Splash! 2008
Course Catalog

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Computer Science [Deprecated] Hobbies
[Deprecated] Junction [Deprecated] Liberal Arts
Mathematics [Deprecated] Performing Arts
Science Social Science

Note that Class Sections are equivalent! If a class has two sections, the content in each section will be the same. This makes it easier to avoid schedule conflicts. It does mean that there's no reason to sign up for more than one section of a class, though.

Computer Science

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Computer Graphics Programming with Processing Full!

Come learn about graphics programming with the Processing language (www.processing.org).

We'll talk a bit about how to run animations and how to make interactive graphics.

Some programming experience (HTML, PHP, Python, etc. are all fine.)

Common Sense Reasoning for Artificial Intelligence
Teachers: Catherine Havasi

When people communicate with each other, their conversation relies on many basic, unspoken assumptions. We often learn the basis behind these assumptions long before they can write at all, making the difficult for computers to learn. These assumptions underlie all forms of human communication from teaching, to giving directions, to ordering dinner at a restaurant.

A user who interacts with a computer interface, however, can become frustrated because the computer does not understand their goals and motivations. For human-computer interaction to become as fluent as communication between humans, computers need to be able to understand the user's basic, unspoken assumptions.

These assumptions form the body of knowledge known as ``common sense'' and we'll be discussing how it is collected and used by the AI research community.

Exposure to computer science and some preconceptions about AI. Linear algebra experience will helpful to demystify some of the algorithms discussed at the end of the class but is by no means required.


Ever wanted to learn to Scheme? Want to take over the world? We recommend a class in the social studies category.

Ever wanted to learn Scheme? Have you heard of functional programming, but never learned any functional languages?

Come to our class, and we'll teach you the basics of Scheme, and how to learn more.

Some exposure to programming, but not Scheme.

Promiscuous Mode: Network Protocol Analysis Full!
Teachers: Harvey Yee

Do you want to be in Promiscuous mode? You may if you are a hacker or a network engineer. Join us in learning what is involved in Network Protocol analysis, and along the way learn about network architecture and protocols. Depending on what is available in the class room, a demonstration of a wired or wireless network session will be provided. A free copy of Linux LiveCD will be provided so that you can continue your learning of network protocol analysis after this class. The only prerequisites for this class is that you have a sense of curiosity!!!

A sense of curiostiy, adventure, and fun.

Real-time Graphics: Drawing pretty pictures REALLY REALLY fast!
Teachers: David Benjamin

Your spaceship has been boarded. You have no means of communication with the rest of the crew. It has been ages since the last save point. After a glance at the odd green bar in the corner and a bite of mango, you turn into the corridor and go.

While you are having fun running around saving the universe from evil brain-eating alien pirate zombie ninjas from Cleveland, a chip in your computer is drawing pictures over and over again just so everything looks pretty.

This class will explore how computers render real-time 3d scenes, like what you see in video games, and how they are able to do so very quickly 60 times a second. We will see how one builds up a basic software renderer from only knowing how to draw individual pixels and discuss some things graphics cards do to make this efficient.

Basic algebra and geometry. Familiarity with vectors and matrices will be useful, but not strictly required.

Deviant Perl: Living up to a Reputation
Teachers: Leonid Grinberg

Perl is a programming language developed by a man named Larry Wall in 1987. Many consider it to be messy and complicated, with programs written in it being unreadable and difficult to maintain. Though the extent to which this is true is a matter of debate, Perl does have a variety of features that, at the very least, make it easier to write strange and cryptic code than in most languages.

In this class, we will look at the "dark side of Perl". Using two very cryptic Perl programs, which, though looking completely different, somehow produce essentially the same output, we will investigate some of Perl's more interesting features.

Perl's motto is "there's more than one way to do it" and this class will focus on some of the worst.

You should have some experience with programming, and understand concepts such as variables, operators, conditionals, loops, functions, etc. It would be helpful (but not required) if you knew a C-style language (C, C++, C#, D, Java, or Perl itself).

Introduction to the Lambda Calculus
Teachers: Nelson Elhage

This will be a rapid introduction to the Lambda Calculus, a theoretical model of computing originally proposed by Alonzo Church in the 1930s. We will explore how, starting from the barest primitive ideas, you can derive all the comutational power of a modern desktop computer! NOTE: This is not the calculus you've heard about in school! In fact, there are almost no numbers involved, and you don't need to know any math -- just have a curiosity for some slightly abstract reasoning.

An Insider's View of the Internet and Computer Networks Full!
Teachers: J.D. Zamfirescu

Have some programming skills but at a loss when it comes to computer networks? This is the class for you!

Come get an insider's perspective on how the Internet works. We'll talk a bit about TCP, IP, HTTP, SMTP, POP...and lot of other acronyms that end with P; we'll talk a lot more about tools you can use to um..."explore" networks, and we'll see some of those tools in action.

Bring a laptop if you have one!

Binary logic: How your computer works
Teachers: Aviv Ovadya

Learn about how computers do stuff. We'll begin with a single bit and go up to an adder and hopefully a cpu.

If you actually understood the description, this class will be too easy for you.

Mac OS X is better than j00
Teachers: Marc Held

One of the most well thought out Operating Systems in the OS world has a cult following, wanna find out why?

I'll go over the graphic design aspects as well as the actual operating system stuff.

A love for either graphic design or operating systems.

Introduction to Programming using Second Life Full!

Learn to program in LSL, the scripting language of Second Life, an online virtual world. We will build and script several objects including a door, a talking parrot, a rocket, and maybe some other things too.

This class will assume that no prior programming knowledge is known, so we'll be starting from scratch. The LSL scripting language is very similar to C, and this course will be an easy and fun way to begin programming.

Please bring your own laptop with Second Life installed. Also, make sure you create an account and get at least somewhat familiar with the Second Life layout. It's absolutely free to download. To create an account and download Second Life, go to the following URL: https://join.secondlife.com/

Intro to Machine Learning

This class is intended to give you a rough idea about machine learning. It covers some of the history of the field, the basic ideas, and a few exciting applications.

The Singularity: Is it Near? What Does it Mean?

"Radical life extension", "transhumanism", "posthumanism", "techno-utopia", "technological singularity"...
Many terms, each with their own baggage, have emerged in the past decade representing one version or another of a future in which there is no useful distinction between human life and human-created technology (where human minds are no longer exclusively bound to organic bodies). Ray Kurzweil calls it the singularity in his popular book "The Singularity Is Near". I have acquired Kurzweil's slideshow, which he presents at conferences around the globe spreading his vision. While I may not agree with him on every point, I think it is a lot less crazier than it sounds, and I would like to present (as much as possible) a fair and balanced treatment of what the singularity means, how it could happen, and what it would mean for you.

Introduction to Programming using Second Life

Learn to program in LSL, the scripting language of Second Life, an online virtual world. We will build and script several objects including a door, a talking parrot, a rocket, and maybe some other things too.

This class will assume that no prior programming knowledge is known, so we'll be starting from scratch. The LSL scripting language is very similar to C, and this course will be an easy and fun way to begin programming.

Please bring your own laptop with Second Life installed. Also, make sure you create an account and get at least somewhat familiar with the Second Life layout. It's absolutely free to download. To create an account and download Second Life, go to the following URL: https://join.secondlife.com/

Websites: The Good, The Bad, And Best Of All, The Ugly
Teachers: Reuben Aronson

Website design is far from an exact science. However, there are a number of things that web designers should keep in mind when designing websites. We'll figure out some of these by looking at some of the worst sites out there and figuring out what they do wrong. And some of these sites are bad.

At the end, we might go through a sample website (say, this one) and think of what changes we should make. And who knows? They might even show up in the next version of this site.

Some experience with or at least interest in website creation or development. No technical experience will be necessary, though it could help.

Beyond Computation
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

There exists a finite set of domino pieces with words on each side, for which it is impossible to deduce whether or not a domino chain of copies of those pieces can be set up so that the top, altogether, reads exactly the same as the bottom. The problem is simply not solvable, by computer, by a mind, by any reason. If you are willing to accept the previous sentence without /proof! ‘you cannot say something like that without proof!’/ you probably can skip this class, but if that kind of claim shakes your world up a bit, come to this class and be shaken… because it turns out that we can prove that there are problems, /with answers/ that we simply will never be able to find – clearly every set of dominoes either can be or cannot be used to make a chain as described above, but for many, many sets, we can never calculate the answer.

For those with some experience in tcs (theoretical computer science) this class will assume knowledge of Turing machines and The Church-Turing Thesis. The class will cover The Halting Problem and Computational Undecidability. If you don’t know what a Turing machine is, you should research before coming or take the Theoretical Computation class before this one as a prerequisite. No other math required, but the class will be /very/ fast paced.

Algorithms for Awesome

Algorithms rock
But sometimes they don't make sense
Segmentation fault

Topics: Big-O (runtime analysis), sorting, searching, data structures (heaps, trees, lists), hashing, graph theory (Dijkstra's algorithm, minimal spanning tree).

In order to put things in context, it would be good to know how to program in a logic-based language (e.g. C,C++,JAVA,LISP,Python,Ruby). However, as long as you have an understanding of how computers work, you'll probably be fine.

LaTeX Full!

Ever tried to type up math, and found that Microsoft Word really is not up to the task? Want to learn a Turing-complete markup language? Liked the look of some of the textbooks you've read, and want to know how they typeset it?

The tool most mathematicians use for typesetting math is $$\LaTeX$$, and we'll try to teach you the basics.

We'll look at
* Writing a basic document without any math
* Basic math
* Defining simple commands
* Finding out more

\langle a, b \rangle &= \sum_{i=1}^n a_i\cdot b_i\\
(a+b)^n&=\sum_{k=0}^{n}{n \choose k}a^k b^{n-k}


Learn to Program Using C++ Full!
Teachers: Jennifer Hsu, Lisa Liu

For those who don’t know how to program, we will cover the basics of programming so you can continue to learn on your own. We will be using C++ language. First, we’ll show you some tools/places for you to get started. Then, we’ll take a stab at some programming. Topics may include: variables, output/input, if/else conditions, and/or operators, for loops, while loops, switches, and functions.

Note: No laptop required.

This is an introduction class, so those with programming experience should not take this course.

Computer Security: Keeping Your Bits Secret and Safe

We'll talk how applications can break your computer, take down a website, or steal your data. We'll explore from the viewpoint of the attacker and the defender.

Topics: Human engineering, cryptography, anti virus and virus engineering, worm design, the government agencies involved, and the internet.

Some basic knowledge of computers is assumed (like how to turn one on), the more the students know, the more stuff we can do. Knowing algebra would be a huge help, but if you're especially bright I'm sure you can catch on.

Turbo C++....That's easy!
Teachers: Sudhanshu Khemka

In this course, we will start with the basics of C++. Topics that will be covered include header files,taking inputs, and displaying outputs. Some loop structures will also be covered.

No prior experience in programming is required.

Alice - 3D Computer Animation
Teachers: Michelle Ng

Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web.

For this course, we will be using Alice as a learning tool for introductory computer programming. The 3D graphics and a drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to learn and facilitate a more engaging experience for students with no programming background. We will begin with the navigation of the Alice tool and the basic steps in creating an animation - storyboard, character (objects), actions (methods). We will also learn about fundamental programming concepts such as class, object, parameter, if/else, loop, etc. The final hour of the course will be devoted for an "animation-hour" to encourage students to apply their new skills to create their own animation programs using Alice.

The Alice software is developed by Carnegie Mellon University and can be downloaded for free (http://www.alice.org).

Love for imagination and storytelling... (no previous programming experience is necessary). Please bring a USB 2.0 key drive (512MB minimum) with you if you wish to save your animation files during class. If you are joining SECTION 1 of this class (Saturday 7-10 pm, Sunday 11 am-1 pm), then you'll have to bring your own laptop, because we do not have the computer lab for this section!

How to Prove P=NP
Teachers: Colin McSwiggen

You know about the famous P=NP problem, and you've heard that solving any one NP-complete problem in polynomial time will let you solve all of them. "But why???" you wonder, "That all seems just too darned mysterious." Well. I will tell you how it all works.

We'll do a brief overview of Turing machines, decision problems, and complexity classes, and then we'll dive right into reducibility and polynomial-time mapping reductions. At the end, we will sketch a proof of the Cook-Levin theorem, which states that everything in NP is reducible to the problem known as "SAT." If time allows, I'll discuss a method for proving that a problem is NP-complete by reducing backwards from SAT.

This class will use some abstract mathematical ideas. I'll introduce everything that you need to know, but you should be comfortable with the concept of a theorem, and what it means to prove one satisfactorily. Some experience with computation/programming would be very helpful. If you know what a Turing machine is and can explain the difference between polynomial and exponential time complexity, you'll be fine. If you don't, don't worry; I'll tell you.

