ESP Biography

LORI TROJAK, Lifelong student and steward of the world

Major: Business/Travel

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Lori Trojak

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I love learning and the world is the greatest classroom. Through travel to about 50 countries and all 50 states in the US, I have seen people in all different economical situations and discovered that we are far more alike than different. I believe travel opens our minds to not only the beauty of its people but the extraordinary awe of its lands, waters and sky.
I love helping others survive,succeed and thrive. I use my CPA, CFP (Financial Planning) and CFE (Fraud Examiner) licenses to help others plan financially to achieve their goals.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X13626: Financial Planning 101 for College Living in Splash 2019 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2019)
What do you need to pack/ purchase for a typical dorm room? What expenses outside of tuition, room and board and books will you need or want to cover each month? Should you have a credit card or bank account? Some expenses can vary greatly depending on the college, nearby town and personal wants but we will cover the basics in this class and leave you with a spreadsheet that you can fill in with your own particular information/ expectations and estimates as you speak with different colleges.

X13628: Traveling the USA: Discovering America through its People, History, Cultures and Landscapes in Splash 2019 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2019)
America (USA) is one of the most diverse nations on Earth in its people and its landscape. We will discuss the different regions of this vast nation looking at highlights of what to see and the idiosyncrasies of its cultures that make it unique and yet blend into one nation. This is a class on travel and discovering an America you are just getting to know. [This class is one of 2 parts-one part is discussing what to see, the other is planning how to do it. You can do either or both classes.]

X13629: Traveling the USA: Budget or Splurge-How to Plan the Perfect Trip in Splash 2019 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2019)
America's (USA) diversity offers many unique travel experiences and planning a trip is challenging and exciting as you get to choose mode of transportation (car,plane,train,ship), accommodations (hostel,tent,hotel,RV), timing (whale migration,Aurora Borealis,desert flowers) and create your own memories. This class is about how to plan such a trip-where to begin, how early to start and how to find your own way of seeing this country. [This class is one of 2 parts-one part is discussing what to see, the other is planning how to do it. You can do either or both classes.]

X12402: Traveling the USA for a Year-Part 2:What We Saw in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
This is part 2 of 2. You could do one or both. 1 focuses on planning and tips and 2 (this class) focuses on what to see. We saw so many spectacular sights while we traveled the year. Many were planned, many were surprises and some exceeded our expectations like seeing the Aurora Borealis and swimming with 150 year old turtles, seeing lava bubble on top of a crater and whales breaching. This class is a mix of photos and talk of what to see where and when. Get a feel for what you may want to see. The world is filled with many wonders. I hope to show you some of the many we saw and give details of how and when you can plan to see them too.

X12403: Traveling the USA for a Year-Part 1:How To Do It in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
This is Part 1 of 2. You may sign up for either part or both. Our family traveled by RV, ships, and planes throughout the USA for a year.. We schooled on the road and learned to use every resource as efficiently as possible. Part 1 is about how we did it. How we planned, kept in touch with people, received mail,... you name it. If it had to do with ordinary living, we found a way. Come learn how to do this yourself! (Part 2 is more of a visual with talking about what to see.)

X12404: Financial Planning 101 for College Living in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
What do you need to pack/ purchase for a typical dorm room? What expenses outside of tuition, room and board and books will you need or want to cover each month? Should you have a credit card or bank account? Some expenses can vary greatly depending on the college, nearby town and personal wants but we will cover the basics in this class and leave you with a spreadsheet that you can fill in with your own particular information/ expectations and estimates as you speak with different colleges.

X11945: Financial Planning 101 for College Living in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
What do you need to pack/ purchase for a typical dorm room? What expenses outside of tuition, room and board and books will you need or want to cover each month? Should you have a credit card or bank account? Some expenses can vary greatly depending on the college, nearby town and personal wants but we will cover the basics in this class and leave you with a spreadsheet that you can fill in with your own particular information/ expectations and estimates as you speak with different colleges.

X11954: Planning a Summer Trip to Europe in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Where to go, what to see, how to see it, where to stay, safety issues and so much more. We just spent 87 days traveling to/from and through 26 countries in Europe including Russia, Iceland and Greenland. Quick overview on planning with a slide show of some different or special areas. Bring questions especially if you plan to see a certain region someday.

X10966: Traveling the Continental USA in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Ever think about taking a summer to see the USA? I’ve visited all 50 states by car/van/RV/train/plane alone/with friends/ with family and on a budget. The USA has some of the most beautiful sites and wonders in the world. Join me for a quick trip around the USA through photos and stories highlighting the best of what I saw. Plus, l’ll also give a handout of recommendations for each state. Hopefully by the time you leave, you will have a blueprint for your own trip! (FYI - This is a partner class with Exploring Alaska and Hawaii offered after this class. But either can be taken alone!)

X10984: Financial Planning 101 for College Living in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
What do you need to pack/ purchase for a typical dorm room? What expenses outside of tuition, room and board and books will you need or want to cover each month? Should I have a credit card or bank account? Some expenses can vary greatly depending on the college, nearby town and personal wants but we will cover the basics in this class and leave you with a spreadsheet that you can fill in with your own particular information/ expectations and estimates as you speak with different colleges..

X11051: Exploring Alaska and Hawaii in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Alaska and Hawaii have unique stories to tell. With an abundance of natural beauty, multitude of geologic wonders, and distinct cultural heritage, these states offer visitors much to be explored and experienced. Join me as we explore volcanoes, glaciers, the Arctic Ocean, whale migrations, the Aurora Borealis, Denali, giant ancient sea turtles and one of the clearest observatories on top of the tallest mountain in the world (Not Everest!) Come and see what all the fuss is about. (FYI - This class is a partner to Traveling the Continental USA which is offered just before this class but not required.)

X10108: Traveling the USA for a Year (with a Side Trip to Europe)-Part 1:How To Do It in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
The logistics of spending a year on the road. Our family traveled by RV, ships, and planes. We schooled on the road and learned to use every resource as efficiently as possible. The course is about how we did it. How we planned, kept in touch with people, received mail,... you name it. If it had to do with ordinary living, we found a way. Come learn how to do this yourself!

X10112: Traveling the USA for a Year with a Side Trip to Europe-Part 2:What We Saw in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
We saw so many spectacular "things" while we traveled the year. Many were planned, many were surprises and some exceeded our expectations like seeing the Aurora Borealis and swimming with 150 year old turtles, seeing lava bubble on top of a crater and smoke rise out of Vesuvius. The world is filled with many wonders. I hope to show you some of the many we saw and give details of how and when you can plan to see them too.

X10119: Financial Planning 101 in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
This talk will be geared toward teenagers' concerns about money, including preparing a budget for living away from home at college, using checks, and managing a credit card. Subjects include Budgeting, Investments, Insurance, and Taxes, along with some tricks to help you save money.