ESP Biography

TIM BALBEKOV, Avid game programmer and high school student

Major: Not available.

College/Employer: New Fairfield High School

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Tim Balbekov

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm currently attending high school in New Fairfield, Connecticut. In my spare time, I enjoy playing soccer and tinkering with computers. You can reach me via AIM: tbalbekov, email:

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

Introduction to Russian Culture in SPLASH (2007)
Ever want to sip tea from a samovar and listen to Dima Bilan? Then Russian culture is calling your name! ...

Photoshopping for Beginners in SPLASH (2007)
Want to create cool illusions with Adobe Photoshop? In this exciting class we will cover the basics of image manipulation ...

Programming Video Games in C/C++ in SPLASH (2007)
Interested in video games? Want to make your own? Then join us in our two hour journey into recreating the ...

Photoshopping for Beginners in SPLASH (2006)
Want to create cool illusions with Adobe Photoshop? In this two hour class we will cover the basics of image ...

Programming Video Games in C/C++ in SPLASH (2006)
Interested in video games? Want to make your own? Then join us in our two hour journey into recreating the ...