Information Retrieval
Teachers: Michael Axiak

You've been Googling for information since you could spell, but how does Google get the information for you?

In this class we'll explore the concepts behind retrieving relevant information given keywords, web pages, nodes, or any other subspaces. We'll be able to use the results to answer questions like: Which person on Facebook is most like me? Given an unsorted pile of my classwork, how can I categorize them into my class subjects? And of course we'll explain the theory behind Google's PageRank algorithm and some of the interesting modifications they've had to make in due to the ever-changing web.

Some of the concepts that are explored in this class include projection, Markov chains, cosine similarity, tf-idf, and some probability.

Linear Algebra is a plus, Algebra is required.

How to be Evil: Using language and math to know everything about everyone
Teachers: Catherine Havasi

We live on the internet, leaving small digital breadcrumbs everywhere we go. The words we use, the movies we rate, the causes we support, and the transactions we participate in can be analyzed to yield greater understanding of who we are. This understanding can work to our advantage, or it can benefit those who wish to sell us something... or it can be used for more devious purposes.

We'll talk about modeling, prediction, and collaborative filtering. We'll look at how we can understand a community's spending patterns, figure out which customers will like what products, or carefully craft candidates' stump speeches so they will appeal to the most people. We'll also explore the astounding amount of information you can determine about someone from something as simple as the language they use.

Some computer science. Linear algebra and statistics will help to demystify some the techniques discussed. I also welcome the curious.

Programming in Haskell Full!
Teachers: Jonathan Sailor

Ever hear of Haskell? Unlike most programming language, Haskell tries to avoid running code. Unlike most programming languages, Haskell is very high-level. Unlike most programming languages, Haskell can check your program for type errors without being wordy or restrictive. And yet, Haskell is one of the fastest programming languages in use.

If you want to learn Haskell, this class is for you.

You will get the most out of this class if you have some programming experience or a strong familiarity with math.

Introduction to Computability Theory
Teachers: Paul Christiano

Many problems can be solved automatically by computers, but are there problems that can't be?
We will discuss some limitations on the problems which can be solved by any physical machine and some interesting examples of problems that cannot be solved in general, no matter how long you are willing to spend. If time permits there may be a discussion of Godel's incompleteness theorems and their connection to the subject.

Familiarity with at least one programming language is useful, but not required.

Cellular Automaton
Teachers: Jayson Lynch

This class will introduce and experiment with some basic cellular automaton such as Conway's Game of Life and the Elementary Cellular Automata. We will observe some of the interesting patterns and properties within these simulations, and look at how different rules impact how these 0 player "games" unfold. Discussion may also include how complexity arises from such simple rules, and cellular automaton as universal computers.


Using Scratch to simulate the real world Full!

This class will use the Scratch software (developed by MIT's Media Lab) as the focus of a short introduction to coding , logic, and modeling complex systems.


An Introduction to Computer Programming Full!
Teachers: Anika Huhn

This hands-on class is intended for people who want to start writing code (and learn how to use it) but have not been exposed to it before. I will start from the very beginning, and by the end of the class you will have seen enough to know how to learn more on your own and take on your own projects. I will also give you some direction as to what might be fun projects to take on.

little to no experience. (You should not sign up for this class if you already know how to program. I would like the class to start off on approximately the same level.)

What's Wrong With The Internets Full!

Ever wanted a really high score on Tetris? Want to know what your friends are _really_ saying about on Google Chat? Well, we'll show you some techniques for figuring that sort of thing out.

An interest in breaking things (ethically, of course); knowledge of how to use computers a must; programming experience, system design experience, and *nix experience recommended but not required.

Error Correcting Codes
Teachers: Maria Guirguis

What are messages? How are things communicated over networks? Signals go in one end and out the other, how can we know we got the right message? Come to this class to find the answers to these questions and more!

Metacircular Scheming
Teachers: Aviv Ovadya

An impractical introduction to Scheme, a ridiculously flexible and powerful programming language. I will teach how to implement Scheme in Scheme, while learning Scheme.

This class is meant for people who don’t know Scheme (or other Lisp variants). However, you should have some minimum programming experience - you should know how to use 'if statements', functions and recursion.

How to build a Grandmaster: Introduction to Game AI Full!
Teachers: Nelson Elhage

Have you ever wondered how computers are able to play board games like Chess? It turns out that the way humans play these games is very different from how we know how to make computers do so. We'll look at the minimax technique for building AIs for Chess or other games, and we'll discuss some of the tricks you need to do to make it perform on a truly grandmaster level.

[Deprecated] Hobbies

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Canasta 101 Full!
Teachers: Naomi Hinchen

Canasta is a card game for four players: simpler than bridge, but still involving a good measure of strategy. You'll learn the rules, then get a chance to practice playing against your classmates.

None. You don't even have to know how to shuffle a deck.

Speleology Full!

The theory and practice of caves and caving: what caves are, how they form, and how we explore them.

Responsible Pet Parenting

Thousands of animals are needlessly euthanized in shelters each year. Many of these discarded pets could have been saved, if only their caregivers had been better educated regarding responsible pet ownership and care. This class will help to teach the student about the many issues regarding responsible "pet parenting" issues. The topics will include assessing one's readiness for a pet, type and breed selection, an eye-opening look at the real costs of pet care and upkeep, obtaining an animal responsibly, general care and upkeep of common pets, healthcare issues, solutions to managing common problems (training issues, moving, job changes, etc), legal considerations of pet ownership, overview of common activities to do with pets, and issues pertaining to pet death, euthanasia, grieving, and aftercare options. A guide will be given to each student, which will contain summaries of all lessons covered, as well as resource listings. This class is fast-paced, as it contains a number of topics to cover in a short period of time. Break will be provided.


Flim Studies: a discussion on CRASH
Teachers: Jeffrey Wong

Sanda Bullock, Brendan Fraser, Ludacris, Matt Dillon, and more make up the cast of this stunning movie set in LA.

"This compelling urban thriller tracks the volatile intersection of a multiethnic cast of characters struggling to overcome their fears as they careen in and out of one another's lives. In the gray area between black and white, victim and aggressor, during the next 36 hours, they will all collide."

Watch Crash (a 2 hour movie) and discuss the characters, stage setting, motifs, messages, the theme and more!

Crash is rated R for language, sexual content, and some violence. You must be 17 years old to watch such a movie, or bring a note from your guardian saying that it is OK to watch this movie.

Invent Your Own Brownies + Other Chocolatey Goodness
Teachers: Erika Bildsten

Learn how to make awesome brownies from scratch, and then let your creativity run wild as you individualize yours with all sorts of amazing mix-ins and toppings! No two people's brownies will ever be the same!

Then, as we enjoy the aroma of baking brownies, continue the chocolate festivities while we make more chocolate creations!

Guaranteed to be fun and VERY YUMMY!

A love of chocolate!

Duct Tape Design Full!
Teachers: Nelson Elhage

Come learn how to make things out of duct tape! We will discuss techniques to construct just about anything out of that most wonderful and versatile of building materials -- duct tape! And not just the standard fare -- we'll also look at smaller, trickier things, that need more cleverness and finesse, like gloves. Bring your own tape if you've got it!

Careers & Activities Involving Animals

Do what you love, and love what you do! This course will provide a basic overview of the many animal-related areas of work available to students. Each overview will explain the necessary education, certifications, estimated expenses, and other considerations associated with each type of work involved. Questions will be answered, and resource lists will be given to students, to help them get started on the right "paw" in their animal-related careers and activities! A segment on animal-related volunteer work will also be provided.


Introduction to 2D Animation Full!
Teachers: Daniel Dahan

This class will teach the basics in two dimensional computer animation using Macromedia Flash, as well as basic principles used in all forms of animation.

Needs to have expressed interest in learning animation

How to be the Rain Man

In the 1998 classic film "Rain Man", Dustin Hoffman showed his wicked acting chops by playing the part of "Raymond," an autistic savant who could count cards, tell the day of the week of your birthday instantly, and many other awe inspiring mental feats. We will teach you how a few of these.

So if you want to learn a few tricks, and impress your friends, come to this class.

Basic Math Skills

Creative Cake Decorating Full!
Teachers: Lauren McGough

Do you like decorating cakes? Have you ever thought about the different possibilities while decorating a cake? Come explore different possibilities and have some fun while making cake designs that are beautiful, tasty, crazy, or even weird!

Beyond Friendship Bracelets Full!
Teachers: Hannah Rice

Remember those brightly colored knotted friendship bracelets that were all the rage when you were in the fourth grade? This is even better!
There will be more colors that you thought possible, and designs to match any ability. If you thought diagonal lines of contrasting color was all there was to homemade jewelry, you were missing out. The number of amazing possible patterns is staggering. I can teach you how to finger weave, make a chevron, etc, and for those of you who want a real challenge, I'll have patterns to test even the most experienced. Don't worry if you've never done it before, there are designs for anyone!
Relieve your childhood! Make jewelry to coordinate with any outfit! Learn how to do something productive that can also function as a time killer! the possibilities are endless!


How to make fun of Bollywood movies
Teachers: Maryam Mian

We will watch Bollywood movies and have a discussion with emphasis on the flaws in the story line, acting, storyboard, characterization etc.


Spinning Poi Full!
Teachers: Greg Echelberger

This class is a systematic introduction to a few of the building blocks and basic moves in poi.

Wikipedia says: "Poi is a form of juggling or object manipulation employing a ball suspended from a length of rope which is held in hand and swung in circular patterns, comparable to club-twirling. Poi spinning originated with the Māori people of New Zealand (the word poi means "ball" in Māori) as a means of promoting increased flexibility, strength, and coordination -in particular, the dexterity of the wrist- and as an exercise of movements central to the use of hand weapons, including the patu, mere, and kotiate. "

You can find more information at:


Introduction to Chinese Brush Painting Full!
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

If you've never heard of Chinese brush painting:
a beautiful art, no?

Beginning with a very short introduction to the culture and tradition behind the art of Chinese brush painting, this class will be an hour of learning the basic techniques of painting layered bamboo forests.

Pipe cleaners

Pipe cleaners are fuzzy. And colorful. And bendy. And fuzzy. And did we mention they're colorful?

Come learn how to make things out of pipe cleaners. We'll walk you through some simple examples of awesome creations (like penguins! fuzzy, bendy, colorful penguins!) and then let you figure out how to make some things on your own. At the end we'll offer prizes for the best creations in certain categories... like, cutest animal, awesomest robot, most structural house, fuzziest, bendiest, or most colorful.

Think you can handle it?? Then sign up!

High tolerance for fuzziness, bendiness, and LOTS OF DIFFERENT COLORS!

Teachers: Emily Pittore

ParaPara is a type of Japanese club dancing. It's very easy and fun to learn! We'll be learning "Night of Fire", so if you learned that last Splash and want to learn something new, sign up for ParaPara 2!


Teachers: Adedoyin Ogunniyi

better than football

good sportsmanship open mind

(Beginners) Crash Course Swing Dancing

Love Dacning?
Hate Dancing?
Well then you'll love learning how to swing dance. We'll skip all the boring difficult stuff like footwork (at for the most part) and going right into turns, spin, and other impress (and easy to learn) moves. Beginners welcome and encouraged (especially male students who may or may not have two left feet).

NO Previous experience required.

More Chinese Brush Painting Full!
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

This class will cover techniques for painting several forms of colored flowers, trees, and animals in the traditional style of brush painting. There will be several brief periods of instruction during the hour and a lot of time to just relax and paint.

For students having just learned the basic techniques of brush painting in the prior class, or with independent experience with the art.

ParaPara 2!
Teachers: Emily Pittore

ParaPara is a type of Japanese club dancing. It's very easy and fun to learn! We'll be learning a new dance this time, so if you took the class last year and want new material, sign up for this one!

Learn Beatboxing! Full!

You may have seen it on TV, on YouTube, or perhaps even some of your cooler friends can do it, but you probably decided that beatboxing, while awesome, is something you will never learn to do. Well, after this class, you will be popping beats like a pro!

This class is a jam-packed start to the world to beatboxing: basic sounds and techniques, rhythms, future resources, and insight into beatbox culture will all be explored. The class, however, is designed to be super-accessible to people of all levels (read: those of you with absolutely NO experience with anything musical, let alone vocal percussion, have nothing to worry about!). Hope to see you there!!

Bring your mouth (and a fun, open attitude)!

