ESP Biography


Major: Neurobiology (MBB)

College/Employer: Harvard

Year of Graduation: 2012

Picture of Joanna Li

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X3705: Reflecting on Education in HSSP Harvard HSSP Fall 2010 (Oct. 02, 2010)
This discussion seminar will bring high school juniors and seniors together with a variety of historical and modern sources on the value and aim of education. We will ask: What does it mean to be an educated person? In particular, what is the purpose of a modern-day American liberal arts education? Should the focus of education be vocational, political, cultural, moral? What is the role of education in building a society? To kindle discussion, we will read excerpts from classics such as Rousseau's <i>Emile</i>, more recent works such as Allan Bloom's <i>The Closing of the American Mind</i>, and newspaper and magazine articles by cultural critics such as William Deresiewicz and Stanley Fish. However, students are encouraged to add to and alter the syllabus by bringing in readings of their own. The topics we ultimately cover will be driven by students' interests and the questions they find important. This class requires no prerequisites, other than a willingness to speak up in class and an appreciation for lively discussion and personal reflection. Assignments will be limited to short excerpts of books, online articles, and one-page (300 word) response papers on each week's readings.

H3129: Dante's Divine Comedy - Inferno in HSSP Harvard HSSP Spring 2010 (Feb. 06, 2010)
A close reading of Dante's Inferno and its poetry, history, and synthesis of medieval culture. Special emphasis will be placed on the Inferno's central philosophical and theological concerns, including the relationship between individuals and society, progress and happiness, politics and morality. Discussion-based class with short weekly reading assignments from the text and secondary sources.