ESP Biography

OWEN OZIER, Ph.D. Student, Department of Economics, UC Berkele

Major: Economics

College/Employer: University of California at Berkeley

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Owen Ozier

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I have taught with ESP since 1994, both at MIT and Stanford. Over the years, I have taught classes in mathematics, computer science, psychology, and economics. After finishing my degrees at MIT (S.B. and M.Eng), I worked at an electronics startup company, taught processor design at Northeastern University, investigated yeast genetics at the Whitehead Institute, and lived in Kenya for two years studying health and education in rural settings. I am now a doctoral student at U.C. Berkeley, investigating the economics of poor countries.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

Poverty and Globalization - Beyond Guns, Germs, and Steel. in SPLASH (2007)
Why are poor countries poor? Why are rich nations rich? In this class, we will quickly reflect on the history ...

Basic Fractals in SPLASH (2002)
Ever heard of the snowflake curve? The Mandelbrot Set? In this course, we'll explain both, from a mathematical and visual ...

Infinite Fractions in SPLASH (2002)
This course deals with a particularly weird arrangement of numbers called "continued fractions." We'll find patterns in otherwise irrational square ...

This Crazy Planet: Economics of the Developing World in SPLASH (2002)
Nike. The Gap. McDonalds. Stem Cells. Bananas. Argentina in crisis. Riots in the streets. Monopolies dump their goods on unsuspecting ...

Tactical Psychology: The Matrix, The Force, and the Art of Kindness in HSSP (2001)
Sound like a strange mix of topics? It is. What makes speeches great? What makes cultures last? In this class, ...

The Way of the Future in HSSP (2001)
WTO, The Gap, Cigarettes, Chapstick. SUV's, bicycles, Linux, MP3's, and Napster. All of these topics will be problems in the ...

Open Source Math in HSSP (2000)
We will approach math in a new way in this class. Our guiding tenet will be that work should not ...

The Way of The Future in SPLASH (2000)
Repetition of Z-051. See above for details.

The Way of The Future in SPLASH (2000)
WTO, The Gap, Cigarettes, Chapstick. SUV's, bicycles, Linux, MP3's, and Napster. All of these topics will be problems in the ...

Tactical Psychology: The Matrix, The Force, and the Art of Kindness in SPLASH (1999)
Second half of Z-01A. See above for details.

Tactical Psychology: The Matrix, The Force, and the Art of Kindness in SPLASH (1999)
Sound like a strange mix of topics? It is. In this class, you will learn about relating to people, nonverbal ...