ESP Biography

FRED YU, ESP Teacher

Major: 20 and 5

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Fred Yu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X5314: NetH@ck! in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Welcome, Splasher! You are a neutral (fe)male human tourist. Pick up your mighty ), don your trusty [, and descend into the dungeons with your adorable, loyal d to seek your destiny. The wimpy : and the frail F will offer you little resistance, but beware the might of the D and the fatal magic of the L. --- Written entirely in C and created decades ago, NetHack is still nevertheless one of the deepest, most impressive video games ever made. It is almost surprisingly pivotal: Diablo is essentially a graphical (and less fun) port of NetHack. NetHack is easy to learn, nearly impossible to master. Almost every situation is solvable with creativity, innovation, and a hint of luck. After all -- in how many other games can you beat the final bosses by throwing oranges at them? NetHack is not an adventure for the faint-hearted. Many will descend into the Dungeons of Doom; few will make it out alive. Will you be one of them? Will you be the one to ascend to demi-god(dess)-hood?

W5398: Get your (biology) questions answered! in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
You have questions? We have answers. Come ask us ANYTHING you want about biology! How can we sequence DNA? What makes slime molds awesome? How does the immune system work? Why don't antibiotics poison humans? How do Venus flytraps do that? Why don't all mutations cause cancer? What is selenocysteine? How could evolution produce life as we know it?

S5485: Random Topics in Biochemistry in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Why is carbon monoxide deadly? How do we purify proteins? What's an isoelectric point, and, even more, why the heck do you even care? Remember when they taught you in high school about glycolysis? Yeah, that version was pretty lame. Come find out all about hemoglobin, how cool and awesome glycolysis really is, and more! You may also ask me random biochem questions, which I have a decent probability of being able to answer. If you allow me Wikipedia and Google, the chance increases slightly, and if semi-coherent/fact-based BS counts as an answer, the probability approaches 100%. It'll be good. :)