ESP Biography

PATRICK LIN, Computer Science/Mathematics at NYU-Poly

Major: Computer Science/Mathematics

College/Employer: Polytechnic Institute of NYU

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Patrick Lin

Brief Biographical Sketch:


Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

P8033: Splash Concert Choir in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Do you like to sing? Want to learn more about singing? We'll do some fun rounds and fugues, some folk song call-and-response, and then we'll try out a famous classical choral piece.

C7154: The Art of Security in Spark! 2013 (Mar. 16, 2013)
Hollywood has a flair for portraying hackers as people typing gibberish on 30 monitors simultaneously, breaking through technical sounding jargon and gaining access to important systems. While real life may not work like that, the field of Cybersecurity is a fascinating one that involves a lot more than typing gibberish at a hurried pace, and it's not all fun and games. Learn what real life hackers do to gain access to places and systems, and what the professionals who defend those do to keep the hackers out!

C7157: Approximation Algorithms in Spark! 2013 (Mar. 16, 2013)
Many problems in computer science that into a category known as NP-hard. Unless P=NP (which is probably not the case), finding the optimal solution is very, very hard to do efficiently. When faced with such a task, one of the reasonable things to do is to approximate! We will start with a quick review of P vs NP for motivation. Then we will cover some well-known difficult problems in computer science, some ways to approximate them, and some of the restrictions on even approximating well enough efficiently. Warning, without experience with at least the most basic algorithms, you will be lost.

C6761: The Art of Security in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
Hollywood has a flair for portraying hackers as people typing gibberish on 30 monitors simultaneously, breaking through technical sounding jargon and gaining access to important systems. While real life may not work like that, the field of Cybersecurity is a fascinating one that involves a lot more than typing gibberish at a hurried pace. Learn what real life hackers do to gain access to places and systems, and what the professionals who defend those do to keep the hackers out!

C6763: Network Security in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
"Know thy enemy": In a world full of criminals trying to break into networked systems and try to steal information and gain power, learn what you can do to protect yourself from them. Delve into the world of Network Security, in which constant war erupts between those who try to break into network systems, and those who would defend them. This class will run through descriptions of various network configurations that are vulnerable to attack, followed by techniques with which criminals attempt to attack them. The class will conclude with discussion into how to defend against these attacks. Note that this class is not meant to teach you how to break into systems so you can then break into them! It is meant to teach you what potential attackers may do so you can protect yourselves from them.

H5745: A History of and the Evolution of Language in Spark! 2012 (Mar. 10, 2012)
Explore an overview of the development of language in human history. This class will trace the evolution of the Proto-Indo-European to major modern languages and analyze some reasons for the major splits that have occurred. This will lead into comparing and contrasting the languages within a common family of languages. The class will end with a discussion about the extinction of languages over time.