ESP Biography

AMANDA MOK, MIT sophomore studying BE and Music

Major: Biological Engineering

College/Employer: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Amanda Mok

Brief Biographical Sketch:

A native northern Californian, Amanda greatly enjoys warm weather and sunshine. At MIT, she is majoring in biological engineering and possibly minoring in music. Amanda has positions in many associations on campus, including Director of the Leadership Training Institute, Co-President of the MIT Symphony Orchestra, Liaison Coordinator for MedLinks, and a third-rider for MIT-EMS. She prides herself for playing the piano, violin, and guitar and will take any opportunity to jam.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X4128: Live, Laugh, Lead: Exciting Leadership Activities in Splash! 2010 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2010)
Crossing deadly rivers of molten chocolate, escaping explosive minefields, and erecting great pyramids. Now what does all this have to do with Leadership? Come and find out... Do you like games, teamwork, creative problem solving, or having fun? Want to know how this can help you become a better leader? Come and participate in fun interactive activities, and maybe learn a thing or two about leadership. The Leadership Training Institute (LTI) is a high mentoring program right here at MIT and will be sending mentors to lead what will surely be a jam pack session of excitement and thoughtful conversation.

X2384: Leadership Training Institute Summer Session in HSSP Summer 2009 (Jul. 12, 2009)
Learn and practice the different skill sets that leaders possess in a fun and interactive setting. Classes will consist of skill-building activities, in-depth discussions, and self reflections.

S1394: Leadership Training Institute in HSSP Summer 2008 (Jun. 29, 2008)
Welcome to the Leadership Training Institute (LTI). The goal of the Leadership Training Institute is to teach motivated high school students the philosophy behind leadership, the importance of teamwork, and to promote self-reflection and the comprehension of self-identity. In a world of advancements in technology, globalization, partnerships and interactions amongst nations, severe environmental problems and humanitarian crises, there must be leaders who will build the future. We plan to start with students in the Cambridge and Boston area. Currently, we feel students are engaging in leadership activities for the wrong reasons or do not know how to apply their innate leadership ability because they do not know the foundations of leadership. LTI seeks to enlighten students with the basics of leadership concepts while also engaging them in a supportive mentorship with successful, experienced MIT leaders. Ultimately, our goal is to fulfill and optimally apply their leadership potential. LTI is proud of our interactive curriculum. Instead of a lecture format, we encourage our students to scream, run, think, reflect and learn in their own way. We are currently accepting 40 students for the summer program. If you would like to join LTI in the spring or for more information about our program, visit our website at