Do you love unusual, experimental art? Ever wished to learn more about Performance Art? This course will be an introduction to Performance Art! We will explore different facets of the medium, centering upon two to three artists or performances per lecture. The course will be very interactive, I want to hear your thoughts and ideas. We will watch video recordings drawn from archives, discussing in depth their social and cultural contextualizations.
Ever wanted to learn why certain songs sounded so good? Wanted to try writing your own piece? Or did you just want to have fun listening to and learning about new music?
This class will teach the basic elements of music theory, sound design, and composition. Over the course of the six weeks, everyone will have a chance to write their very own piece of music, from start to finish!
Class Style
None required, ability to read sheet music helpful.
Do you like theater? Now's your chance to learn more about it, from members of MIT's theater groups! This class will lay out everything that goes into a theatrical production, both in terms of acting and production work behind the scenes.
An introduction to the methods and process of solving problems with computation. Focusing on breadth, topics will include asymptotic notation, basic data structures, common paradigms, and randomization.
Class Style
Experience with mathematical analyses and proofs required, and familiarity with probability, calculus and programming recommended.
Randomized algorithms are algorithms that have access to a random source during computation, meaning that the output of the algorithm is non-deterministic. Oftentimes, randomized algorithms are useful in reducing computation time needed for otherwise slow or complex tasks. How do we design randomized algorithms to speed up computation without trading off correctness of our output? In this course, we will cover several Las Vegas and Monte Carlo algorithms, such as randomized quicksort, Frievald's algorithm, game tree evaluation, and primality testing algorithms.
Class Style
Some algorithmic programming experience (any language), some probability/counting experience
In twenty years, the ocean could contain more plastic than fish, while extreme heat may force a third of the population to relocate by the end of the century. The urgency to address these global challenges cannot be overstated.
In this engaging summer course, we will explore the intricate lifecycles of everyday items such as T-shirts, cars, bananas, and more. Through collaborative research, we will delve into the production, transportation, and disposal processes, critically analyzing their environmental impact.
Join us as we uncover sustainable solutions, and actively discuss and propose necessary changes to ensure that we still have a livable planet in a few decades.
Class Style
knowing what functions are and how to read plots/diagrams
StudentS' STEM or S3 is an approach empowering students.
You choose a technical system (product or process or any combination) to be analyzed or synthesized. Can be from your surroundings, previous experiences, junkyard collected stuff, or just randomly decided out of blue!.
So it is clearly the other way round!
To excite & encourage you to think far and wide, some previous case studies are shown. They include thermal power exchange in kitchen while using heat of tea being brewed to warm milk; converting existing mattresses to extra-firm ones using local materials; replacing symmetrically round weights by rectangular ones in gym for comfort and safety; mechanical waves or mechanics' waves (wave equation for wave pulse on string derived from tension and linear density experimentally). Along with, Conservative Design methodology is taught to facilitate building of low-cost prototypes, wherever possible.
Class Style
Grade 9 Physics and Math
E15653: How to Make a Dragon: Introduction to Synthetic Biology
If you could build with biology like you can build with legos, what would you make? Imagine taking the parts and properties of one life form and giving them another. You could give humans the ability to camouflage like a chameleon, or make a tree that grows every kind of fruit. Maybe you could add bat wings to a lizard and create a real life dragon…
Well, we’re not quite there yet, but you can still learn how to engineer biology! In this course, we’ll discuss the amazing field of Synthetic Biology and all the crazy things that are possible today. We’ll talk about glowing dogs, banana-scented bacteria, tadpoles with algae for blood… Come learn about CRISPR, GMOs, PCR, iGEM, and other whacky acronyms! You’ll end this course equipped with the basic knowledge you need to become the cellular programmers of the future.
Did you know that the fastest trains in the world are based on magnetic levitation (maglev) technology? Come and learn about how each component of this technology works together to create a frictionless, linear propulsion system. We will walk through step-by-step the physics and the math to design and analyze a miniaturized maglev mover.
Ever looked at exposed electrical wire and thought “gee, I wonder what would happen if I touched that”? Well you’re not the only one! But instead of sending myself to an early grave and saving my parents college tuition, I decided to study what happens in those wires instead! In Circuits 101, you’ll learn all about what happens in the circuits those wires connect to, how to read the diagrams, and you'll even get to breadboard a couple of gadgets! We’ll start from the very, very beginning assuming no previous exposure to circuits (except for maybe ohm’s law, if you remember that from a science class at one point) and keep going until you can draw and build (at least basic) schematics of your own! Sound better than getting electrocuted? Only one way to find out!
Class Style
Good practice and understanding of algebra, some prior exposure to ohms laws (V=IR).