The Game
Teachers: Cheri Mah

Do you like to solve puzzles and riddles? Do you like treasure hunts and scavenger hunts? Do you like to use cyphers or want to learn how to use cyphers to decode hidden messages? This class is a mix of all the above and will introduce you to basic cyphers and how to use them. You will also have the chance to solve a miniGame where you will solve clues which lead you to various locations!

Learn to crochet lace!
Teachers: Alyssa Mensch

Ever wondered how to edge a pillow? Do you know what a doily is? This course will introduce you to various kinds of crocheted lace (including fillet crochet!) that can be used to make all sorts of edgings, trims, and decorations.

Knowledge of basic crochet stitches: single and double crochet, chain stitch.

Cake as a Canvas Full!

Are you the kind of person that enjoys playing with your food? Well, we are too, and now is your chance to take it to the next level.
In this intensive two-hour tutorial, you will get to decorate your cake AND eat it too. We will delve into the theories behind spreading, sculpting, and sprinkling, as well as frosting flowering, and fine food.
Join us for a unique lesson in art with cake as your canvas.

Explore MIT
Teachers: Beth Schaffer

This is not your average campus tour! We’ll explore the winding basements, the towering Green Building and some of the wackier elements of the architecture around MIT. I’ll be taking you on a tour of a lot of the stranger places around campus as well as some of the prettiest sights. Be prepared to walk!

Patrol Full!
Teachers: Nicholas Zehender

Travel to strange new classrooms. Meet interesting, unusual people, and kill them! Patrol is a high-action game of live combat with rubber-dart guns. Shoot your friends, then watch out as they try to take their revenge. Sponsored by the MIT Assassins' Guild
NOTE: Since this event is run by a separate student group at MIT, you will need a separate permission slip for it. Please print out the form found at http://web.mit.edu/lizakova/Public/Patrol%20Permisson%20Sheet.txt, have your parent/guardian sign it and bring it with you. You will not be allowed into the class otherwise.

Being a Browncoat 101: An Intro to the Firely 'Verse Full!
Teachers: Michael Lin

For any of you who have heard of Firefly (or even if you haven't - especially if you haven't), or for any of you who are intrigued to see what one of the world's few sci-fi western television shows was like, this is a class for you. We'd love to have lots of young blood, but those who have already seen Firefly/Serenity are certainly welcome - it's always nice to connect with fellow Browncoats, and who knows? You might learn something new. The class will consist of a discussion about the history of the show, as well as about the characters and backstory of the Firefly universe. At least one episode WILL be screened. If you're looking to join our ranks, know this: Browncoats have done the impossible. Welcome to Serenity.

Reading Comics Full!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words; in that case, an issue of Batman should be as long as War and Peace. Come learn about comics, talk about comics, read comics, and just generally be awesome, because hey, comics.

Both print comics and webcomics will be covered, from the Silver Age up through today. The focus will be on Western (i.e., U.S. and European) comics.

Crash Course Future Perfect Full!
Teachers: Dustin Hennessey

Back for Splash, the Crash Course Course kicks down the concepts of time and space to bring you even more tips and tricks to help you out in ordinary - and extraordinary - life. We'll get up to 88 miles an hour and it'll be time to split!

Be awesome.

Introduction to Counted Cross Stitch Full!
Teachers: Meghan Reedy

Ever looked at an embroidery piece and wondered how it's done? Now's your chance to learn! It's easy and fun, and great for working on in front of the TV or to stay awake in class. We'll be working on counted cross stitch, a particular type of embroidering. Plus, you'll get your own small piece to make. In the first hour, I'll show you the basics of counted cross stitching, and get you started on a simple beginner's kit. The second hour is optional, and you're more than welcome to stay and ask questions or keep working on your kit. I'll be on hand to help out.

Granny squares...
Teachers: Alyssa Mensch

They're not just for your granny. This course will teach you how to crochet these squares in the round. We will also explore historical uses of the granny square, and take a look at contemporary possibilities for this versatile building block of crochet.

Knowledge of basic crochet stitches: single and double crochet, chain stitch.

10 Bad LARPs in 100 Bad Minutes Full!

Ever want to play a fairy princess, a communist spy, or a peace-loving werewolf who really only cares about saving the environment? Then Live Action Role-Playing (LARPing) is probably for you. LARPing is, as the name implies, role-playing that involves players physically acting out their characters' roles, and LARPs themselves are wildly varied in the what you can play and do.

And we're here to bring you the worst of them. Join us for a hilarious 100 minutes of ridiculous role-playing and games. Including such beauties as the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support Group, Amnesia: The LARP, and Football: The Musical.

A willingness to be silly.

Adventures in Pixel Art Full!
Teachers: Lyndsey Moulds

Even with the advent of cutting-edge graphics applications, creating pictures pixel by pixel - a la SNES graphics, Habbo.com, or the end credits of WALL-E - is still a thriving form of computer art. This beginner-level class will familiarize students with different styles of pixel art and help them create their own 8-bit color masterpieces.

This course assumes basic computer knowledge (intuitive use of menus, minimizing and maximizing windows, et cetera).

advanced poi spinning
Teachers: Greg Echelberger

a freeform class to practice at whatever level a student is at, going into as much detail as the students are interested in. Anything from 3 beat variations, between the legs, 5 beat, the five beat wall plane fountain, crossers of all types, pendulums, butterfly hybrids, mercedes, antispin, isolations, or any other crazy combination we can come up with.


having picked up a set of poi before and figured out a few moves you like

Paint with Watercolor! Full!
Teachers: Yalu Wu, Lucy Wu

Learn how to paint in Watercolors! We can paint anything you want. No prior experience necessary. Paint, brushes, board, and masking will be provided, simply bring yourself and some creativity. An image of what you would like to paint would be recommended. Also, you may want to bring a rag (to wipe off water, or to touch up your painting).

In this class, we will learn some basic watercolor techniques and then do some experimentation!

Also note that watercolors can be messy, so come prepared.

Bacon! Full!
Teachers: Vikki Chou, Kyle Fritz

Bacon is one of the most beloved of foods. However, many people who enjoy the delectable delights of bacon are woefully undereducated about its origins. In this class, we will explore where bacon comes from (point to the right part of the pig!) and what different kinds of bacon exist (Canadian? Smoked? Cured?).

There will be a tasting of different kinds of bacon, both in its pure state and as part of interesting confections (bacon cupcakes?).

If time and resources are available, we might also make some bacon sculptures.

A desire to know more about bacon. Willingness to eat cooked bacon in various confections and perhaps to touch raw bacon.

Manga and Comics: Creating Sequential Art
Teachers: Jennifer Fu

Has your love for comics or manga inspired you to create comic-related art? Are you interested in taking your craft to the next level and creating real comics or graphic novels? Sequential art is a rich and complex art form that involves more than just superheroes and giant robots. Learn how to turn comic-style artwork into living and breathing comic stories.

This class will walkthrough the comics creation process step-by-step:
1) Story concept
2) Concept art and character design
3) Scripting
4) Storyboarding (with extended emphasis on sequential art storytelling, including panelling, page composition, angle shots, and the difference between Western comics and manga)
5) Pencilling
6) Inking
7) Rendering
8) Final effects (lettering, SFX)

Non-artists and comics writers are welcome. Although these techniques are applicable for most kinds of comics, this class will be taught with slightly greater emphasis on manga, or Japanese sequential art. This class will go more in-depth into production than its counterpart (Comics and Manga II: Storytelling and Production) last year.

Basic drawing experience and familiarity with comics of manga is encouraged but not required. A genuine interest in learning and generous attention span IS required.

Student Opinion Forum: The Future of ESP

We'll have an informal discussion and feedback session about ESP in general. Here's a chance to tell us what you like and dislike about the way we do things and to toss around some ideas about the future of our programs. Bring breakfast and we'll make it a breakfast forum!

How to solve a Rubik's Cube
Teachers: Marcel Thomas

This section will show how to solve a Rubik's cube. It will include the history of the cube, several different methods used to solve the cube, how to modify the cube, and it will even include solutions to other mechanical puzzles, such as the 4x4x4 cube, the 5x5x5 cube, and Square 1. It will even introduce a computer program that has a Rubik's cube in the 4th dimension!

No experience necessary, however experience will lead to a much deeper understanding of the material. Also, IF YOU HAVE A RUBIK'S CUBE, BRING ONE.

The Art of Etch-A-Sketch Full!
Teachers: Shirin Kasturia

While for some people an etch-a-sketch is a simple red plastic toy, for others it is a challenging medium for artistic expression, a blank canvas awaiting to be filled by creative inspiration.
Come learn some fundamental techniques in fine art using that toy you once thought could only draw in straight lines.
All levels of etch-a-sketch and artistic experience are welcome. Materials will be provided.

Origami for fun!
Teachers: Lucy Wu, Yalu Wu

Come learn how to make fun stuff with paper! Things that we have done in the past are: boats, camera, flying boxes, pacman, and more! This class is for beginners. If you've done any origami before, you might be get bored. All ages are welcome.

Build Your Own Headphone Amplifier Full!
Teachers: Michael Price

I enjoy do-it-yourself (DIY) audio because you can build loudspeakers and electronics with immediate, enjoyable results. We can't build a pair of speakers in a short Splash class (wait until Spring HSSP for that); but we can start small. A headphone amplifier uses the same type of circuit building blocks as many other electronic devices. And it might noticeably improve the sound quality of your headphones!

I'll teach you how to build and test simple circuits using lab equipment at the MIT Edgerton Center. We'll see how you can use simple filters to change the tone of sounds, and how they allow us to build accurate (or at least good sounding) speakers.

Each brave student will receive a kit of electronic parts, from which you'll build and keep a battery powered headphone amp.

Low-Tech Animation Full!
Teachers: Tatiana Soutar

Animation is all about telling stories, so we'll toss the technology (for now) and jump right into the heart of animation. We will discuss some principles of animation, design characters, and start working on flipbooks that tell stories in the space of just a few seconds.

Card Throwing Full!
Teachers: Kevin Hwang

Learn to throw ordinary playing cards!

functioning wrists

Make Chain Mail

Learn the ancient craft of chain mail. Weave fabric or rope from steel rings. Make delicate, intricate jewelry or hardcore, badass clothing.
Deflect swords! Make chain mail!

Patience. A sizable piece of chain mail will take a while to make.

The Tasty Goodness of Juice Full!
Teachers: Greg Brockman

You have never tasted juice like this. Learn (by doing) how to prepare and juice fruits to create the most delicious beverage known to man. And the best part: you get to drink your creation afterwards. Mmm.

You should like fruit juice.

Things from Australia That Can Kill You Full!
Teachers: Jessie Mueller

Australia is a neat place, filled with cute koalas and coral reefs. Below the surface, however, the country can also be deadly. Come learn about dangerous creatures and situations in Australia, along with honorable mentions and a chance to taste Vegemite!

String Figures
Teachers: Teresa Gomez

We'll cut and fuse string loops, then use them to make all kinds of figures. Traditional patterns, moving figures, and tricks will be learned- no experience necessary!

Ten or more fingers

Skills that Could Save Your Life #74
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Wait!? Do I know that person? We're going to pass each other - do I stop, do I wave, do I smile, how long should I maintain eye contact?! ... How to survive... dun dun dun Social Navigation of Public Transportation (Subways, Busses, Elevators, Escalators, and Hallways -- note: we are well aware of the current contentions concerning moving sidewalks, but, so as not to prematurely discourage and confuse introductory-level students, this material will not be covered in class)

Bridge Building Contest

Test your engineering skills with toothpicks and jelly beans.

Manga and Comics II: Getting Your Comic Out
Teachers: Jennifer Fu

Continuation of Manga and Comics: Creating Sequential Art. Once you've finally gotten your awesome new comic underway, how do you go about showing it to the world? This class will discuss various ways to present and distribute comics, from webcomics to self-publishing to (gasp) print. We will also look into how to create a pitch, how to compile a portfolio, what publishing companies are looking for in new works, how to work a medium, and how to be successful in comics contests.

Familiarity with comics of manga is encouraged but not required. A genuine interest in learning and generous attention span IS required.

The Art of Money
Teachers: Chris Su

Just this summer, inflation in Zimbabwe topped 11 million percent, forcing the government to print banknotes bearing the denomination of 100 billion ($$10^11$$). Also, by the end of this year, you will see the Hawaii quarter, marking the 50th unique quarter released since 1999.

Money design is an integral part of preserving our history, and this class invites you to explore the story contained in US and international money.

If not for anything else, come and see 100,000,000,000 dollars live. :D

Learn How to Solve the Rubik's Cube in under 5 minutes!!! Full!
Teachers: Manan Thakkar

Do you want to learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube in under 5 minutes? It's easier than you may think, and it's a very impressive trick among friends.

