ESP Biography


Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: George Mason University

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Tyler Hallada

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C7183: Open Source: Contributing to free culture in Spark! 2013 (Mar. 16, 2013)
Free and open source software powers the world's computer systems, from Cray supercomputers to smartphones to popular websites like Google and Facebook. Involvement in open source can provide a chance to hone one’s own software development skills, to show off technical prowess, or simply to learn from the missteps made by other developers. This class will cover a brief history of open source and provide a jumping-off point for students' own contributions to the open source software ecosystem. Students will be expected to work through simple coding exercises in-class.