ESP Biography

WENDA SHEARD, Attorney, teacher, ed policy researcher & mother.

Major: Ph.D. Political Science

College/Employer: University of North Texas

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Wenda Sheard

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Wenda Sheard, J.D., Ph.D. is an attorney, education policy researcher, and board member of the national group Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted ( She currently lives in Connecticut, but spent 2004-2006 teaching middle school and high school students at an international school in Hangzhou, China. Her 2004 Ph.D. in political science focused on education policy. She's a frequent presenter at gifted conferences and parent group meetings.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

Social and Emotional Characteristics of Gifted Children in SPLASH (2007)
So you're smart, and you like learning *so* much that you're devoting this whole weekend of your life for *more* ...

Surprising School Facts: Education Policy 101 in SPLASH (2007)
Want to know where to find statistics about schools in your area? Ever hear of Jonathon Kozol's sad school stories? ...

Unpeeling Layers of the Law in SPLASH (2007)
When someone says "the law" they might mean a statute passed by the legislature, an ordinance passed by a city, ...

Game Theory for Fun in SPLASH (2006)
Why is game theory, the science of interactive decision-making, an exciting way to use your mind? How can game theory ...

Sentence Diagramming For Learners in SPLASH (2006)
Does your brain prefer learning in sugar-coated and/or visual-spatial environments? Come learn Kellogg & Reed's 1877 method of diagramming sentences. ...

What's Up With My Brain? in SPLASH (2006)
This presentation will discuss and critique recent brain research into such areas as intelligence, cognition, emotion, free-will, decision-making, ADHD, dyslexia, ...