The first 60 to 90 minutes of the class will focus on simply getting you to solve the Rubik's cube for the first time. After that, we will spend the remaining time improving your time and memorizing how to solve it.

If you already know the basics of how to solve a Rubik's cube, feel free to come over for tips on improving your speed. Currently, I average around 45 seconds to solve a scrambled cube and I can certainly help you get faster.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at thakkar.m@neu.edu

You will definitely want to bring your own Rubik's cube. I will try to bring a few, but there will likely not be enough for everyone. So if you have your own Rubik's cube, and you probably do somewhere in your house, then be sure to bring it in.

Truffles-Making 101
Teachers: Kendra Beckler

Come learn to make homemade truffles, elegant and delicate. Impress your friends and family! Students will take their creations home.


Ever wonder how books are made? Ever think it would be cool if you could have your creative writing in hardcover? Ever wanted to use the word "signature" in a way that none of your friends understand?

Come bind copies of the novel written in "How to Write a Novel in 3 hours." You will practice some basic techniques and learn about more of them in the course of this class.

25 Years of Transformers: Separating Fact from Fanfiction Full!
Teachers: Daniel Look

25 years ago the Transformers came to the US. Not the giant robots, but their toy counterparts. Today, the Transformers label is seeing a huge increase in popularity with the live-action movies and the Transformers: Animated television series. However, between the original Transformers cartoon, which left the air in 1987, and the arrival of the TF live-action film in 2008 the Transformers line was far from dormant. In this class we will discuss the various time-lines and continuities existing in the TF universe (this will include watching clips from the various US and Japanese series and checking out the comics). We will discuss the Transformers as an epic story, including an analysis of the characters' "Jungian Archetypes". We will also, of course, get to play with toys. I will be bringing select toys from each of the various Transformers lines along with some rare figures.

ULTIMATE Wikiracing Full!
Teachers: Lauren McGough

Are you a master at getting lost in a whirl of links while you are on Wikipedia? Want to show off your skill in getting from random page A to random page B as fast as you can using only links on Wikipedia? Have you ever heard of Wikiracing?

Come learn to wikirace, then show off your skills in the ultimate Splash Wikirace Showdown! Small prizes will be awarded to winners.

Some familiarity with wikipedia is suggested.

Orienteering: map and compass navigation for fun Full!
Teachers: Catherine Olsson

Imagine racing through the forest, no roads or trails in view, map in hand and constantly checking off features in the terrain around you, plowing onwards determinedly in the direction of your goal - a flag hidden in the forest at a certain location, and your task is to find it. Once you've found it, you set off again to find the next one, and the next... this is the sport of orienteering, a fast-paced navigation race through unknown terrain guided only by a map and compass.

For the first hour in the classroom, you will learn the basics of map and compass orienteering, including some standard features and symbology of maps, methods for using a compass to orient yourself, strategies for choosing efficient routes, and most importantly, ways to relocate when you get lost. You don't need to have a good sense of direction or be in great shape. If you're quick-witted and can learn to use the map and compass to your advantage, then you can learn to orienteer!

In the second hour, we'll go out on the MIT campus and try out our newfound orienteering skills on a real orienteering course. Bring shoes you can walk/run in comfortably, and a compass if you have one.


Beginners' Crochet Full!
Teachers: Haneef Evans, Ada Ren

The class will take less than 2 hours.... most likely

Better, Faster, Stronger... than knitting

We will be teaching:
Basic Stitches
Circular Stitches

One Right Hand One Left Hand Preferably attached to the same person Legs not required Enthusiasm

Introduction to Zombie Defense

In Voodoo, there is the belief that there are undead people who are controlled by a sorcerer: these people are known as zombies. As they are not in their own control, we have reason to be afraid, as we can not reason with them. We can run, but we can't hide forever. The only thing we can do is learn to defend ourselves and become masters of our own destinies.

Interested in having fun, learning about zombies and other mystical creatures, gaining skills in tactics, communication and leadership.

Urban Orienteering at MIT
Teachers: Lucy Wu, Yalu Wu

So you've seen the crazy lego-like Simmons dorm and the earthquake shaken Stata Center. Do you want to get to know the MIT campus even more? Welcome to Urban Orienteering! Equipped with only a map and your sense of direction, you must race your way through all the checkpoints across over campus. Traditionally, orienteering is done in parks, on and off trail. We will be doing the same thing on the MIT campus except instead of having a compass as your guide, you will be using your surroundings to help you. And of course there will be a special something for the fastest teams!!
NOTE: The course will be very similar to the ones in previous years.

Have NOT taken the course in the past two years.

Boffer Construction Full!

Tired of using a videogame controller to fight your battles? Come build a boffer weapon and be your own avatar! A boffer is a padded foam weapon constructed to strict safety standards used for fights in Live Action Role-Playing (LARPing) or just plain fun. In this class we will learn to build basic mid-length swords. ***Teacher's note: If you have attended this class before, PLEASE refrain from signing up so that others may try something new. Thanks!

First-timers only, please!

Rocks and Foot-Tag
Teachers: Solomon Spigel

Have you ever gone outside and sat down on a rock, felt totally relaxed, and suddenly had the urge to run around on the grass? Well that's what we're doing in this class.

Balloon Animal Bonanza

Want to impress your friends? Intrigued by the balloon twisting of a clown? Learn to make a balloon dog and more! No experience (or large red nose) required. **Note: Balloons contain latex**

How to solve a Rubik's Cube
Teachers: Marcel Thomas

This section will show how to solve a Rubik's cube. It will include the history of the cube, several different methods used to solve the cube, how to modify the cube, and it will even include solutions to other mechanical puzzles, such as the 4x4x4 cube, the 5x5x5 cube, and Square 1. It will even introduce a computer program that has a Rubik's cube in the 4th dimension!

No experience necessary, however experience will lead to a much deeper understanding of the material. Also, IF YOU HAVE A RUBIK'S CUBE, BRING ONE.

The Art and Craft of Flicking
Teachers: Weijian Chuah

Take a big table. You place a poker chip at one corner. I place another at the direct opposite corner. We can flick the poker chip such that ours hits yours off the table, while ours stays! Come learn some skills of flicking. Anyone, beginner or master, is welcome! Tournament at the end of the class and win prizes. It's all about PRECISION!

Enthusiasm. Nimble fingers.

Introductory Dark Chocolate Tasting

So you like chocolate. A lot. You even have a favorite brand. (Hersheys? Nestle? Dove?) But it's all just chocolate, right? Wrong! There's a lot more to chocolate than what you buy in the grocery store. There are gradations of how dark it is, different types of beans, even chocolate made from beans all from the same country or even the same plantation! And they all have distinctive tastes. We'll have a range of different chocolates, as well as information about the different types of chocolate. We'll explore several different aspects of high-quality chocolate (such as percentage cocoa contents, and what country it comes from) and discuss what these things do to the flavor. We'll also bring some suggestions for where to look for buying your own chocolate. Note: Although younger students may take this class, please make sure they can sit still and join in a reasonable discussion. Anyone being rowdy will be asked to leave.

Whistling together Full!
Teachers: Joan Chen

I'm trying to find students to whistle tunes together and see if it sounds nice!

You need to know how to whistle,(i.e. making simple tunes (at least!) come out of your lips). Or, if you know how to conduct a choir or something similar, please come because I don't really know how!

Magic: The Gathering - Theory of Drafting Full!

This will be a course designed to teach students about the Magic limited format known as drafting. We will go over some of the basic drafting tips and tricks, as well as actually draft the most recent set, Shards of Alara.

Students should know how to play Magic comfortably well.

Learn How to Knit / Make a Camera Case, Etc. Full!
Teachers: Lizi George, Rena Katz

Knitting is fun and exciting! You will learn how to make a stretchy, fuzzy case for your camera, iPod, phone, or whatever small object you want to avoid getting scratched. A headband is another option. Any knitting skill level is welcome - I can help you with more advanced skills if there is time - but this class is geared towards beginners.


Experimental Muffin Engineering and Systems

the how to and what to of making all the muffins you could dream of. build outfits, radios, hair dye, elevators and our current administration out of muffins! We will cover basic brainstorming, design and fabrication techniques. Ingredients provided. Eager hands and minds needed.

being able to set an oven to bake and checking a time


Come learn about the awesomeness of Tea! It helps me survive and it can help you too! Try new kinds of tea, tea with milk, tea with boba, tea with scones, tea with sandwiches, tea with cake, tea with dim sum, tea with math... the possibilities are endless!

Video Games: An Insider's Look
Teachers: Kahn Jekarl

Did you ever wonder how video games are made? Are you curious about the different jobs within the game industry? Are you interested in making video games? Then this is the class for you! Taught by Kahn Jekarl, a professional game developer that has made games for the PlayStation2, Xbox, and PC, this class will delve into issues such as getting into the game industry and how games are made. The only prerequisite is a love for games.

Monkey Island Full!

You are Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate of the Caribbean.

Well, actually you're not all that mighty, and you're not really a pirate yet... but you really want to be! And you can hold your breath for 10 minutes. That's got to count for something.

Join us as we play through this LucasArts adventure game with its notoriously complicated puzzles and witty humor. Face devious enemies including the evil ghost pirate LeChuck! Featuring vegetarian cannibals, odd uses of rubber chickens, insult swordfighting.

"You fight like a dairy farmer!"
"How appropriate, you fight like a cow!"

(We will play Monkey Island I and Monkey Island II in the two sections, so feel free to come to only one or both of them.)

Not knowing how to beat Monkey Island already.

Learn to Play Bridge Full!
Teachers: Benjamin Epstein

Bridge is one of the most intellectually stimulating, exciting card games around! This will be an introduction to the game: We'll learn lots of the basics about playing strategy, why one player is called the "dummy," a little bit about "bidding" your cards, and we'll finish up with a small tournament!

Bridge is played in pairs, so come with a friend! If you come alone, we'll match you up with someone else who comes.

Introduction to European Games

Tired of Monopoly, Taboo and Trivial Pursuit? This class will introduce “European-style” board games, which range from monks in a monastery trying to solve a murder mystery to settling an island to building Arabian palaces. These games are social, fun and themed while still incorporating interesting strategy. We'll explore several varieties of European games, including some specific examples, and examine sources for these games. This class will include, of course, a “games tasting” session, where we will break into groups and play some of these games.
Estimated attendance: 10 students (including other sections of the same class).

Introduction to Birdwatching

An introduction to some of the general ideas and techniques of birdwatching; also provides instruction on the identification of various common Massachusetts birds.

Manga 101
Teachers: Emily Pittore

Do you read manga but want to know more about it? Have you never read it and don't know where to start? We're going to talk a little about what types of manga are out there, and give some recommendations in each genre.

The Sacred Art of Ski/Snowboard Tuning
Teachers: James Backman


Hardcore College Admissions
Teachers: Chris Su

HYPSMC = Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Caltech = the Holy Grail of College Admissions.

Want to get into one of these?

MIT Admissions Blogger and CollegeConfidential.com veteran with nearly 1,600 posts shares some insights (disclaimer: my opinions are strictly personal and do not represent the official positions of any college =p).

Massachusetts Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry Full!

Do you like Harry Potter? Then come discuss all about the world's favorite boy wizard. Topics will include (but are not limited to) the books, movies, fan culture, and anything else that makes you wish you had magical powers.

Class open to all wizards, witches, Muggles, goblins, centaurs, and other magical beings.

Make Your Own Fashion Project! Full!

This class is solely to enhance your own creativity! There is a store called the Garment District that is filled with clothes for cheap, though it'll take a bit of looking to actually find something. That's your job! Me and another student are going to take the class to the Garment District and have them scout out for items to create something ugly into in style fashion!

Just bring your creativity and have fun!

bouncing and sugar! take 3
Teachers: Yuri Lin

bounce bounce bounce bounce

bouncing and sugar, takes 1 and 2 (not really)

[Deprecated] Junction

[ Return to Category List ]

Alternative Wiimote Uses
Teachers: Daniel Gray

(Junction of Computer Science, Hobbies, and Math)

The Wii Remote, or Wiimote, is the controller for the Nintendo Wii gaming console. When it was first announced, gamers were awed by the ingenuity of its design and the gameplay opportunities it offers. You can aim it like a gun at on-screen enemies, swing it around like a tennis racket, or in some early cases, throw it through your TV as you bowl a strike. Have you ever wondered, though, what uses it might have outside of mainstream video gaming? In this class we will explore some of these possibilities, then take an in-depth look at how to implement one of them. You'll go home with a CD containing all the software you need to try it out yourself.

Familiarity with basic trigonometry and object-oriented programming. If you've never programmed before, take a Splash C++ class first!

