ESP Archives: Past Classes
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Year: 1998
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required; other K-courses are strongly recommended.
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Teacher: <P></LI>
Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Crisis
L-01 Do We Speak the Same Language?
Alana V. Rivera
Saturday 9AM-11AM
Basketball drills you can do at home
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Teacher: Sunday 2PM-3PM
Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Hobbies
Repetition of H-02A. See above for details.
Estimated attendance: 15 students (including other sections of the same class).
Sondheim: Comedy
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Teacher: Fred Choi
Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Liberal Arts
No description available.
Estimated attendance: 12 students (including other sections of the same class).
Basketball drills you can do at home
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Teacher: Sunday 2PM-3PM
Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Hobbies
This course will cover many of the fundamentals, basics, and drills of
basketball that aspiring players should know how to do. There will be
numerous ball handling drills, shooting drills, defensive drills, and
finally some conditioning drills. The students will have time to try
each drill and ask questions about it. Then, they can work on them on
their own at home.
Estimated attendance: 15 students (including other sections of the same class).
and mastery of basic computer programming;
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Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Computer Science
C-06 Introduction to C
Jay Hennessey
Saturday 11AM-1PM
IQ and All That
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Teacher: Josh Shaine
Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Social Science
What is IQ, and what does an IQ test measure? What are multiple intelligences? What is a genius? How do you know if you are gifted? Isn
Estimated attendance: 36 students (including other sections of the same class).
Drugs and their Effects
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Teacher: Shana Darling
Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Social Science
Repetition of Z-02A. See above for details.
Estimated attendance: 27 students (including other sections of the same class).
Sondheim: Miscellaneous
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Teacher: Fred Choi
Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Liberal Arts
No description available.
Estimated attendance: 3 students (including other sections of the same class).
Binary Numbers and Boolean Algebra
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Teacher: Calvin Lin
Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Computer Science
Repetition of C-08A. See above for details
Estimated attendance: 35 students (including other sections of the same class).
Sondheim: Drama
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Teacher: Fred Choi
Year: 1998 (fall)
Program: Splash
Category: Liberal Arts
No description available.
Estimated attendance: 2 students (including other sections of the same class).