ESP Biography

SUALEH ASIF, A baby trying to learn math

Major: 18, 6

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Sualeh Asif

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M13235: Covering Spaces in Splash 2019 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2019)
This class is about topology. We will be focusing on one particularly nice aspect called covering spaces. We will mostly talk about how to classify covering spaces of a given space $$X$$ by defining and understanding how the fundamental group $$\pi_1(X)$$ works.

M13639: Mathematics of Doodling in Splash 2019 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2019)
Draw a shape on your piece of paper, and then draw a curve tightly around it, as close as you can. After you’ve completed the loop, do it again. And again. And again. Does the shape get more circular, and how? We'll answer this and then extend to more topics in geometry, topology, and much, much more! (This is a class based off a paper of the same name.)

M13117: Elliptic Curve Cryptography in HSSP Summer 2019 (Jul. 07, 2019)
Do you want to learn about how to find large primes? Do you want to how we will do post-quantum cryptography? What about how Fermat's Last Theorem is proved? All of these things are done with a tool called Elliptic Curves. We will go over all of these topics on a high level as well as the basic theory behind it all.

M12852: Algorithms that run the world! in HSSP Spring 2019 (Feb. 23, 2019)
What are the greatest algorithms that have enabled the modern technological revolution. We will start from elementary sorting algorithms and build onto some of the greatest algorithmic breakthroughs of the 20th century. So if you want to know what a Monte-carlo search is? Why the. Fast Fourier transform enabled the modern digital revolution and what sorting and linear programming is? This is the class for you.

X12410: The Science of Chocolate/How to Make Truffles in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
Do you love chocolate? Ever wonder why chocolate melts in your mouth? Or gets dry and crumbly when it's old? Join us to discover the science and engineering behind chocolate! Learn how to go from a cocoa bean to a truffle and discover phase diagrams, nucleation, and a little bit of history while you're at it. Ample chocolate will be provided.

M12634: The Mathematics of Doodling in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
This is a class based off a paper of the same name. Draw a shape on your piece of paper, and then draw a curve tightly around it, as close as you can. After you’ve completed the loop, do it again. And again. And again. Does the shape get more circular, and how? We'll answer this and then extend to more topics in geometry, topology, and much, much more!