ESP Biography

HRISHI POOLA, Brandeis '04: Ambitious, thoughtful, musical

Major: Economics, Biology

College/Employer: Boston Biomedical Consultants, Inc.

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Hrishi Poola

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I, Hrishi Poola, properly pronounced Ri'-she (but I love to accept many variations!), was born in Kingston, Jamaica, then grew up in Brookfield, CT, and attended Brandeis University near Boston and graduated in 2004, with degrees in Biology and Economics, as well as minor in Philosophy. I have also volunteered in Costa Rica, and have traveled through Europe and India.

Since then, I have been working as a health care consultant and outside of work I am an acoustic guitarist and singer, and also love to play racquet sports and read. Further, I enjoy writing very much (come read my blog when you can:

Aside from turkey burgers, sushi, and tirasmasu, my biggest craving is to teach and inspire students, give them the tools and foundation to reflect, question, and create.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H2383: How to Change the World: Global Poverty and Solutions in HSSP Summer 2009 (Jul. 12, 2009)
"The more one looks at it, the more one sees that the question isn't whether the rich can afford to help the poor, but whether they can afford not to." -Jeffrey Sachs The world is growing and advancing so rapidly, with more and more people being pulled out of poverty and achieving true development wonders. However, there are over 1 billion people that are still being left out and millions die yearly from easily preventable and avoidable causes. Additionally, our world is more connected than ever, in which the actions of someone in Lagos, Nigeria, or Delhi, India, or Uganda truly impacts our own lives (and vice versa) more than we initially imagine. The course will look at the crossroads of the challenges, opportunities, and solutions. What are the common misconceptions of Africa? What are the demographics and size and scope of the problems? How did the world get to where it is now? What has been done in the past? What has worked and what were the mistakes? What are the poverty traps? What are the Millenium Development Goals? What are the best solutions? Poverty is not just having low income, but is a complex interplay of health, climate, topography, disease (malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB), education, roads, power, communication, sanitation, government, law, business, trade, and culture. The millions of lives saved today are not due to governments, but the actions of individuals and small groups, especially high school and university students. The is a course to help understand global issues and to help students "think big" and confidently guide state and federal government, as well as to come up with solutions by thinking uniquely, technically, openly, empathetically, and creatively. "We have exciting times ahead and no time to lose."