ESP Biography
JOHN POSADA, MIT junior doing propulsion!
Major: 16 College/Employer: MIT Year of Graduation: 2024 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
Hi! my name is John, and I'm currently in my third year of AeroAstro. I came to MIT because I love space and the idea of helping build the technologies to get us into space. During my time, I've focused on liquid rocket propulsion, software, and autonomous systems. I also love cats and digital art! Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)E15479: How to Make a Rocket! in HSSP Spring 2023 (Feb. 25, 2023)
Presented to you by MIT's Rocket Team, you will learn about a different component of the rocket each class (aerodynamics, avionics, solid and liquid propulsion, structures, and recovery). You will end the course with a class competition!