Major: Course XVI College/Employer: MIT Year of Graduation: 1988 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
I graduated MIT in 1988 (BS), 1990 (MS) and 1992 (PhD). I've been an employee of Data Delay Devices, in Clifton NJ, since 1992, and I'm currently involved in the design and testing of custom integrated circuits. I also tutor high-school and college students, which is my primary passion. My free time (what little is left) is spent playing either guitar or soccer, or building high-powered rockets. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)M12342: Fractals and Dimension in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
A line is one-dimensional, and a plane is two-dimensional. Makes sense, right? What if I told you there are objects that are 1.5-dimensional? Would you believe me? How about if I generated them on a computer screen? In this course, we will study the tricky concept of dimension and its various definitions. Along the way, we will encounter fractals, curious objects that are both exceedingly simple and breathtakingly complex. Expect lots of pretty pictures. If time permits, we’ll take a look at the surprisingly simple software needed to generate these beautiful geometric objects.
E12343: My Journey Into High-Power Rocketry in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
Growing up, I played around with all sorts of Estes rockets, never knowing there was another level to the hobby. This course chronicles my journey through Level 1, Level 2 and (hopefully) Level 3 certification. Along the way, you will get a chance to see some cool videos and get your hands on a bunch of high-power rocketry components. Theoretical and practical aspects of the hobby will be discussed.
M11665: Fractals and Dimension in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
A line is one-dimensional, and a plane is two-dimensional. Makes sense, right? What if I told you there are objects that are 1.5 dimensional? Would you believe me? How about if I generated them on a computer screen? In this course, we will study the tricky concept of dimension and its various definitions. Along the way, we will encounter fractals, curious objects that are both exceedingly simple and breathtakingly complex. Expect lots of pretty pictures. If time permits, we’ll take a look at the surprisingly simple software needed to generate these beautiful geometric objects.
E11667: My Journey Into High-Power Rocketry in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Growing up, I played around with all sorts of Estes rockets, never knowing there was another level to the hobby. This course chronicles my journey through Level 1, Level 2 and (hopefully) Level 3 certification. Along the way, you will get a chance to see some cool videos and get your hands on a bunch of high-power rocketry components. Theoretical and practical aspects of the hobby will be discussed, and one lucky winner from each section will take home their own rocket kit!
M9679: Fractals and Dimension in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
A line is one-dimensional, and a plane is two-dimensional. Makes sense, right? What if I told you there are objects that are 1.5 dimensional? Would you believe me? How about if I generated them on a computer screen? In this course, we will study the tricky concept of dimension and its various definitions. Along the way, we will encounter fractals, curious objects that are both exceedingly simple and breathtakingly complex. Expect lots of pretty pictures. If time permits, we’ll take a look at the surprisingly simple software needed to generate these beautiful geometric objects.
M8598: Fractals and Dimension in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
A line is one-dimensional, and a plane is two-dimensional. Makes sense, right? What if I told you there are objects that are 1.5 dimensional? Would you believe me? How about if I generated them on a computer screen? In this course, we will study the tricky concept of dimension and its various definitions. Along the way, we will encounter fractals, curious objects that are both exceedingly simple and breathtakingly complex. Expect lots of pretty pictures. If time permits, we’ll take a look at the surprisingly simple software needed to generate these beautiful geometric objects.
M8231: Fractals and Dimension in Spark 2014 (Mar. 15 - 16, 2014)
A line is one-dimensional, and a plane is two-dimensional. Makes sense, right? What if I told you there are objects that have dimension 1.5? Would you believe me? How about if I generated them for you? In this course, we will study the tricky concept of dimension and its various definitions. Along the way, we will encounter fractals, curious objects that are both exceedingly simple and breathtakingly complex. Expect lots of pretty pictures. If time permits, we’ll take a look at the surprisingly simple software needed to generate these beautiful geometric objects.