ESP Biography

SRINIVAS KAZA, MIT MEng student studying CS

Major: 6

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Srinivas Kaza

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C13114: Python By Example in HSSP Summer 2019 (Jul. 07, 2019)
Do you want to learn how to code? Well, here's your chance! We'll be covering the basics of the Python language as well as some basic software engineering skills. We'll finish each class off by writing a simple program, culminating in a final project of your choice! Don't worry if you don't have any experience with programming or math! This course will be roughly structured around the same material as MIT's 6.0001 course.

P13010: The Greatest Game You Will Ever Play in Spark 2019 (Mar. 16 - 17, 2019)
Nethack is the greatest game you will ever play: . Come to pay homage to the greatest contribution to the roguelike genre (and gaming in general), and enjoy the world's oldest videogame still in active development. This class will be part tutorial for Nethack, and part playtime.

P13011: RPG Session in Spark 2019 (Mar. 16 - 17, 2019)
Have you ever heard of tabletop role-playing games? Dungeons and Dragons? Pathfinder? Savage Worlds? We'll be playing a role-playing game that's similar to one of those, but probably a lot less complicated. Probably. No prior experience with role-playing games is necessary. Just come equipped with your sense of imagination!

E12699: Kerbal Space Program -- Relax, It's Just Rocket Science in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
Have you ever wanted to design and test rockets, but didn't want to deal with multi-million dollar budgets and years of preparation? Well, this is the game/class for you! We'll be playing Kerbal Space Program, a perfect middle-ground between brutally realistic rocket sim and space-themed fantasy. We'll be covering some basic rocket-related math and physics, and then play the game. DISCLAIMER: I do not study anything related to rocket engineering/science.

P12702: The Greatest Game You Will Ever Play in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
Nethack is the greatest game you will ever play: . Come to pay homage to the greatest contribution to the roguelike genre (and gaming in general), and enjoy the world's oldest videogame still in active development. This class will be part tutorial for Nethack, and part playtime.

P12703: D&D Session in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
Whether you are a veteran RPG player or completely new to the genre, join us for an invigorating session of Dungeons and Dragons (5th edition)! D&D is a rule-based roleplaying game in which players assume identities and embark on quests in fantasy environments. Everything from discovering long lost underwater cities to hijacking pirate ships to uncovering ancient tombs to negotiating peace treatises between sovereign nations. It's basically make-believe for adults. We'll be running two sessions during this class -- one tailored towards new players and another for more experienced players.

C12710: Sculpting with Code: Using Signed Distance Functions to Create Procedurally-Generated Art in Splash 2018 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2018)
Are you an artist? Enjoy math? Like writing code? This course is an introduction into a somewhat unusual rendering technique that is well suited to simple interactive 3D demos. We are going to be writing shaders in the OpenGL shading language (GLSL). Don't worry, it's not a hard language to learn, and we'll spend the first half hour of the course covering its use. DISCLAIMER: I am not an artist! That's why you're here!

E12225: Kerbal Space Program -- Relax, It's Just Rocket Science in Spark 2018 (Mar. 17 - 18, 2018)
Have you ever wanted to design and test rockets, but didn't want to deal with multi-million dollar budgets and years of preparation? Well, this is the game/class for you! We'll be playing Kerbal Space Program, a perfect middle-ground between brutally realistic rocket sim and space-themed fantasy. We'll be covering some basic rocket-related math and physics, and then play the game. DISCLAIMER: I do not study anything related to rocket engineering/science.

X11748: D&D Session in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Whether you are a veteran RPG player or completely new to the genre, join us for an invigorating session of Dungeons and Dragons (5th edition)! D&D is a rule-based roleplaying game in which players assume identities and embark on quests in fantasy environments. Everything from discovering long lost underwater cities to hijacking pirate ships to uncovering ancient tombs to negotiating peace treatises between sovereign nations. It's basically make-believe for adults. We'll be running two sessions during this class -- one tailored towards new players and another for more experienced players.

