ESP Biography

CARLA FERREIRA, English major/French minor who loves The Beatles

Major: English

College/Employer: Harvard

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Carla Ferreira

Brief Biographical Sketch:

The Beatles
Walt Whitman
Anne of Green Gables/Jo March/Francie Nolan
New Jersey
literature, literature, literature
ballet flats
Jack Russell Terriers
libraries with comfy seats
folk rock
hazelnut coffee and bubble tea

Strongly Dislikes:
math problems
math classes
things involving numbers
green apple bubble tea
math tests

Has No Strong Feelings About:
cardboard boxes

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H3622: Bad Romance in Music, Literature, Film, and Psychology in HSSP Harvard HSSP Fall 2010 (Oct. 02, 2010)
“I want your love and all your lover’s revenge, you and me could write a bad romance.”- Lady Gaga “Sweet love, sweet thorn, I took your thrust . . . whereby I since am slain [. . .]”- Edna St. Vincent Millay This course will focus on the idea of “bad romance” through the different lenses of music, literature, film, and philosophy. As a class, we will seek to uncover the meaning of romance and what it means when love has gone awry. Musically, we will be looking at artists as varied as Lady Gaga to Billy Joel. Literature will aid us in our investigation of “tainted love” through texts ranging from Greek mythology to Shakespearean plays to modern poetry. We will also be looking at films ranging from Casablanca to 500 Days of Summer as well as exploring the psychological aspects of love gone wrong, through the concept of romantic love as disease and mental disorders that flirt with the idea of love. This course hopes to provide a deeper poetic and philosophic understanding of the nature of “bad romance” in contemporary society and throughout the ages. Each class will be part lecture, with multimedia aspects, and part discussion.