ESP Biography

AMY KANESHIRO, Undergrad with some music knowledge to share

Major: Molecular Biology

College/Employer: Pomona College

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Amy Kaneshiro

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Junior at Pomona College in Claremont, CA. Played cello for 11 years and counting, currently in the Pomona College orchestra and chamber music.

Majoring in Molecular Biology.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A14042: How to Stay Awake in a Classical Music Concert in HSSP Summer 2020 (Jul. 11, 2020)
Classical music is decades old. Why do people still study and play it? This fun and interactive introductory class will tour the lives of famous classical music composers, both men and women, as well as modern performers. We will discuss various instruments, cover basic chord progressions, and uncover classical influences on pop music (Beatles, Elvis Presley, Little Mix, & more!) YouTube videos. Movie excerpts. Weird facts. Learn how to appreciate classical music so you don't fall asleep the next time you attend a concert.