ESP Biography

ANDREW BROWN, MIT Junior studying physics!

Major: physics

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Andrew Brown

Brief Biographical Sketch:

My name is Andy Brown, a junior at MIT. I have two main passions, physics and travel. This summer, I got a chance to do both by coming to Karlsruhe, Germany to study lightning and high energy physics with a PhD student here.

I have also been doing plenty of traveling this summer, and in addition to traveling all around Germany, I have had the chance to go to Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and France.

Besides physics and travel, I also love good music, good movies, and good people, (though not necessarily in that order) and I usually try not to take myself too seriously.

Now, in my last weeks in Germany, I am looking forward to coming home and teaching AP Physics C with my co-teacher, Melissa Lau. I hope that over the course of the coming year we will be able to give our students an understanding, and maybe even a passion, in physics.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S468: AP Physics C in Delve Delve 2007--2008 (Sep. 16 - 23, 2007)
This course will cover AP Physics C: Mechanics as well as Electricity and Magnetism. The course will go at a fast enough pace to cover all the material which will be on the AP test, and perhaps a little extra depending on time.