The Mathematics of Juggling Full!
Teachers: Jeremy Kuhn

(Hobbies and Mathematics)

What on earth does juggling have to do with mathematics?!
How do you juggle "441"?

Siteswap notation is a means of expressing juggling patterns through strings of numbers. After introducing siteswap notation, we will use it to show some interesting and unexpected mathematical properties of juggling.

Reading Video Games (Will we ever get tired of shooting aliens in the crotch?)
Teachers: Alexander El Nabli

What do we expect when we cough up $35-$60 for a video game and what ought we expect? Are video games a form of entertainment or pieces of art to reflect upon?

We will explore how video games differentiate themselves from other media and what could be required of such a peculiar industry if it wants to take advantage of these qualities (i.e. interactivity, the problematic, rules, fun, and princesses).

We will also briefly examine the history of gaming to situate ourselves in the current context of PC and console games.

Those brave of heart and strong of thumb are greatly encouraged to enroll.

Survivorman: Prepping for and Surviving College
Teachers: Leonardo Gomez

My goal is to provide you with a lens into the college experience. I'll be providing tips on putting together a successful application, prepping you for your first year, and surviving when you get there. I'll also take you on a virtual tour of a day in the life of an MIT undergrad. Essential survival tips and implements will be discussed at random throughout the lecture.

an open ear and the slightest interest in going to college.

[Deprecated] Liberal Arts

[ Return to Category List ]

Connecting Religious and Scientific Belief
Teachers: David Nawi

It is our beliefs that help guide our decisions and help us make sense of the world. Religious and scientific belief can thus be seen as two distinct yet complimentary aspects of our beliefs as a whole, and not as mutually exclusive. Come discuss more about why so many people feel the need to separate the two and denigrate one or the other, and how you can weave the two together in your own life.

A Brief Conversation About the Baha'i Faith
Teachers: David Nawi

Can you imagine covering an entire religion in one hour? Neither can I. So let’s sit down, get relaxed, and have a short conversation about a religion you may not have heard of or know much about. Be sure to bring your questioning nature and open mind along for the ride.

Build a World
Teachers: Susan Shepherd

Do you have a plot that needs a setting? Are you hoping to write a fantasy, science fiction, or speculative fiction story or book, but you aren't sure how to make your world believeable? Fear not! This class will provide tips and advice on doing research, creating a culture, making up a history, creating a consistent magic system, avoiding cliches and integrating your characters into the society around them.

An interest in writing or worldbuilding

Beginner Latin I
Teachers: Jean Cui

Beginner Latin I will teach some basic grammar (first declension, second declension nouns, first conjugation, second conjugation verbs in the present, imperfect, and future), some Latin vocabulary, some English words that derive from Latin, and some Roman history and culture.


Conversational Latin
Teachers: Antony Nguyen

A minimal-grammar, no-translation introduction to the true spoken tongue of the Romans.

By the end of this course, you'll seem like an educated Roman elite with your vast knowledge of numbers, letters, and basic greetings, just in case you end up in ancient Rome.

None. Toga optional.

Playwrights' Workshop Full!
Teachers: Daniel Zaharopol

Drama has great power. While movies and books have their own advantages, there is something special about being able to connect emotionally with real people that are right in front of you. But writing for the theater is hard. It needs to sound authentic, but it also needs to move the plot forwards. Characters must be true to themselves and each other. Each scene must have a point, it must have action, it must be engaging. Come join us as we explore some excerpts from plays, write our own short scenes, and discuss what it is that goes into a good play. If you've written any kind of play (or just a short scene) before, you are encouraged to bring several copies. But this class is open to anyone, including and especially those who have never written before!

How to Persuade: The Aristotelian Way Full!
Teachers: Soren Rehn

Aristotle wrote that rhetoric is "the ability, in each particular case, to see the available means of persuasion." So, what "available means" are staring you in the face? We'll be exploring how we can speak and act persuasively on the platform or in every day life through Aristotle's Rhetoric. And then we'll practice on each other! Come ready to convince or be convinced.

Learn basic Polish Full!
Teachers: Martyna Jozwiak

Learn how to pronounce Polish words and phrases. Have your first conversation in Polish and get answers to any questions you may have about the culture and history of Poland.

The ideas of Charles Darwin Full!
Teachers: Karishma Sekhon

The basic ideas of the evolution of species by Charles Darwin


Voices of the Tundra: Sámi Music, Past and Present
Teachers: Alyssa Kersting

A short introduction to the music of the Sámi people of north Lapland, a indigenous group from the circumpolar regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. We'll start with an brief discussion of Sámi history and culture, followed by an introduction to the traditional song-style, the chant-like joik. Finally, we'll survey modern Sámi artists and their work, as they blend the ancestral joik with more contemporary influences.

An open mind about other cultures' musical traditions.

The Black Plague

The Black Death was one of the deadliest plagues in human history. It swept through Europe sporadically throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It's estimated Europe lost about one third of its population to this disease. What caused such a deadly disease? How did Europeans react, and how did the Black Plague change the course of history?

In this class, we will study both the biology of the plague (which is still poorly understood) and how it affected the course of European History.

Spoken Word: the Power of Language
Teachers: Lyla Johnston

Spoken Word is a rapidly growing art-form which blends performance and free verse poetry. This class will unlock the explosive quality of the dictionary and educate students on the beauty of free expression.

Introduction to American Sign Language Full!
Teachers: Alice Ohlson

This class will be a brief introduction to American Sign Language (ASL), a language used by over half a million Americans. I hope to show you what a unique, fascinating, and beautiful language ASL is.

Split Personalities and the Human Mind
Teachers: Karishma Sekhon

A brief study of the reasons and causes
of split personalities and the human mind.


Write a Novel In 3 Hours

Sound insane? Well, yeah. And yet, we shall boldly venture forth, writing without a prayer of proofreading, hacking out our chapters as fast as our fingers can type them. Be a part of this crazy experiment!

In the first 90 minutes, we will come up with a plot, sketch out chapter summaries, and divide them up. In the second 90 minutes, we will write, write, write! If you take bookbinding, you'll get to bind this novel afterwards.

Those who expect quality may be disappointed. Those few, brave, creative souls who want to see what happens anyway are warmly invited!

The Sonnet
Teachers: Lance Ozier

The sonnet is one of the oldest and most durable forms of poetry. It’s been used by great poets from Shakespeare to e. e. cummings. Because it has certain rules, it poses creative challenges for any poet, but as a result can yield poems that astonish and delight. Come see how poets have met the challenges and reaped the rewards over the past 400 years.

Interest in words, language, poetry.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to MUNs
Teachers: Usman Masood

Model United Nations? Questions from what is it!? to what a moderated caucus is. In the last one hour, we will be having a mock UN committee session.

Getting Good at Grammar Full!
Teachers: Allison Moore

Sure, you know the basics - their vs. there, to vs. too vs. two. But do you know when to use whom instead of who? Lay instead of lie? Have you heard of parallelism and noun-verb agreement?

Good grammar is so important - it organizes our language, makes text easier to understand, and, perhaps most importantly, makes you sound smart in daily conversation, class papers, and college essays.

This is a course for everyone from the student who gets her papers back covered in red editing marks to the kid who likes to obnoxiously correct others when they speak poorly.

Your teacher is a Boston University journalism major who's a huuuge grammar freak. She currently works as an editorial intern at a local children's book publisher. Feel free to bring an essay for her to edit - she'd be happy to look it over after class.


Modern Jewish Cultural History
Teachers: Evan Silberman

The story of the Jewish people in the modern world constitutes a parallel narrative to the usual story of European enlightenment, exploration, conquest, rebellion, and reform. We will discuss the idea of a secular Jewish culture, and follow its development from the dawn of the modern era in Europe to the end of the 20th Century in the United States.

How to Order Lunch in Athens

Technology! Democracy! Feta cheese! Where on Earth do these words come from?

Although it has existed in several different forms throughout its history, Greek has always been an energetic language, an academic language, and a brilliantly descriptive language. Its speakers created timeless works of drama and helped set the frameworks of our democracy. In this course we will discover the Greek roots of a few common English words and experience the color of the modern Greek language you might just hear during your next walk down the ancient streets of Athens.

After the class, students will be able to order lunch in the Greek capital for themselves!

Speculative Fiction Forum Full!

Do you like science fiction or fantasy novels? Share what you do and don't like, give (and get!) lots of book recommendations, compare systems of technology and magic, and discover new perspectives on these interesting genres.

Demons! and the language they spoke: Dostoevsky and his beloved Russia
Teachers: Soren Rehn

In 1869, Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote a brilliant and darkly prophetic vision of Russia's social turmoil and subsequent communist rule. But it wasn't all bad: like most of his works, Dostoevsky shares with us a glimpse of the fast, tumultuous, and impetuous nature of life in Russia. We'll be exploring the book, the language and trying to get a glimpse of life in "Mother Russia."


Newcomb's Paradox

What does it mean to act rationally? In this class we'll discuss Newcomb's paradox, and talk about what constitutes a rational choice. We may get sidetracked into discussions of free will, time travel, and parallel universes. This class will be very discussion based.

Shakespeare and Sci-fi? Full!

Ever wonder where the creators of the X-Files got their inspiration? Ever wonder what Shakespeare and Sci-fi could possibly have in common?

Familiarity with basic Shakespeare (ie. you know who the guy was).

Beginner Latin II
Teachers: Jean Cui

Beginner Latin II is a continuation of Latin I. There will be some grammar, some Latin vocabulary, some English words that derive from Latin, and some Roman culture.

Beginner Latin I or knowledge of first and second declension nouns, and first and second conjugation verbs in the present, imperfect and future.

Intro to Arabic Language: Alphabet and Conversation Full!
Teachers: Nalika Vasudevan

In this course we will learn how to write using the Arabic Alphabet, learn to say a few common phrases and learn a little bit about some basic grammatical rules!

How to Read a Poem
Teachers: Lance Ozier

Have you ever read a poem and wondered what the heck is going on? Or, as the poet T. S. Eliot once wrote, have you “had the experience but missed the meaning”? In this class you will learn some simple techniques to help you make more sense of the poems you read.

Interest in words, language, poetry.

Moral Philosophy
Teachers: Usman Masood

Was philosophy only Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum? Let's see what people like Khalil Gibran and Maulana Rumi have to say.

Learn the Runic Alphabet
Teachers: Jennifer Hogan

Runic alphabets were used to write German languages between 150 and 1800 CE. There are thousands of runic inscriptions of great historic value, but even if you never plan on reading any of them, you have to admit it: runes are cool. We're going to focus on the one known as Younger Futhark used to write Old Norse, the language of the Vikings.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Amusing!

Reuben: Can you write the description?
Paul: Why should I?
Reuben: Do you know what it's about?
Paul: Isn't it about existentialism, with lots of schtick?
Reuben: Why would anyone want to take that class?
Paul: Because Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are amusing!
Reuben: Statement, one-love.

Familiarity with the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead is highly recommended.

Creating Believeable Aliens
Teachers: Susan Shepherd

So you have a great story in mind - a flash video, a role playing game, a story, a book, a film, a play - and it requires aliens of some kind. But you don't want to just say that they're "elves" or "werewolves" or "grays" or "little green men from Mars." You want REAL aliens - ones that won't make your audience roll their eyes.

This class will show you how to create an alien species and a society for it to live in. Topics of this class will include:

Different ways to think about the term "alien."
Making aliens different.
The importance of avoiding cliches and stereotypes.
Contrariwise, how you can play around with those same cliches and stereotypes in order to create an interesting world.
Alien biology.
Alien societies.
Excuses you can use for "first contact" stories; explanations for why they haven't gotten here sooner.

Type is Cool: An Introduction to Font Design Full!
Teachers: Luke Joyner

We’ll warm up a bit by drawing some letters of all kinds. Then I’ll provide a short history of letterforms, alphabets and orthographies, from ancient times to the invention of the printing press and up to the most modern digital type design technologies, and give a very short introduction to the practice of designing a font. After that, you’ll get a chance to start designing a font of your own, using some of the techniques that you’ve learned.

Unbearable Lightness of Being: Nietzsche, Kundera and the Return
Teachers: Race Wright

Sex, love, hate, power, control, fidelity, betrayal. The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

The universe is full of opposites: light-dark, soft-rough, love-hate, etc. Humanity has assigned values to many of these opposing elements, light is good, darkness is bad; love is good, hate is bad.

Milan Kundera explores the opposites of light and heavy in his novel, all the while asking the question: which one is good? which one is bad?

In this class, we'll examine themes and episodes within the Unbearable Lightness of Being, in order to decide for ourselves whether we prefer lightness or heaviness.

And Nietzsche? We'll talk about him too.

