ESP Biography

BROOKE JARRETT, Making, doing, building, moving, endlessly

Major: 1A

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Brooke Jarrett

Brief Biographical Sketch:

When I was growing up I wanted to be an actor.
Then a civil engineer.
Then a doctor.
Now a connoisseur of natural economics

I like to cook, cycle, and climb.
Now for the M's:
Moreover, I'm into making movies!

My teaching philosophy is that
everyone should have fun learning
be hands on about what they're learning
and have access to the tools they need to get that learning done.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A2100: Videography: Crash Course in Camera Skills (Middle School) in Spark! Spring 2009 (Mar. 07, 2009)
Cameras! Lights! Action! Ever wanted to make a movie? Wondered how directors create such complicated plot lines and then manage to shoot all those frames? Do you have a story to tell? This crash course in videography will go over storyboarding, shooting skills, and maybe even some editing! We will be working from an idea, to a storyboard, to frame planning, and finally to shooting. Afterwards, we will screen our short films (5 minutes or less) to one another and participate in a short critique session. Please be prepared with an idea for a very short film. Participation is absolutely necessary so be ready to talk, use the camera, and get into the spirit.

A2310: Videography: crash course in camera skills (High School) in Spark! Spring 2009 (Mar. 07, 2009)
Cameras! Lights! Action! Ever wanted to make a movie? Wondered how directors create such complicated plot lines and then manage to shoot all those frames? Do you have a story to tell? This crash course in videography will go over storyboarding, shooting skills, and maybe even some editing! We will be working from an idea, to a storyboard, to frame planning, and finally to shooting. Afterwards, we will screen our short films (5 minutes or less) to one another and participate in a short critique session. Please be prepared with an idea for a VERY short film. Participation is absolutely necessary so be ready to talk, use the camera, and get into the spirit.