ESP Biography

VICTOR COSTAN, Code Monkey III (PhD student in Computer Science)

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: Not available.

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Victor Costan

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Victor Costan got infected with a passion for coding at the age of 10, and proceeded to earn a M.Eng in Computer science from MIT. Victor also holds a B.S. in Management that he pursued as he fell prey to the belief that great software requires legions of developers manipulating bloated code bases in repetitive ways.

Thanks to Paul Graham's essays, Ruby, and Rails, he re-discovered the joy of coding, and came back from the dark ways of management. Nowadays, Victor is still crazy about building software that he can impress his friends with, but he also dreams of contributing to making coding even more enjoyable. Victor likes developing mobile and Web 2.0 applications, and occasionally enjoys building some distributed systems behind the apps. When he is not coding, you will most likely find him reading up on some new programming language or software development technique.

At times, Victor likes to pretend he's mentally sane, and can be seen catching up with friends, watching a movie, or exploring Boston and New York City.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M3371: HTML, CSS and Javascript in HSSP Spring 2010 (Apr. 17, 2010)
Do you want to build the next killer Web site? Make a custom theme for your blog? Tell the world about yourself, your family, your band or your club? HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the technologies that the Web runs on. Gaining a solid understanding in them will help you do all the above, and more! This course teaches modern HTML, CSS and JavaScript, with an emphasis on proper use for each of the languages.