Some knowledge of philosophy and or Milan Kundera will be helpful, but not required.

Eastern Poetry Full!
Teachers: Usman Masood

I'm sure a lot of you love Wordsworth and Shakespeare. Let's take a look at the words of Shakespeares of the east.

Legends of the Samurai and Ninja Full!
Teachers: Jennifer Yoo

Hear the stories of some of the greatest samurai and ninja that ever lived. Discover the legends of how the ninja came to be, and what glory truly means to a samurai.

New and improved from Splash 2007 with more stories to share!

Column Writing: A Crash Course
Teachers: Bridget Pelkie

Have you ever wanted to write for a magazine?

Here's your chance to learn about magazine publishing and how to come up with great ideas for columns geared at your favorite publications.

We'll start by reading some samples to dissect what makes a good column. Then we'll take a step back and evaluate some magazines and how columns fit into them. Along the way, we'll discuss such important aspects of column writing as targeting an audience, researching material and interviewing subjects.

We'll do some in-class exercises on idea generation and research skills, so bring a magazine or two you'd like to write for and your handy reporter's tools (a notebook and a pen).

An interest in writing/journalism.

Tips for High School and "Creative" Writing
Teachers: Luis Amaya

This class will start out with some quick general tips to do well in high school. Then we will move on to the writing portion. This writing portion is to help improve basic writing skills and individuals' writing styles. We will concentrate mostly on usage of language, word play, and creativity. You will be asked to write and share some of the things you wrote.

Learn the Greek Alphabet
Teachers: Jennifer Hogan

The Greek alphabet is used not only in writing the Greek language but also in mathematics, science, engineering, and many names in everyday life. We'll learn the names of the letters, how to write them, and how they're usually rendered in the Latin alphabet (what English uses). Come learn your $$\alpha$$ $$\beta$$ $$\gamma$$ 's with us!

Hebrew for Total Newbies

Ever wanted to write and read backwards? Learn the basics of one of the very oldest languages! We'll go over the alphabet, greetings, numbers, and basic grammar. Come to find out how to write your name in a new language; stay to enjoy the thrill of pronouncing "chanukah" correctly!

Try to look at the Hebrew alphabet beforehand - and you don't need to know it in advance, but it'll help to think about how to read right-to-left for a few minutes. Check out http://themish.net/hebrew_with_vowels.jpg for a quick overview.

Parliamentary Procedure and Debate
Teachers: Simone Agha

Motion to suspend the rules! Learn how to write your own bills and debate them using Robert's Rules of Order. Practice arguing issues from the serious to the downright silly.

How to go Gluten-Free
Teachers: Tina Tallon

Ever wondered what would happen if all of the wheat in the world suddenly vanished in an inexplicable event of epic porportions? No, you probably haven't. But after coming to this class, you will be prepared! Come find out how to live without wheat and try some awesome gluten-free food!


This course is an introduction to the study of the language family that English belongs
to. We will discuss the linguistics, history and culture of this group. Students will gain
a new perspective on language and be shown some directions to explore their curiosity
about words and language change.


Glorious Music
Teachers: Lance Ozier

Sure, you've heard of Beethoven and Bach. We'll start there, but move quickly to some of the most glorious classical music of the early 20th century, including pieces by Orff, Stravinsky, Ravel, Respighi, Gershwin, and Puccini.

Interest in music.

Learn a Little Ladakhi
Teachers: Colin McSwiggen

Ladakhi is a dialect of Tibetan spoken in the far northern region of India. It is extremely obscure. In fact, so few people speak it that within an hour I can make you one of the United States' leading experts on Ladakhi!

This class is an opportunity to to get a glimpse of a language very different from English. Though I will teach some basic vocabulary and conversation patterns, we will primarily be focusing on interesting grammatical and structural differences rather than on actually learning to say things.

Strong interest in languages! Some experience with a language other than English would be helpful.

Storytelling, Rhetoric, and the Oral Tradition

The class will focus on the theory and practice of oral storytelling and rhetoric. Each student should come prepared with at least one story (max. 5 minutes) to tell.

Russian Music, Russian Culture
Teachers: Hannah Kirsch

Russian composers have long looked to everything from Russian mythology to Russian politics for inspiration in their music. Come eat tea cookies and drink tea while listening to and discussing Russian composers like Glinka and Scriabin and the effects their culture had on their music!

Bring a love of classical music.

Veganism: An Introduction and Discussion on Living Cruelty-Free
Teachers: Vicky Cassis

This class is for both vegans and people who are interested in becoming vegan or vegetarian. We'll be learning about and discussing different vegan ideologies, how to stay healthy, and the many benefits of this dietary practice. I'm excited to hear your opinions and teach you about something awesome!

One of my favorite things about veganism is cooking, so I'll be bringing some sample recipes for you to try at home. If you have a favorite vegan recipe, please feel free to share!


Poetry in Petals
Teachers: Rutuparna Das

For centuries, nature has been a burst of inspiration for poets. From fleeting mentions of a rose in the middle of a sonnet, to full blown stanzas dedicated to daffodils, nature turns up in poetry everywhere. Come read and discuss nature poetry from Wordsworth, Frost, and more, and even write your own verses!

Anatomy of a Metaphor
Teachers: A L

Running short on time? Classes giving you stress? Financial troubles weighing you down?

These questions may not seem metaphorical, but they are.

Metaphors: we not only encounter them in the arts but also think with them. Find out how metaphors are described in Conceptual Metaphor Theory and how we encounter them in communication and reasoning.

Design and Marketing Basics: How to Make People Buy Things Full!
Teachers: chaya kaufman

How do marketing and graphics people think when they choose a packaging and advertisement campaign for an item? We'll walk through the steps from brainstorming to final design.

How to Say 'Schwa'

Have you ever wondered why English spelling makes no sense? Or why speakers of Asian languages have trouble with ‘l’ and ‘r’? Or why Bostonians are always “pahking” their “cahs” instead of parking their cars? In this introductory linguistics course, you will learn the secrets behind the sounds we use in everyday speech. You will even learn how to write your name using the International Phonetic Alphabet (impress all your friends!). This course will be fast-paced and fun; please come prepared to have your minds blown.

And now for something completely different: Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Teachers: Race Wright

It's Monty Python's Flying Circus!

The Ministry of Silly Walks. Cheese Shop. Dead Parrot. Argument Clinic. The Mouse Problem.

What makes these sketches funny? Are they funny? Does Monty Python have a message? Who do we understand the role of comedy in society?

In this class, we'll ask serious questions about not so serious subjects. We'll explore the meaning behind Monty Python's Flying Circus by watching scenes, deconstructing them, questioning them, and of course, laughing at them.

A well developed sense of humour.


[ Return to Category List ]

How to be very very likely to Win Money off your friends Full!
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

How to make the right choice… in order to win money, of course. A bit of intro math, and then some situations in which the right setup makes most people /very/ likely to slip up. If you're not the kind of person who would trick others, at least learn how not to be tricked yourself!

Fourier and Laplace Transforms
Teachers: Letitia Li

It's actually possible to change space and time with just math! They're strange tools in differential equations that one can use to make a problem much easier, or just things to do if you feel like doing math. Also great plot devices if you feel like giving kids nightmares about integrals.


Mass Points Full!
Teachers: Sean Markan

"Mass points" is an intuitive method of solving certain geometry problems, especially ones that give you a scary diagram and ask for the ratio of two lengths. Mass points is (almost) never taught in schools, perhaps because it's too much fun. So come learn it here.

Basic knowledge of geometry will be helpful.

How to definitely Win Money off your friends
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Not a gambler? – this isn’t cheating per se, it’s simply leading your opponent to assume that they have a chance…

Want to be a Groupie?
Teachers: Lauren McGough

Come learn basic group theory, and learn about the coolness that is abstract algebra! Don't know what I'm talking about? You'll find out! The goal of this class will be to build up basic group theory through Lagrange's Theorem and the First Isomorphism Theorem. If you already know what these are, this class will probably be too easy for you. Otherwise, come learn about the fun that is group theory!

None, but it will be helpful if you're comfortable with basic algebraic manipulations

Algebra and the Hyperbolic Plane
Teachers: Chris Kennedy

What if parallel lines could diverge, rather than staying the same distance apart? This kind of thing happens in the hyperbolic plane, where concepts of distance and area are not what you would expect.

We'll inspect the hyperbolic plane from the point of view of symmetry and geometry, using the powerful tools of abstract algebra. Pretty pictures and rather advanced math will both be present.

Knowledge of matrices, and a head for math.

Why are Circles so cool? Full!
Teachers: Daniel Look

This class will focus on some neat, and non-trivial, properties of what could be considered the most amazing geometric object in history: the circle. Specifically, we will explore some fascinating pictures that arise through looking at limit sets of circle inversions. This talk will touch on Kleinian groups, Apollonian gaskets, limit sets and, because I love it so much, complex dynamics. Come for the pictures, stay for the knowledge. This class will touch on some deep mathematical concepts, but no specific knowledge is required.

No specific knowledge is necessary. However, we will be touching on some heavy stuff so if thinking hard about math is not your thing you will not want to be in this class.

Teachers: Robert Assaly

Come meet the challenge of solving these popular mind-enriching puzzles. I shall present up to three more difficult Sudokus, and after some interval of time, I'll show you procedures that I use to solve them. Please bring both a black pen and a red pen. You won't need an eraser if you use the same procedures that I use.

An enjoyment of solving math puzzles.

Introductory Topology
Teachers: Lisa Danz

You've probably heard that a topologist can't tell the difference between a donut and a coffee cup. But what *can* a topologist do? In this lecture, I'll try to give you a glimpse into the topologists' world with the key definitions, and hopefully with an interesting result or two. In particular, among other things, you will find out precisely why the coffee cup and the donut are the same.

1. A working knowledge of basic algebra (Middle/High School Algebra 1 or equivalent).

Beauty and Chaos: Exploring the Mandelbrot Set
Teachers: Daniel Look

What does it mean for a mathematical function to behave chaotically? What exactly is the Mandelbrot set and what is the big deal? We will explore the field of Complex Dynamics, where math, art and chaos. You will need an inquisitive mind and basic algebra to understand this talk.


The Incompleteness Theorem
Teachers: Daniel Kane

We discuss the proof by Godel that if the axioms of mathematics are consistent, that there must be statements that are true but impossible to prove.

Puzzles from Discrete Math Full!
Teachers: Sean Markan

Try your hand at some fun yet difficult mathematical puzzles. The puzzles will involve logic and combinatorics, and some will be like the ones encountered on high school math contests. Students will have the opportunity to work on the problems before the answers are given away.

Mathematically advanced students below grade 10 are welcome.

You should be familiar with permutations, combinations, and the binomial theorem.

Mathematics of Music: Consonance and Dissonance
Teachers: Miranda Holmes

Math is fun and beautiful. Music is fun and beautiful. Let’s do both! There are a number of aspects
of music theory and perception that can be understood using a little bit of mathematics. We will
talk about things things like:

• Why does a clarinet’s ‘A’ sound different from an oboe’s ‘A’?
• Why do some pairs of notes sound great together, and others sound terrible?
• Why and when do we hear notes that don’t really exist?
• Musical paradoxes - how we can construct a scale that always goes up, yet repeats itself infinitely many times (like Escher’s staircase).

And we won’t just talk - we’ll listen to these things too!

Should be familiar with basic trigonometry, such as understanding $$\sin$$ and $$\cos$$. It will help to know a little bit about music theory, such as what is a perfect 5th, but the only real 'musical' prerequisite is an interest in listening to strange musical experiments!

Ask Me About Math

If you have a conceptual math question, there is a 70% chance that I can answer it (assuming that the obscurity/difficulty of such questions follows a Pareto distribution). The odds increase to 98% if you allow me the use of Google and Wikipedia, and to 99.9% if you allow me to randomly make stuff up. Come empirically verify these probabilities by asking me about math! Anything from the Monty Hall problem to calculus to higher-dimensional geometry is fair game. You could even try your luck by sneaking a computer science question or a physics question -- not that different, in many cases, to math...

Graphing by Hand Full!
Teachers: Jennifer Melot

Ever wanted to whip out a graph of

$$y = \frac{x^2+1}{x \sin x}$$

but just didn't know where to begin? Have nightmares about being stuck on a desert island without your graphing calculator and being unable to graph

$$y = \sin x \ln x$$


Even if the answer to both of these questions is "um, no", being able to draw reasonably accurate graphs of complicated functions without making a table of values or grabbing your calculator can be fun and useful.

A willingness to participate in discussion. Discussions will touch on a few ideas from calculus but calculus is not at all a requirement. At a minimum students should know what the graphs of sin and cos look like.

