ESP Biography

BENJAMIN LEHNERT, Freshman at MIt who enjoys cold

Major: 10B

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2013

Picture of Benjamin Lehnert

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

W5210: Object Manipulation and Acrobatics in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Because you've always wanted to run away and join the circus. We will be going over poi, staff, rope dart, contact juggling, and whatever else we can find.

X3347: Party Tricks and Practical Jokes in HSSP Spring 2010 (Apr. 17, 2010)
Need to impress that totally cute (choose one: girl, guy) or get (choose one: her, his) attention in a pathetically juvenile manner? Or just want to learn some cool tricks and be SO SUP3R H42DC023? We can help you to cleverly exploit the mechanics of exploitable mechanics in clever ways, from toss and contact juggling to mind tricks and mental feats to opening food packaging in creative ways.

X3348: Party Tricks and Practical Jokes in HSSP Spring 2010 (Apr. 17, 2010)
Need to impress that totally cute (choose one: girl, guy) or get (choose one: her, his) attention in a pathetically juvenile manner? Or just want to learn some cool tricks and be SO SUP3R H42DC023? We can help you to cleverly exploit the mechanics of exploitable mechanics in clever ways, from toss and contact juggling to mind tricks and mental feats to opening food packaging in creative ways.

Cryo-mania in SPARK (2010)
Some like it hot! Not me, I prefer things subzero. Dry ice, liquid nitrogen, shattering flowers, delicious ice cream, other ...