P11749: The Greatest Game You Will Ever Play in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Nethack is the greatest game you will ever play: . Come to pay homage to the greatest contribution to the roguelike genre (and gaming in general), and enjoy the world's oldest videogame still in active development. This class will be part tutorial for Nethack, and part playtime.

E12010: Kerbal Space Program -- Relax, It's Just Rocket Science in Splash 2017 (Nov. 18 - 19, 2017)
Have you ever wanted to design and test rockets, but didn't want to deal with multi-million dollar budgets and years of preparation? Well, this is the game/class for you! We'll be playing Kerbal Space Program, a perfect middle-ground between brutally realistic rocket sim and space-themed fantasy. We'll be covering some basic rocket-related math and physics, and then play the game. DISCLAIMER: I do not study anything related to rocket engineering/science.

X11439: Drama & Dice: A Tabletop Tale of Peril and Problem Solving in Spark 2017 (Mar. 11 - 12, 2017)
Have you ever heard of tabletop role-playing games? Dungeons and Dragons? Pathfinder? Savage Worlds? Well forget about those games, cause they have WAY TOO MANY RULES. Join us for the incredible experience of Drama & Dice, a simple, but riveting tabletop adventure. No prior experience with role-playing games is necessary.

X10712: Savage Worlds Tabletop RPG in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Have you ever been interested in Dungeon & Dragons or other tabletop RPG's but not gotten the chance to try? Love tabletop RPG games and would like to learn more systems? Well come join for a session of Savage Worlds, a genre-generic tabletop RPG system. I will teach everything needed to play so no prior knowledge is required. I will send out a google poll when schedules are selected so you can have a say in the genre you want to play.

C10885: Designing the Game of Life: Implementing Cellular Automata in Python in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Ever heard of Conway's Game of Life? No? Well, come find out what the world's most popular zero-player game is all about, and even implement it yourself! You'll have the opportunity to write Python code to play the Game of Life, and discover other (even more interesting) automata that can model diverse physical behavior from snowflakes to sea shells. We'll also discuss multiple ways of implementing the game, and exploring various patterns which can arise.

C10895: Writing a 3D Renderer from Scratch: Redesigning Quake for 2016 in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Ever played a 3D videogame and thought -- "Hey, I wonder exactly how every aspect of this game is implemented at a low level?" Well, this is the course for you. We're going to cover every step in a (common) real-time 3D rendering pipeline in quick succession; everything from texture mapping to shaders to rasterization to anti-aliasing in one whirlwind 110 minute class. No knowledge of a lower-level graphics API such as OpenGL or DirectX is required.

P10896: The Greatest Game You Will Ever Play in Splash 2016 (Nov. 19 - 20, 2016)
Nethack is the greatest game you will ever play: . Come to pay homage to the greatest contribution to the roguelike genre (and gaming in general), and enjoy the world's oldest videogame still in active development. This class will be part tutorial for Nethack, and part playtime.

M10433: A Piece of Pi in Spark 2016 (Mar. 12 - 13, 2016)
Wanna get ready for π
Day? Don't know how? Don't know what pi is? Come to this class and learn all you need to know about your favorite transcendental number. Covers basic properties of pi, how to generate pi, and its relation to larger mathematics. We will also cover other math-e-magical constants. You will be served pie at the end of class.

C9753: Designing the Game of Life: Implementing Cellular Automata in Python in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
Ever heard of Conway's Game of Life? No? Well, come find out what the world's most popular zero-player game is all about, and even implement it yourself! You'll have the opportunity to write Python code to play the Game of Life, and discover other (even more interesting) automata that can model diverse physical behavior from snowflakes to sea shells. We'll also discuss multiple ways of implementing the game, and exploring various patterns which can arise.

M10208: The Game of Life, the Universe, and Everything in Splash 2015 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2015)
Ever heard of Conway's Game of Life? No? Well, come find out what the world's most popular zero-player game is all about, and discover other (even more interesting) automata that can model diverse physical behavior from snowflakes to sea shells. This class is similar to my other course (Designing the Game of Life: Implementing Cellular Automata in Python), but it doesn't involve any coding.