Introduction to Number Theory
Teachers: Jacob Steinhardt

What is the remainder when you divide $$3999^4000$$ by 4001? What about if you divide 100! by 101? These questions have to do with an area of math called "modular arithmetic", and we will learn how to solve these and other problems.

Formal topics covered: modular arithmetic; arithmetic progressions in mods; inverses; Fermat's and Euler's theorems; Wilson's theorem.

Algebra I

SET Game: The Math Behind the Game

We'll use basic math to find interesting properties about the game SET, including magic squares and "no sets".

No prior knowledge of SET game necessary.

Topics in Algebra
Teachers: Lester Kim

This course is designed to fill any gaps in your knowledge of mathematics. The course's aim is to provide you with a better understanding of what you have learned so far in your math classes so that you will be better prepared for more advanced mathematics and science topics (i.e. calculus, linear algebra, analysis, physics). Topics will include: sets, number systems, modular arithmetic, groups, rings, fields, and functions.

The most important prerequisite is an interest in mathematics. Having a sound background in basic arithmetic would suffice for this course. Note: if you know how to prove that Z(6) and Z(2x2) are isomorphic, then you may want to take a more advanced course.

Tea and Cool Mathematical Thought Questions Full!
Teachers: Lauren McGough

Come relax, drink some tea and enjoy a mathematical journey as we explore different mathematical questions from different fields of math. Learn about the infinite, the mathematically beautiful, strange, bizarre, and just plain mind-blowing, as we explore interesting questions in mathematics and solve cool problems with the hope of gaining insight into some awesome topics.

None - no technical math prerequisites are assumed. Just come ready to think about some crazy mathematical concepts!

Introduction to Symbolic Logic and Proofs Full!
Teachers: Zoe Thorkildsen

Learn the underlying properties of logical proofs, used by mathematicians the world over to prove new theorems. We will start by introducing and mathematically defining “and” “or” “not” and “implies” and then we will discuss how to use these ideas to construct simple truth tables to establish equivalence. Once we have tackled these fairly simple tasks, we will construct proofs. We'll start with simple propositions but then begin proving the underlying principles of number theory at the end of the lesson. If you’ve ever asked your teacher “But why does multiplying by a negative number reverse the inequality?”, this is the class for you.

No prereqs per se, but this class will be fast paced and the material will not necessarily be what you are used to from a math course. Be prepared to be challenged.

The Theory of Optimization I Full!
Teachers: Michael Axiak, Yalu Wu

Optimization is all about solving complex problems. For example, how many flavors of ice cream should your ice cream parlor carry in order to maximize profit? How would you cut a piece of yarn into four pieces to maximize the area of the quadrilateral formed? Where should you locate an emergency facility in order to minimize transportation costs? How should you drive in order to minimize gas usage?

We will show you how to model real-life problems and find optimal solutions of your own!

Familiarity with algebra is required.

If you are planning on taking Theory of Optimization II, sign up for this class as well.


Calculus: It's all Just One Theorem!
Teachers: Lauren McGough

Zomg, did you know all of calculus comes from the Mean Value Theorem? In high school I thought the fundamental theorem of calculus was cool, but it turns out that the mean value theorem is the true calculus G (i.e., in the gangster respect)! Come as we discuss analysis and realize that all of calculus comes from ONE theorem! It's Craziness!

Knowledge of precalculus will be assumed; knowledge of calculus might be helpful, but if you don't know calculus, this might be an interestingly rigorous introduction.

The Theory of Optimization II
Teachers: Michael Axiak, Yalu Wu

This course is a follow-up to The Theory of Optimization I.

In this class, we will explore the mathematical basis for optimization. We will discover the rich math of Hilbert spaces, dual spaces, and Fourier analysis. We will be able to use these concepts to solve a broader class of optimization problems, such as finding the path of least time (useful in relativistic mechanics), finding the optimal strategy to play Age of Empires, and deriving the equation entropy in statistical mechanics.

Some knowledge in Calculus is recommended.

The Theory of Optimization I and some knowledge of Calculus are both helpful.

Theoretical Computation
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Can you add by dropping marbles through a maze of switches? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcDshWmhF4A (watch with the volume off and figure out how it works - /very/ simple, but elegant, no?)
That machine clearly only works as directed for some range of numbers. How about if you want to add arbitrarily large numbers with one, finite machine? Can you build such a machine and then tell someone how to drop marbles into it to add their numbers? – NO!! STOP!! I did not ask, ‘how would you’ – I asked CAN you? Sure, you could prove the affirmative by construction, by making a machine which does so (if one can exist) but can you more succinctly, more elegantly, simply prove that such a machine exists? What if one could not exist? How would you go about proving this?
If you like looking at machines and figuring out what they do, or constructing machines to solve problems, then you may be a bit disappointed, because examples in this class will be few (if awesome) and far between. Rather, this class is on the mathematical treatment of ALL machines, ALL languages, ALL algorithms. Exactly what abilities – finitely many states? finite memory? infinite memory? non-determinism? – are necessary to solve problems? What sets of abilities are equivalent? And are there problems that are simply impossible to solve, although they clearly must have an answer?

Absolutely none. But this class /is a prerequisite/ for the Beyond Computation class later in the evening if you aren’t already fairly familiar with TCS.

The Banach-Tarski Paradox
Teachers: Chris Kennedy

Sometimes you can get something for nothing. At least, you can when you manipulate a sphere in strange—but volume-preserving!—ways to make two spheres that are exactly the same as the one you started with. This is the essence of the Banach-Tarski Paradox—a mathematically tricky way to rearrange a sphere into two. In the process, we will explore the Axiom of Choice, rearrangements of sets, and some mildly mind-blowing math.

This class is more or less a sequel to Algebra and the Hyperbolic Plane, with the same requirements: knowledge of matrices, and a curiosity for math.

Two Proofs in Elementary Number Theory Full!
Teachers: Jennifer Melot

Introduces students to a few of the ideas of elementary number theory by considering two elegant proofs.

A willingness to participate in discussion. Familiarity with the definition of the reals, integers, prime numbers, and rational and irrational numbers preferred.

Generating Functions
Teachers: Drew Haven

Did you know that the nth Fibonacci number is $$F_n = \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \left[ \left(\frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^n - \left(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^n \right]$$? What does this have to do with the infinite polynomial $$f(x) = 1 + x + 2x^2 + 3x^3 + 5x^4 + 8x^5 + \cdots$$? Generating functions are a beautiful tool for messing with sequences and figuring out recurrence relations. Armed with these and some arithmetic, we can come up with formulas like these with ease!

Some calculus: derivatives, Taylor series, partial fraction decomposition

Randomness Full!
Teachers: Luke Joyner



Which of these numbers is more random? Intuition tells you the first one... but why?

In this class, we'll go *very* briefly over some mathematical ideas of what it means for something to be random, and how these various ideas of randomness all end up being related. Along the way, we'll think about examples of randomness in other contexts, from computers to music to visual art to the design of cities, as a way to understand the math and its importance.

(NOTE: This may sound like an easy class, but it's meant for students with a strong interest in math. There are no specific prerequisites beyond algebra II, and I won't go into too much detail given the time constraints, but this *is* a math class and there will be math involved, however silly the topic sounds.)

Completion of Algebra II and a strong interest in math.

Differentiation and Integration of Friendly Functions I: the Basics
Teachers: Michael Livshits

In this class we will try to understand the basics of differentiation and integration, starting with simple examples.We will concentrate on well-behaved, "friendly" functions, and will not have to wade through somewhat intimidating notions of continuity and limits to develop our theory. This class is for people who are fluent in high school algebra and geometry, and are curious about differentiation and integration;
some "precalculus" is a plus, familiarity with physics will help with motivation and appreciation. People who know some Calculus may also find this unorthodox approach entertaining and/or thought-provoking. Most of the content of this class is summarized in the first 10 slides for the talks that I gave at MathFest in 2004 and at the joint AMS-MAA meeting in 2006 (both fell on Friday the 13th), available at http://www.mathfoolery.org/talk-2004.pdf

Fluency in high school algebra and plane geometry are required, familiarity with precalculus and physics will help.

Introduction to metamathematics
Teachers: Jonathan Sailor

From almost all high-level math classes to the explanations of simple arithmetic tricks, math is all about proofs. But what does it mean to prove something? What is a proof, anyway?

In this class, we'll take a survey of metamathematics-- the study of formal systems and reasoning. We'll discuss topics like deductions, completeness, and consistency, some history, and some of metamath's best results.

Familiarity with logic and proofs is preferable

Fractals and the Fringes of Chaos
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Math through a kaleidoscope: http://www.fractal-recursions.com/
Beautiful, no?
This class will dive headfirst into the the key concepts of Fractals including Symmetry, Expressible Infinity, and Chaos. Specifically, we will take an in depth look at the Sierpinski Triangle (briefly covering the difference between fractal dimension and topological dimension), the Lorenz Water Wheel (illustrating the ideas of the Butterfly Effect and Strange Attractors), and the well-known Mandelbrot Set. If you want to see mathematics from a completely alien perspective, this class is for you.

The course has no real mathematical prerequisites but material does require significant mathematical maturity. Come prepared to think hard and abstractly!

Something Unexpected
Teachers: Daniel Zaharopol

Join us on a romp through some crazy, interesting mathematics. The catch? I don't know what it is yet. You'll get to vote.

Maybe we'll build arithmetic from the ground up, or maybe you'll discover the true meaning of "algebra" ... the graduate-student class. Maybe we'll study some topology, or build the real numbers, or study interesting phenomena in higher dimensions. It's up to you to decide.

Here's my guarantee: we'll do something cool, we'll do something hard, and you won't have seen whatever it is. Come and see a crazy piece of mathematics!

Well, I don't know what I'll be doing, but I will freely assume high school algebra and possibly some trigonometry as well, depending on our topic. If necessary, I might teach you calculus... very quickly.

Differentiation and Integration of Friendly Functions II: Some Theory
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Continuation of Differentiation and Integration of Friendly Functions I. We will develop a streamlined theory of differentiation and integration based on some simple inequalities and prove the fundamental theorem of Calculus. We may akso a take a look at more sophisticated topics (power series, Taylor formula, integration and differentiation of multivariable functions, etc.) or discuss the relation of our approach to limits and continuity, if there is enough time and interest.
The core content of this class is summarized in the last 3 slides for the talks that I gave at MathFest in 2004 and at the joint AMS-MAA meeting in 2006 (both fell on Friday the 13th), available at http://www.mathfoolery.org/talk-2004.pdf Prerequisite: Differentiation and Integration of Friendly Functions I.

Differentiation and Integration of Friendly Functions I, fluent in high school algebra and plane geometry, familiarity with "precalculus" and physics is a plus.

Modeling with Regression Analysis
Teachers: Zoe Thorkildsen

Regression analysis is a statistical method that allows researchers to explore relationships between dependent and independent variables. These could range from the relationship between SAT scores and college admissions, or between natural resource abundance and likelihood of civil war. Far more than a simple correlation coefficient, regression analysis allows much more detailed and informative analysis. In this course, we'll touch on research methods, basic statistics, conceptual mathematics, econometrics, and the study of social issues. You'll get to participate in a mini-research project using statistical software to analyze some real world data using regression techniques.

Basic algebra (y = mx + b) and some very basic intuition about data, models, correlations, and best fit lines.

Functions and Dimensions
Teachers: Anika Huhn

We will build three dimensional models of four dimensional hypercubes and discuss functions in various dimensions. (This course takes some math that I find interesting and tries to make it feel more real with colorful, physical models.)

Unsolved Problems & Other Topics
Teachers: Michael Kling

Some of the simplest problems in mathematics to describe are still unsolved. Come hear about a few of these, like the 196 algorithm, the Collatz conjecture, and others. We'll also look at a some other topics, related to magic squares and prime numbers if there is time.


Fair Division
Teachers: Daniel Bulmash

Everyone knows that sharing is good, but how can you share fairly? And what do we even mean by "fair" anyways? This class examines what a "fair share" means and explores how to make everyone happy when sharing. Using very simple mathematical tools but a sophisticated mathematical mindset, we will present and prove algorithms for finding ways to, for example, share a pizza, distribute an inheritance, or split a cake. Students will have the opportunity to test these procedures.


Chaos: Beyond the Mandelbrot Set
Teachers: Daniel Look

This course is designed for students that already know what the Mandelbrot set is and wish to learn more about Complex Dynamics.
In this course we will discuss the dynamics of complex rational maps. While many results regarding the Mandelbrot set still hold, the dynamics of a rational map often has features not found in the complex quadratic case. We will look at the notion of a connectedness locus, examining the connectedness loci for various rational maps (the most popular connectedness locus is the Mandelbrot set itself, the connectedness locus for $$f(z)=z^2+c$$ with $$c\in \mathbb{C}$$). Strikingly, the Mandelbrot set seems to permeate the connectedness loci of many rational maps. We will see that this is not as strange as it seems and can be easily understood using the notion of polynomial-like mappings. Examples of polynomial-like mappings will be discussed and we will investigate a few different parameterized complex functions.

