouse.
7. I'm from New York. Without loss of generality, we may assume that "New York" means "New York City."
8. I really, really like alphabetizing books. It's what I do in the evenings to wind down. Bring order to the chaos! Fight the entropy!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M2910: Why are there five Platonic solids? in Splash! 2009 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2009)
Tetrahedron. Hexahedron. Octahedron. Dodecahedron. Icosahedron. What is it, exactly, that makes these the Platonic Solids -- the only five convex regular polyhedra? We'll describe their elegant and simple classification using an observation from topology, some easy results from graph theory, and some clever counting. And probably some chalk. Time permitting, we'll talk about what Platonic solids you might get if your basic shape were a donut (torus) rather than a ball (sphere).