ESP Biography


Major: 5 - Chemistry

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2010

Picture of Kevin Hwang

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Kevin is a Course V (Chemistry) major at MIT. According to the T-shirt they gave him when he declared it, this means he's faster than a molecular vibration, and more powerful than a triple bond. He's not completely sure what this means.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X3097: Teach anything! - How to fake a presentation in Splash! 2009 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2009)
Consider: It's a nice day out, and you're dozing off in the back of your class. Suddenly you get jolted awake by the kid sitting next to you, and you wake up to find everyone in the class and the teacher staring at you, waiting for you to give a surprise presentation. About import regulations on Afghani rugs. And you're in physics class! Clearly, you don't stand a chance. Or do you? Well, just because you don't know anything, doesn't mean you can't be prepared. In this class, we will teach you how to explain and present topics without concern for such trifling matters as prior knowledge or preparation. By the end of this class, you'll be happily presenting your Nobel Prize-winning chemistry research alongside the story of your grueling climb up Mount Everest to fulfill your kung fu master's dying wishes. Learn to demonstrate expertise that you may or may not have! All skill levels welcome.

S2301: The Chemistry of Poisons in Spark! Spring 2009 (Mar. 07, 2009)
Overview of the structure, chemistry, and mechanisms of action of well-known and lesser-known poisons. May include cyanide, arsenic, nerve gas, and various other poisons used for murder, assassination, and war throughout history.

S1818: The Chemistry of Poisons in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
Overview of the structure, chemistry, and mechanisms of action of well-known and lesser-known poisons. May include cyanide, arsenic, nerve gas, and various other poisons used for murder, assassination, and war throughout history.

S1862: The Physics of Siege Weapons in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
For centuries, nations have made war using all manner of weapons and armament. Among the most frightening and dangerous of these in medieval times were siege weapons, designed to break even the most fortified of defenses. In this class, we will look at the physical principles behind some of these weapons, aided by practical demonstrations and activities.

H1990: Card Throwing in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
Learn to throw ordinary playing cards!

S1313: The Physics of Siege Weapons in Spark! Spring 2008 (Mar. 08, 2008)
For centuries, nations have made war using all manner of weapons and armament. Among the most frightening and dangerous of these in medieval times were siege weapons, designed to break even the most fortified of defenses. In this class, we will look at the physical principles behind some of these weapons, aided by practical demonstrations and activities.

H1315: How To Sleep In Class in Spark! Spring 2008 (Mar. 08, 2008)
The average high school student spends about 30 hours a week in school, and 10 to 15 hours a week in extracurricular activities (Source: Internet). That's something like 8 hours a day, spent in class! Completely incidentally, sleep researchers suggest getting at least 8 hours of sleep daily. But where can a busy student find the time to get sleep? We have studied this topic extensively, and we believe we have found a solution. Join us as we explore this exciting new field of research!

H1319: Card Throwing in Spark! Spring 2008 (Mar. 08, 2008)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards!

S1330: Advanced Aluminum Foil Construction: Boat Design in Spark! Spring 2008 (Mar. 08, 2008)
Design and build your own foil boat, and see how it fares on the high seas!! See how much weight your boat can hold before it sinks, and try to design a stronger boat than your friends.

H1335: Beginner Aluminum Foil Construction in Spark! Spring 2008 (Mar. 08, 2008)
Aluminum foil is an amazing material. It's shiny, doesn't rust, can be sculpted into pretty much anything, and is really light. Come learn to make some aluminum foil creations!

Chemistry in JUNCTION (2007)
Learn the basic principles of chemistry and materials science. Topics will include atomic arrangements in crystalline and amorphous solids, organic ...

Tactical Simulations and The Art of War in HSSP (2007)
Learn the art of warfare and strategy! In this class, we will read passages from Sun Tzu's The Art of ...

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2007)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards! The prerequisites for this class were: wrists

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2007)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards! The prerequisites for this class were: wrists

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2007)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards! The prerequisites for this class were: wrists

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2007)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards! The prerequisites for this class were: wrists

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2007)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards! The prerequisites for this class were: wrists

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2007)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards! The prerequisites for this class were: wrists

How to Sleep in Class in SPLASH (2007)
The average high school student spends about 30 hours a week in school, and 10 to 15 hours a week ...

Intro to Chemical Structure Determination in SPLASH (2007)
How do chemists figure out the identity chemical compounds? When appearance, smell, and taste are not enough, they must turn ...

Ramencraft in SPLASH (2007)
Playing with food is an activity with a long and glorious history. From the very first cave paintings of steak-tossing, ...

The Delivery and Use of Pick-up Lines in SPLASH (2007)
In this class, we'll ...

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2006)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards,

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2006)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards,

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2006)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards,

Card Throwing in SPLASH (2006)
Learn how to throw ordinary playing cards,

How to Sleep in Class in SPLASH (2006)
Sleeping in class: a rewarding activity, but one often fraught with peril. With teachers lurking just around every corner, no ...