ESP Biography

ANDY WEI, Math Major at MIT

Major: Math

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Andy Wei

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm Andy, and I study math and theoretical CS, dabbling in economics here and there.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M12450: Robust Statistics and Machine Learning in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
"Robust statistics seek to provide methods that emulate popular statistical methods, but which are not unduly affected by outliers or other small departures from model assumptions" - Wikipedia We'll also see some applications of robust statistics ideas in machine learning, where state-of-the-art deep neural networks are prone to classifying two very similar images differently, and how we can avoid these problems.

X12451: High Tea with Kai and Andy in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
Come learn about British culture from two guys who aren’t remotely British (and enjoy some high tea)! This is the perfect time for you to pay your respects to Her Majesty, watch some Ali G videos, and polish your British accents that you’ve been secretly practicing this whole time.

C11986: How fast can you search through k lists? in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Some of you might know how to search for an item in a sorted list very fast. How about 2 lists at a time? How about 20 lists? Or k lists? Is the answer $$O(k \log n)$$? Nah, we can do (much) better. We'll tackle the problem of searching for an item in many lists efficiently using the technique of fractional cascading. [Spoiler alert: it actually takes the same amount of time as searching in 1 list!...almost]. Then, we'll see how fractional cascading can be applied to solve a variety of geometric problems in theoretical CS.

Z10911: How (not) to be an Econ in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Do humans think rationally—or at least, behave as if they are rational? Or are humans just plain irrational (stupid) at times? Come and learn about the ways of an Econ (short for Homo economicus), and why economists love studying them so much! In the meantime, we will cover topics in microeconomics, game theory, and behavioral economics.