ESP Biography

SIDDARTH GUHA, MIT sophomore studying bioengineering

Major: 20

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Siddarth Guha

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi everyone, my name's Sid, and I'm currently a Course 20 at MIT who aspires to become a physician one day! I've always been interesting in learning throughout my life, so naturally I soon became interested teaching and mentoring students as well. My academic interests are varied, though I have a soft spot in my heart for biology, chemistry, and political science. I also really enjoy military and art history, traveling, anime tennis, and photography, so if you ever want someone to talk to about those things - I'm your guy! I also help run a STEM summer camp for middle school students called dynaMIT, which is super fun and super awesome - I highly recommend it to everyone!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X11995: How to Play Mahjong in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Ever seen the cool kids on the street playing Mahjong and wished that could be you? Well now you can learn too! We'll be going over the basic rules and finer nuances of this ancient Chinese game. Even if you're not a pro by the end of the class, we hope that you'll have had a lot of fun and learned a cool new game! (Fun for ages 9-99)

S10778: Crash Course in Organic Chemistry in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Have you ever wondered how to make TNT? How about aspirin? If so, you can finally learn how! This course will cover the fundamentals of organic chemistry, such as resonance, molecular orbital theory, nucleophilicity, and acidity. We will then build upon these concepts to explore several important reactions in organic chemistry. We will be moving pretty quickly as there is a lot of material to cover, so familiarity with concepts from AP chem is assumed.