ESP Biography

DANIEL ACOSTA, MIT senior studying math with computer science.

Major: Math

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2024

Picture of Daniel Acosta

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I've been interested in mathematics since a very young age. I loved learning about new math without really caring about how the subjects came together. The manipulation of symbols and the symbols themselves were always fun, and math problems felt like logic puzzles. Even if a math problem was difficult, there was always some way to start it, to play around with it, and that's what's partly special about math in my opinion. You can think about a truly arduous problem for a long period of time and hopefully, suddenly you have a Eureka moment, an insight, and that insight builds on previous insights, and it make the next problem you do easier, and the next, and the next: math's abstract and logical nature endows you with problem solving prowess.

At MIT, I realized that math is not just a bunch of puzzles but essential to one of the most fundamental structures of society: our economic institutions. With the mammoth rise of technological innovation, math can also be greatly facilitated by informatics and advances to fields which approximate the real world, fields such as statistics and probability theory. My interest in math supported by nothing but curiosity sudden had an actionable and significant purpose, a purpose I wish to share.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X13804: Tactical Combinations that Swap a 0-1 in Spark 2020 (Mar. 14 - 15, 2020)
Tactics! Chess 99% is tactics and 1% perspiration. We'll be solving some really difficult tactics puzzles. At some point when solving tactics puzzles, you wonder "Hmmm, will I ever see those puzzles in my games? When should I look for tactics too?" WELL, this class will answer those questions.

X13778: 1001 Knights in HSSP Spring 2020 (Feb. 29, 2020)
Any chess player interested (which does not mean at least Class A chess players will find the course simple) will learn the holes in endgame knowledge that most good chess players have. From distant oppositions to dizzying triangulations to knight mates (well not really), students will have mastered basic to advanced endgame mating techniques and solidly understood the most important aspect of the game, for without understanding the endgame, middlegame strategy would be shapeless.