ESP Biography

TUESDAY MUELLER-HARDER, they/she — linguistics student and IT professional

Major: Linguistics

College/Employer: Brown University

Year of Graduation: 2023

Picture of Tuesday Mueller-Harder

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi! I've been involved with Splash since 2007, and I'm excited to participate one last time.

I have ADHD, and I have far too many interests — a few of my passions include photography, linguistics, plastic guitar repair (for Guitar Hero etc), binaural field recording, and teaching people how to use technology.

If you have any questions about anything in my course, or if you aren't able to attend but would like to get a copy of the slides, or have any questions about any of my interests, or just want to talk, feel free to contact me! My email is my first name

P.S.: Even if it doesn't feel like it, please know that _you matter_, and you deserve a loving environment. If you are struggling or have people in your life who make you feel bad about yourself, things really can and will get better.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S15306: Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet! in Splash 2022 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2022)
Or, [lɝn ði ɪntərnæʃnəl fənɛdɪk ælfəbɛt]! Ever seen a word's pronunciation on Wikipedia and not understood how to read it? Ever wanted to be able to precisely and accurately explain how to say a certain word? Interested in studying linguistics? Come learn the IPA! In this class, you'll understand the basics of how to transcribe American English pronunciation, and if we have time, we'll begin to cover symbols for sounds that appear in other languages.

B11627: Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet! in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Or, [lɝn ði ɪntərnæʃnəl fənɛdɪk ælfəbɛt]! Ever seen a word's pronunciation on Wikipedia and not understood how to read it? Ever wanted to be able to precisely and accurately explain how to say a certain word? Come learn the IPA! You'll understand the basics of how to transcribe American English pronunciation, and if we have time, we'll begin to cover sounds that appear in other languages.

C11837: Intro to Regular Expressions, Or, How to Find Anything Very Quickly in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Regular Expressions, often shortened to regex or regexp, are a very powerful tool for find and replace operations, but people often get scared off by how confusing it looks. In this class, we will start from the basic building blocks of regex, and get as far as we can. We'll probably move pretty quickly through the material, but you will be armed with the tools and understanding necessary to work everything out for yourself outside of Splash.

W11985: Office Hours in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
I will answer your questions. Suggested topics: - photography - audio recording - linguistics - tech support - fashion advice - college life - cheese - candy bars - breath of the wild - whatever Disclaimer: I have wildly varying qualifications regarding these topics. In some I am quite experienced, in others I know less than you do. Asking questions to appear smart earns you 0 bonus points.

B10644: Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet! in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Or, [lɝn ði ɪntərnæʃnəl fənɛdɪk ælfəbɛt]! Ever seen a word's pronunciation on Wikipedia and not understood how to read it? Ever wanted to be able to precisely and accurately explain how to say a certain word? Come learn the IPA! You'll understand the basics of how to transcribe American English pronunciation, and if we have time, we'll begin to cover sounds that appear in other languages.

W10651: Spaceteam in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Come play Spaceteam, a high-pressure, multiplayer technobabble game. Download the free iOS or Android app and be prepared to discharge clip-jawed fluxtrunions, invert hyperpod bypass valves, or reticulate splines! Warning: there will probably be a lot of yelling.

B9807: Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet! in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
Or, [lɝn ði ɪntərnæʃnəl fənɛdɪk ælfəbɛt]! Ever seen a word's pronunciation on Wikipedia and not understood how to read it? Ever wanted to be able to precisely and accurately explain how to say a certain word? Come learn the IPA! You'll understand the basics of how to transcribe American English pronunciation, and if we have time, we'll begin to cover sounds that appear in other languages.

W9808: The Game of Mao in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
Ever played Mao before? …Great! This is a mysterious, difficult card game that you learn as you play. Come to figure out how it works, if you can. Mao is filled with penalties that don't make sense at first, but if you stick with it to figure them out, you'll be glad you did!