ESP Biography

ADAM SEERING, MIT Computer Science major and technogeek

Major: Course 6

College/Employer: Vertica, an HP company

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Adam Seering

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm a former Computer Science major at, and recent graduate of, MIT, with interests in Physics and Mechanical Engineering. In computer science, I'm particularly interested in both the theoretical and practical aspects of modern programming. In addition to ESP, I'm in MIT's Experimental Studies Group (ESG), and I'm an active member of the Student Information Processing Board (SIPB), MIT's primary computing activism group.

One of these days, I'll find an appropriate picture of myself. In the meantime, here's a giant teddy bear.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C6429: Collecting Computational Garbage in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
Whenever you write a program, it needs this magical stuff called "memory" to do its work. When you create variables and objects, they use up memory. And when you're done with them, you just drop the objects on the floor and let the computer clean the memory up for you. But how does the computer know that you're done? Where does the memory come from, and where does it go? It's not really magic. Back in the good ol' days, programs just got a big slab of memory and had to divvy it up themselves. Nowadays, your language probably handles all that for you. In this course, we'll see how. This course will be lecture-based, though if you happen to have a laptop, there will be some C++ code examples for you to play with (obviously Splash can't be responsible for your laptop if you bring it to Splash, so keep that in mind if you decide to do so).

E5534: Analyzing the Automobile in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Have you ever felt (or made) your car shift before, and wondered what exactly it's doing? How about what antilock brakes are for? Or why your pickup truck starts sliding around every time it hits a little patch of ice? And what (beyond just "using both gas and batteries") makes a hybrid a hybrid? Join me in a walk-through of the physics of automobiles. Cars are, at their core, just a bunch of simple machines piled together; I'll try to give you some factoids to help you start to figure out how your own car works and why it does what it does.

E5545: How and Why your Car Works in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Do cars run on magic? Well, no; they run on gasoline. But how does a car take a flammable liquid and use it to get you where you want to go? The modern car is very complex, but at its heart it's just a whole bunch of simple machines strung together just right. We'll take a look at what makes cars work; how they go, turn, and stop; also at different types of cars, hybrids, trucks, SUV's, and why they not only look different but work and act differently as well. This class will be similar to "Analyzing the Automobile", but without the dependency on physics.

C3077: Help! That site stole my password! in Splash! 2009 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2009)
Have you seen your Web browser complain that you're doing something insecure? Why does it matter?; who really cares? Just going to a website can't do anything bad, right? Come enter the world of phishing attacks and cross-site scripting, where professional hackers control your browser and what you see is what they want you to see. See how many different ways I can come up with to steal your password over the course of the hour!

Test Class 3 in HSSP (2010)

Test Course in SPLASH (2010)
Y'know, I'm really tempted to say that this is a course about writing tests. But, it's not; it's just a ...

Database-Backed Web Design in SPLASH (2007)
So you've written an awesome webpage for the whole world to see! But you want something more than that: You ...

Introduction to European Games in SPLASH (2007)
Tired of Monopoly, Taboo and Trivial Pursuit? This class will introduce "European-style" board games, which range from monks in a ...

Linux and You in SPLASH (2007)
So, you've heard of this whole Linux thing. Maybe you're just a bit frustrated with Windows; maybe you've been scared ...

Title: Math, Physics, and Music: The Electric Guitar in HSSP (2006)
In this class, each student will build a simplified, but still real and working, electric guitar. Through doing this, students ...

Object-Oriented Programming in FIREHOSE (2006)
Have you always wondered what Object-Oriented Programming was? Have you taken 6.001, and you're wondering how OOP works in a ...

Physics: Mechanics of the World in HSSP (2006)
Sure, you may know why a feather and a hammer fall at the same rate on the moon (or maybe ...

Applied C++ in SPLASHONWHEELS (2006)
Now that you've learned C++, come and see how that knowledge can be put to use! In this class, students ...

Intro to C++ in SPLASHONWHEELS (2006)
Come learn the basics of C++! C++ is a programming language that's simple to learn, but hard to master. This ...

Bar Magnets and Soldering Irons: Physics of the Electric Guitar in SPLASH (2006)
This class will pick apart a homemade electric guitar, to figure out how it works. We'll be looking at the ...

Bar Magnets and Soldering Irons: Physics of the Electric Guitar in SPLASH (2006)
This class will pick apart a homemade electric guitar, to figure out how it works. We'll be looking at the ...

Database-Backed Web Design in SPLASH (2006)
So you've written an awesome webpage for the whole world to see! But you want something more than that: You ...

Introduction to European Games in SPLASH (2006)
Tired of Monopoly, Taboo and Trivial Pursuit? This class will introduce "European-style" board games, which range from monks in a ...

Intro to Programming: Python in SPLASH (2006)
Do you use computers a lot? Have you always wanted to control them, to make them do something new? In ...