Major: 7 College/Employer: MIT Year of Graduation: Not available. |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
Hey! I am a rising Junior at MIT studying Biology (course 7). I was originally born in China, but I current live in Southern Massachusetts. In addition to teaching Intro to Neuroscience this summer, I am also working in a Chemical Engineering Lab and volunteering at Massachusetts General Hospital. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with friends, swimming, and traveling. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S3613: Neuroscience--Exploring The Brain and all it's Connections in HSSP Summer 2010 (Jul. 11, 2010 - Jul. 11, 2011)
This course will serve as an introduction to the field of neuroscience. You probably know what the brain is, but what exactly does it do? You've probably heard of neurons, but how exactly do they work? We'll give you the fundamental answers to these questions so you can come to understand exactly how amazing this body system is. If time permits, we'll try to jump into higher level topics such as dreaming, the senses, emotion, language acquisition, memory and mental illness.
X2150: How to Start Your Own Business in Spark! Spring 2009 (Mar. 07, 2009)
Ever wanted to start your own business? We'll teach you the basics so that you can go out and learn more about what it takes to become an entrepreneur!