Major: 2 College/Employer: MIT Year of Graduation: G |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Jason Ku has been folding since the age of five and began designing origami in high school. In 2005, Ku was invited as a Yoshino Fund special guest to teach and exhibit at the Tanteidan convention in Tokyo, Japan. Since then, he has studied Mechanical Engineering at MIT while acting as the president of MIT's origami club, OrigaMIT. Currently, Ku volunteers as the managing editor for OrigamiUSA's online magazine, The Fold and is a member of the OrigamiUSA board of directors. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)E5658: Modern Origami in HSSP Spring 2012 (Feb. 18, 2012)
Origami is the ancient Japanese tradition of folding paper and has been around for centuries. However, modern origami is a young, complex art form full of beauty and mathematics. In this course, we will learn how to fold origami models and learn to read origami diagrams so that you can develop your skills on your own. Additionally, we will learn elements of origami design and analysis so that you can begin to design your very own origami models.
E5572: Modern Origami in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
This workshop is designed to be a crash course introduction to the art and engineering science that is modern origami. The class will begin by focusing on the artistic side of origami and teach the basics of paper folding technique. Then we will focus on the more technical, mathematical, and engineering aspects of the art.
E3250: Introduction to Origami: A Survey in Folding, Design, & Analysis in Spark! 2010 (Mar. 13, 2010)
This workshop is designed to be a crash course introduction to folding, designing, and analyzing representational origami. The first hour introduces the art, literature, history, and practice of origami. The second and third hours will be much more technical, focusing on design, analysis, and mathematics.
First Hour. History and Folding
A brief overview of the history of origami will be presented, including its transition from a static, ceremonial tradition to a dynamic, artistic engineering science. Basic folding vocabulary and diagram notation will be reviewed: distinction between elementary and compound folding maneuvers; the idea of an origami base; the usefulness of the creasepattern.
Second and Third Hour. Design, Analysis, and Mathematics
The tree theory method of representational origami design with respect to uniaxial bases will be introduced. Circle/river packing and the idea of the origami molecule will be applied to an example, in addition to the converse problem of analyzing a creasepattern to determine the structure of the folded model. The ideas of flat-foldability and elevation will be stated in the context of Maekawa and Kawasaki’s theorems. Lastly, a broad overview of topics in origami mathematics will be examined: the Huzita-Hatori folding axioms; folding exact and numerically approximate proportions; the universality result.
Note that students in 7th and 8th grade are welcome in the first section too (though not the second section since it's in the high-school-only timeblock). Speak to a check-in volunteer to add it.