ESP Biography

GREG ECHELBERGER, MIT freshman - undeclared

Major: Not available.

College/Employer: Not available.

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Greg Echelberger

Brief Biographical Sketch:

newbzorz spinner

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

Poi Workshop (Advanced) in SPLASH (2007)
In only one hour, we will transform you from an average three-beat-weaver into a poi prodigy! Seriously, you'll be this ...

Poi Workshop (Beginner) in SPLASH (2007)
Top 10 Reasons to Spin Poi: 10. It's good exercise! 9. It makes people try really hard not to stare ...

Poi Workshop (Beginner) in SPLASH (2007)
Top 10 Reasons to Spin Poi: 10. It's good exercise! 9. It makes people try really hard not to stare ...

Poi Workshop (Beginner) in SPLASH (2007)
Top 10 Reasons to Spin Poi: 10. It's good exercise! 9. It makes people try really hard not to stare ...