Where do you begin, when you decide to write? During the first two weeks of class, discussion will focus on questions of originality, inspiration, and the varied motivations for telling stories. In addition, we will look at the basics of fiction–– character, dialogue, plot, structure, and style–– and how they are used to build creative work. Frequent writing exercises will be used to put these techniques into practice.
Over the course of the following four weeks, each student will write a short story to be workshopped by the group in a fun and supportive atmosphere. The goal is for each student to leave the class with a completed draft of his or her story, thoughtful and personalized critiques from the instructor and other students, and recommendations for outlining and revision.
Class Style
Willingness to share your written work, and the ability to make time for assigned reading and writing outside of class
What is role-playing? It is a group activity we you and your friend take on roles of characters to advance a plot. But there are things that you learn in class such as worldbuilding, statistics, and game theory. This is a chance to have fun and learn things as well.
This session will run Classic Traveller during the Third Imperium ca. 1105.
This is a class set to teach how to be inclusive. There are many people with disabilities in the world, some are physically impaired, and some are mentally impaired. People with disabilities have been stigmatized for a long time. Even though disability rights have been advocated for several years, there are still lots of things to do for their rights, especially for general people's view of people with disabilities. The change will happen from YOU!
Science comes down to models of the super complicated world around us; and the best models are the ones we use to this day to send rockets into space, create electrical systems, and invest in the stock market. And as we’ll find in this course, some of the most famous and applicable models don’t even need to be that complicated to be useful! This course will give a broad outlook on modeling electrical and mechanical systems using first and second-order differential equations and coding up small simulations to visualize our mathematical predictions. On a typical class day, we will start with a system, analyze it mathematically in the first half, and program a simulation in the second half. As such, we ask that you please bring a laptop to our sessions. If this poses an obstacle for you, please contact me and/or the HSSP staff to help you out!
Class Style
From calculus:
- Differentiation of trig functions, exponentials
- Chain rule
From physics:
- Mathematical understanding of displacement, velocity, and acceleration
- Newton's laws
** Exposure to calculus-based physics (e.g. AP Physics C) may be helpful but the above skills should suffice!
** No programming experience assumed!
As computational power increases, so does our ability to use computers to solve previously unsolvable problems. We will be surveying various topics in computational statistics, including Data Visualization, Bootstrapping, Monte Carlo, Regression, Hyperparameter Tuning, and Model Validation. We will use Google Colab and work with open source datasets to create mini-projects for you to share!
Class Style
A background/interest in statistics and/or data science (AP Statistics or equivalent not required, but will help!)
M15663: More Than One Variable? - An Introduction to Multivariable Calculus
Okay, so you learned how to do integration, derivatives, and series. How much more complicated can the math get from here? Well, in this course we will be looking at applications of these topics and diving into the field of multivariable calculus.
You learned what a derivative is? How about a partial derivative?
You learned about integration in rectangular coordinates? How about multivariable integration in spherical coordinates!
Want to see how Taylor series help us find and discover fancy famous formulas? Check out this class!
In this class, we will explore the remarkable field of cancer immunology, where the body's natural defenses take center stage in the fight against cancer. Prepare to embark on a 6 week journey that unveils the intricate interactions between our immune system and cancer cells. This class will first start by giving a brief introduction to both cancer as well as the immune system. Then we will dive into how our immune system, like a team of superheroes, can detect, target, and eliminate cancerous cells, offering hope for new treatments and potential cures. Join us as we uncover the hidden powers within us and learn how to unleash them against cancer.
Class Style
High School Biology Course
S15649: From Earth to Space: Introduction to Space Medicine
Embark on a scientific exploration at MIT as we delve into the captivating field of space medicine. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the intricate intersection of medicine, human physiology, and space exploration.
Through a blend of scientific inquiry, interactive lectures, and collaborative discussions, we will delve into the unique health challenges that astronauts face during space missions. Gain an understanding of the physiological and psychological effects of microgravity, as well as the cutting-edge countermeasures used to mitigate them.
Topics covered include space nutrition, exercise physiology in microgravity, telemedicine advancements, and the impact of prolonged space missions on mental well-being. Engage with the latest research and technological advancements propelling the field forward.
Whether you aspire to contribute to space exploration or seek to expand your scientific knowledge, this class provides a solid foundation in the critical field of space medicine. Join us as we unravel the complexities of human health in space and explore the frontiers of scientific discovery at MIT.
The immune system plays many different roles in the body, from wound healing, to cancer prevention, to fighting off infectious organisms — but how does it learn how to do all these things?
In this class we’ll discuss initial formation of the immune system and immune cells during fetal development and early childhood, as well as changes during adulthood and aging, including genetic and environmental contributors to all of the above.
