ESP Biography


Major: Biology

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Francis Jacob Kassama

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S15635: Cancer Warriors: Unleashing the Power of Your Immune System against Cancer in HSSP Summer 2023 (Jul. 09, 2023)
In this class, we will explore the remarkable field of cancer immunology, where the body's natural defenses take center stage in the fight against cancer. Prepare to embark on a 6 week journey that unveils the intricate interactions between our immune system and cancer cells. This class will first start by giving a brief introduction to both cancer as well as the immune system. Then we will dive into how our immune system, like a team of superheroes, can detect, target, and eliminate cancerous cells, offering hope for new treatments and potential cures. Join us as we uncover the hidden powers within us and learn how to unleash them against cancer.

S15191: Sugars: How they define your blood and help cells hide in Splash 2022 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2022)
We all know that we need sugar for energy, but our bodies use sugar in tons of different ways! Join us to learn about the fundamentals of protein glycosylation: how proteins are modified with sugars. After covering the basics of sugar protein modifications, we’ll apply our knowledge to understand how sugar-modified proteins both determine our blood type and help cancer cells evade our immune system.