ESP Biography


Major: Not available.

College/Employer: Law Office of Andrew Cowan

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Andrew Cowan

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

Z8737: Know Your Rights in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
A police officer approaches you on the street. Where are you coming from? Where are you going? Why are you out so late? Can I have a look in your backpack? You are pulled over in your car. Just for speeding, but the officer asks if he can "have a look around." He asks if you're carrying anything he should know about. Do you have to answer these questions? Do you have to tell the truth? What do you say? Can you just walk away? What if you have nothing to hide? What if you're completely innocent? What if you're Mother Theresa? And is it true that the Supreme Court destroyed the right to remain silent? Mother Theresa left this Earth in 1997. The rest of you should take this class. An experienced criminal defense lawyer will explain how to protect yourself (whether innocent, guilty, or anywhere in between) when you come into contact with law enforcement.

P8738: Awkward Dance of Gender Performance in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
Gender performance is the set of behaviors that we use to communicate gender to the outside world. It comes in as many types as there are gendered expectations of behavior -- everything from clothing and hair styles to how much space one takes up when seated in a public space. While gender identity encompasses one's internal feelings about one's gender, performance centers around behaviors that communicate something about gender to the outside world. People who do not think of themselves as transgendered may still feel deeply uncomfortable with the gender performance that society expects of them. This class will be a small group discussion of the dissonance between personal identities and gendered behaviors, and how to go through life as a person who may not fit well into any set of gender norms.

Z8741: Procrastination in Splash 2014 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2014)
We all procrastinate, but some of us have more trouble with it than others, and for some of us it can be a serious handicap. Andy went halfway through college before he started learning to do his work on time, and was well into adulthood before he learned that there are strategies for reducing procrastination beyond "just do it." We will talk about how procrastination is related to time management, and how they can be completely different animals, and strategies for dealing with both.

X7610: Procrastination, Perfectionism & Productivity in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Understand what gets in the way of getting things done and how to set patterns and goals to make it work better.

X7611: Social Norms and and Gender in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Societal expectations are often impossible and it feels weird not to fit into any of the pre-made boxes, lets talk about making a coherent self concept that does not depend on jumping through hoops that don't make a lot of sense. Likely to be especially useful if you are gender-queer or any other kind of weird.

X7613: Communication and Boundaries in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution for negotiating social difficulties in a positive and constructive manner. Also, knowing what healthy boundaries look like.

Z7620: Know Your Rights in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
A police officer stops you on the street. Where are you coming from? Where are you going? Why are you out so late? Can I have a look in your backpack? Do you have to answer these questions? If not, should you answer anyway? What do you say? Can you just walk away? What if you have nothing to hide? What if you're completely innocent? What if you're Mother Theresa? Mother Theresa left this Earth in 1997. The rest of you should take this class. An experience defense lawyer will explain how to protect yourself when you come into contact with law enforcement.

X5214: Know Your Rights in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
A police officer stops you on the street. Where are you coming from? Where are you going? Why are you out so late? Can I have a look in your backpack? Do you have to answer these questions? If not, should you answer anyway? Can you just walk away? What if you have nothing to hide? What if you're completely innocent? What if you're Mother Theresa? Mother Theresa left this Earth in 1997. The rest of you should take this class. A practicing public defender will introduce your rights when you come in contact with the police, talk about how to exercise those rights wisely, and take questions.

H5215: The Occupy Movement:A Study in Civil Disobedience in Splash! 2011 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2011)
Who are the occupiers? How should the government respond to them? What should the criminal justice system do with people who commit acts of civil disobedience? Are the occupiers breaking the law, or merely exercising their right to peaceful protest? The teacher, a practicing criminal defense lawyer, will engage the class in a wide-ranging discussion of the movement along with the history and philosophy of civil disobedience. Students should expect to participate in a guided discussion in which they will think critically about the issues and discuss within small groups.

X4416: Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution in Splash! 2010 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2010)
Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution for negotiating social difficulties in a positive and constructive manner.