Throughout, we’ll try to incorporate discussion of how knowledge was discovered, not just the conclusions, and touch on some of the interesting open questions today.
Class Style
1 year of general biology and chemistry, AP Biology preferred.
Electrifying Biochemistry is a fun and academically rigorous virtual course that is designed to incorporate the elements of Biology and Chemistry and cover the processes that occur within multicellular organisms with direct examples related to our day-to-day functions. This course is designed as strong preparation for students who are interested in the medical field and/or the scientific field. This course will also benefit students who want to learn about the fun that science brings.
Class Style
S15658: Saving the World with the Science of Sustainability!
Climate change is one of the most significant challenges in human history. In recent years, it has become clear that our way of life is not 100% sustainable and that something needs to change. This course will introduce you to sustainability and the science behind it. We will cover a wide range of topics, including: climate change; electricity generation and its decarbonization; water scarcity and water harvesting; and the role of materials and their environmental impact. By the end of this course, you will have learned about the science underpinning these applications, including heat transfer, thermodynamics, mechanics, and materials science. More importantly, we hope you will walk away able to talk about sustainability and feeling inspired to create the changes necessary to make society more sustainable and save the world!
A conceptual introduction to Einstein's theories of Special and General Relativity. We will discuss time dilation, length contraction, spacetime diagrams, E=mc^2, through various fun paradoxes and their resolutions in Special Relativity. We will also introduce General Relativity and motivate it conceptually.
Class Style
High school algebra and trigonometry. Some familiarity with physics concepts in kinematics as well as familiarity with the concepts of force and energy.
Quantum computing is an emerging technology that promises to provide computing power that can revolutionize society. In the past decade, more and more tech companies have invested in quantum computing and dozens of startups have been founded. In addition, the US government has started the National Quantum Initiative to spearhead research in quantum science and technology. What's all this buzz about? What allows quantum computers to outperform their classical counterparts? How does one actually build a quantum computer? We will explore the answers to these questions and more in this broad introduction to the field, covering both theory and physical implementations of a quantum computer.
Class Style
Interest is first and foremost! Some background in physics, computer science or linear algebra can be helpful, but are not required. We will cover these topics as needed.
"If Astrobiology is so good, why isn't there an Astrobiology 2???"
Well fear no more Earthlings, for there is one now! Because the astrobiology class I've taught the past couple HSSPs was so popular, I'm offering a ~~deluxe edition~~ that will expand on concepts introduced in the earlier class and introduce some new ones. Plus, you'll get to choose the topic for two of the weeks!
Class Style
You've taken my earlier astrobiology class, or for some reason you already know about the Fermi Paradox/Great Filter, the origin of life, and what life in space is like
Ever wanted to learn about how time space bend into each other? Want to get a semi-technical introduction to one of the pillars of modern physics?
Come take a whirlwind tour of Special Relativity, General Relativity, and Black Holes. We'll introduce just enough math so you can do some calculations on your own. Along the way, we'll learn about time dilation, length contraction, how matter affects spacetime, and even what's "inside" a black hole.
Class Style
Calculus I (differentiation and the chain rule), Trigonometry, Some High-School Physics (Newton's 3rd law and law of gravitation), Some prior familiarity with vectors and matricies will be helpful but not necessary
S15652: How the Earth Moves Below the Sea: An Intro to Conducting Marine Geophysical Research
Have you ever wondered what causes earthquakes? Or what makes tectonic plates move? Do you want to learn more about what it is like to perform science on ships in the middle of the ocean? In this course, we will talk about the internal workings of the Earth and how to study them at sea! We will have demonstrations and will talk about what it's like to live and work on a research vessel. No prior Earth Science knowledge is required.
What is mathematics? Why is mathematics the way it is? How does it help us understand the world? What makes it so powerful? What do mathematicians mean when they say it is beautiful?
This is a class for anyone who wants to know what makes mathematics a unique discipline in the world. It is not a math class but I believe that people who are both skeptical of math and those with loads of experience will get to see a broad perspective that is hardly touched on in other treatments of a subject. Think of this as a philosophy of math with touches on history and culture in mathematics.
Subjects touched on: Applied/Pure math, Economics, Computer Science (cryptography and AI), Music, Physics, Numbers,
Class Style
You should understand what a polynomial is and its roots. Do you know what $x^2 + 3x + 1$ and what a root of it is?
What is role-playing? It is a group activity we you and your friend take on roles of characters to advance a plot. But there are things that you learn in class such as worldbuilding, statistics, and game theory. This is a chance to have fun and learn things as well.
This session will be for Dungeons and Dragons 5e and a world called "Archipelago."