Although the course will begin with a rapid refresher on the Mandelbrot set, students are expected to have some familiarity with this object and complex dynamics in general.

Counting Infinity
Teachers: Reuben Aronson

It's easy to tell when finite sets have the same size. We can just count the number of elements. But what if we can't count them? How can we tell if infinitely large sets have the same size? Which is bigger, the whole numbers or the even numbers? The whole numbers or the real numbers? Does "having the same size" even mean anything for infinitely large sets? We'll talk about all these things. Don't worry if you don't understand something in this description: we'll explain everything we need in class.


Teachers: Jacob Steinhardt

Back in the day when things were more hardcore, we proved the Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem in our heads! And then Burnside's Lemma, and Sylow's First Theorem! Man, you kids have it so easy these days. We classified all groups of order 16, and we liked it! Now the only group you wimps ever deal with is the Dihedral group.

This class is going to be HARDCORE! Think you're up to the challenge?

You should be familiar with groups, subgroups, and quotients.

Teachers: Robert Assaly

What comes after 1, 1, 4, 10, 28, 76,? If you enjoy puzzles like this one, then this class is for you! They are not just fun; they do lead to useful procedures for solving many math problems. We shall talk about the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Ratio, Pascal's triangle, and continued fractions. We'll solve equations that would stump your classmates and maybe even your teacher.

Basic algebra, and an enjoyment of doing math.

Party Tricks, Geometry and Topology I: Mobius Band, Links, Knots and Projective Plane
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Come to this class to learn some tricks with rubber bands and paper ribbons, to learn about knots and links, to experiment with the Mobius band, to explore the projective plane and to understand why it doesn't live in our three-dimensional space.

Familiarity with geometry and mathematical reasoning.

Complex Numbers and Trigonometry
Teachers: Joshua Horowitz

So you know trig functions, like $$\cos(x)$$, and you know exponential functions, like $$e^x$$. Now would you believe me if I told you that they were (almost) exactly the same thing? And that you could use this connection to prove (almost) every trig identity known to man through simple algebra?

Best thing is, all of this comes out of one of the many beautiful connection between complex numbers and geometry, which have far more implications than I could possibly talk about here. But I'll explain a bit about where they come from, and leave you with, at the very least, a nifty trick to use on your exam when you've forgotten what $$\cos(x+y)$$ is supposed to be.

Trigonometry. Also, although prior knowledge of complex numbers may not be /strictly/ necessary, I'm certainly not going to dwell on how weird it is for there to be a square root of negative one, so it's best if you come in comfortable with that fact and its immediate implications.

Ramsey Theory
Teachers: Daniel Litt

Ramsey theory asks when certain simple structures are guaranteed to be found in large complicated ones. For example, if you color the integers red and blue, will there be any long arithmetic progressions of just one color? If there are a lot of people at a party, will some large number of them all know one another, or all not know one another? We'll look at some questions like this mathematically, with an emphasis on interaction and mathematical exploration.

Some basic combinatorics (e.g. combinations, permutations, etc.) and familiarity with mathematical proofs would be great.

Limits...Let's make it simple!!
Teachers: Shailendra Khemka

You would be introduced to the concepts of limits: basic limit laws;L'Hospital Rule; geometric interpretation of limits.


An Introduction to Differential Calculus
Teachers: Andrew Spieker

We will first look at the concept of a limit, and why it is so important in calculus. Then we will derive a formula for the slope of a tangent line, called the derivative. As time permits, we will introduce techniques of differentiation, the derivative as a function, and applications.

The attempt is to introduce students to the theoretical and conceptual aspects of an introductory calculus course. It could also serve as a refresher for people who have already taken it.

Algebra 1 and 2 are required; a precalculus course is strongly recommended. Students should be familiar with general families of functions.

Party Tricks, Geometry and Topology II: Rotations, Quaternions and Spinors
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Attach some loose strings to a chair and the other ends of these strings to some other furniture. Tumble the chair once. Can you untangle the strings without futher rotating the chair or moving the other furniture around? The answer is "no," and we will try to see why during this class. Now tumble the chair once more in the same direction. The strings become even more messed up, but amazingly, you can untagle them now. Visit
http://gregegan.customer.netspace.net.au/APPLETS/21/21.html to get some idea how. Now grab a coffee cup by its bottom. Can you give the cup 2 full revolutions without spilling the coffee or twisting your arm and/or hand out of their joints? Hint: pass the cup under your forearm during the first revolution and keep it over your forearm during the second one. See page 1013 in section 23, chapter VII of the free physics book at http:/www.motionmountain.com for an illustration.
Don't attempt this trick with hot coffee in the cup before you become good at it. In this class, besides practicing these and some other party tricks, you will learn several ways to mathematically describe rotations in 3 dimensions. One particularly elegant description uses quaternions and will be especially handy in seeing the connection with quantum mechanics of electrons and understanding why the table of chemical elements is periodic.
Prerequisites: Fluency in high school algebra and 3-d geometry, familiarity with vectors, matrices, trigonometry and complex numbers.

Fluency in high school algebra and 3-d geometry, familiarity with vectors, matrices, trigonometry and complex numbers.

Mathematical Analysis of the Psychology behind Noise and Music Full!
Teachers: Zandra Vinegar

Gregorian chants are boring, Post-modern noise is insane, Pop music is incredibly repetitive, and Improve Jazz is recognizable as music, but is certainly not predictable. From a psychological perspective – WHAT?! However, mathematically, our enjoyment of music over noise and scales is a recognizable and, yes, computer-reproducible phenomena. Come listen to funny noises and bizarre music for an hour and learn what computations make your mind happy.


Did you know that a pringle is actually a hyperbolic paraboloid? And grapes are ellipsoids. And an ice cream cone is a...cone. Come learn about weird quadric surfaces (that sometimes look like food) and then build your own out of wire.

Students should be familiar with precalculus.

Hyperbolic Functions
Teachers: Andrew Geng

Meet the hyperbolic trig functions cosh and sinh! Maybe they aren't as famous as their cousins cos and sin, but they have their niche. We'll try to understand the motivation for having these functions at all, and then we'll look at some of their applications. Among the possible topics are the split-complex numbers, hyperbolic rotations, and catenary curves.

Some experience with conic sections is needed; you should at least know what a hyperbola is and how to represent one with an equation. Knowledge of complex numbers is helpful.

Hypercubes Full!

In this class we will explore the world of multiple dimensions. What is a dimension? What is the fourth (and higher) dimension? Build your own hypercube and take it home to impress your friends and family!

Calculus Without Limits
Teachers: Michael Livshits

Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? Come to this class and see that it is not. I'll show you how differentiation and integration can be built - rigorously - from the ground up by using only elementary tools (algebra, geometry, inequalities). We will start with some simple examples and end with a proof of the fundamental theorem. I'll follow pretty closely the slides for the talk I gave at 2004 Mathfest at http://www.mathfoolery.org/talk-2004.pdf
This class is for those who already know calculus and want to take a fresh look at it, especially from a mathematical perspective. Those who don't know calculus yet may find it a bit too fast to understand everything, they may be better off taking Differentiation and Integration of Friendly Functions I and II.


Introduction to Lebesgue Measure
Teachers: Eric Wofsey

A "measure" is a notion of length or area or volume. For example, we know what the length of a line segment is, but what does it mean to talk about the "length" of an arbitrary subset of a line? It turns out that there is a notion of length called Lebesgue measure that is defined for a very large class of subsets of a line. However, there are some sets whose length is impossible to define in a consistent way. I'll sketch the basic ideas behind Lebesgue measure and show why we can't define it on all subsets of a line.

Set theory; you should be comfortable with countable and uncountable sets. You should know that the rational numbers are countable and the real numbers are uncountable. Also, be warned that this class will be fast-paced.

Overlooked Mathematics
Teachers: Andrew Spieker

There are a lot of things that high school mathematics teachers often don't have time to fit into their curriculum these days. This course will seek to teach you interesting little things about mathematics that may have been overlooked.

Some topics may include: mappings and functions, reading complex roots off of a real graph, elementary number theory, and derivation of common formulas that you may take for granted.

At least two years of high school algebra and one year of geometry are required. One year of precalculus may be useful.

Trigonometry With Pictures
Teachers: Andrew Geng

Trigonometry can be intimidating at first, especially if you're trying to understand it on an intuitive level. Formulas such as the law of cosines look pretty scary, but since they were designed to address questions from geometry, we might expect geometry to give us some insight into why they work! So, armed with the techniques of high school geometry, we'll draw some pretty pictures and derive the law of sines, the law of cosines, the angle addition formulas, the half-angle rules, and a few more obscure identities!

I will assume (1) familiarity with high school geometry (particularly circles and triangle similarity) and (2) prior acquaintance with what functions like sine and cosine are. Knowledge of the rest of trigonometry is *not* required (but having that knowledge helps to understand what makes these derivations interesting).

What are real numbers?
Teachers: Eric Wofsey

Intuitively, real numbers are all the points on a number line, or all rational or irrational numbers. But what does this actually mean? It turns out that the defining property of the real numbers are that they are $${\textit complete}$$--that is, there are no "holes" in the real numbers in the way that irrational numbers are "holes" in the rational numbers. I'll show how to make this precise and give an abstract construction of the real numbers from the rational numbers.

Basic algebra, rational and irrational numbers, and familiarity with sets.

Big Numbers!

You can probably think of functions that get big pretty quickly. $$x^3$$ is fairly fast, $$2^x$$ even faster. But those are tiny compared to some other functions we can come up with. Want to see some really really big numbers? Come to this class!

Note: You should not come if you are afraid of expressions like $$7(2*3^7 + 1)(2*3^{7*(2*3^7 + 1)} + 1).$$

Algebra I or equivalent

[Deprecated] Performing Arts

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Basic Jazz Improvisation [For Older Youngin's] Full!

Basic through intermediate techniques for Jazz improvisation, including scales and chords over blues and Impressions. This course will be custom-tailored to the skill levels of the students in the class. Experience on your instrument is required, but no Jazz experience is necessary. Bring your instruments!

Experience on your instrument.

Viennese Waltzing Full!

As an exchange student in Austria last year, I took dancing classes and opened two Austrian Balls. Now it is your turn to get a peek into Austrian Balls while learning the basic step for the Viennese Waltz.


Basic Jazz Improvisation [For Youngin's] Full!

Basic through intermediate techniques for Jazz improvisation, including scales and chords over blues and Impressions. This course will be custom-tailored to the skill levels of the students in the class. Experience on your instrument is required, but no Jazz experience is necessary. Bring your instruments!

Experience on your instrument.

Bollywood and Bhangra Fusion

Do you want to learn two new dance styles, get an aerobic workout, and have fun all at the same time? Come learn some moves from Bhangra and Bollywood dance that will impress everyone on the dance floor. Bhangra is an energetic dance from the Indian state of Punjab and Bollywood dance is, well, the main dance of Indian pop culture. Fuse these two dances together and get a healthy dose of fun Indian culture!


Improv Workshop
Teachers: Catherine Havasi

You're the host of a party where everyone is spontaneously turning into chickens. You're a film director with a time machine. You're a row of dominoes contemplating their purpose in life. Act accordingly. In improv acting, you and a few other people are given an odd, open-ended situation, and together you act out a scene on the spot. If you've seen "Whose Line Is It Anyway?", you know the general idea. Improv is easier than you think! You don't need any acting or improv experience. We'll start with some games that get you thinking on your toes and building on each other's creativity. You'd be surprised what kind of scenes you can create.

A History of Music Full!
Teachers: Dustin Katzin

Discusses each of the major time periods: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, and 20th century, as well as the defining characteristics of each. Will feature sound clips of various works, as well as a surprise at the end.

None, although an appreciation of music is recommended.

Cheezy Accents Workshop Full!
Teachers: Jonathan Sue-Ho

Have you ever wanted to learn a really cheezy accent? In this workshop, you will work on developing an accent of your choice and helping you be comfortable with sharing it goofily in front of others for performing, wisecracking, or general-use purposes. From Japanese, Chinese, Australian, New Zealander, Italian, French, French Canadian, Regular Canadian, AT LEAST 3 different kinds of Spanish, West African, South African, Indian, Pakistani, Eastern European, Texan, ETC. If you don't see the accent you want listed here, we'll figure it out or fake it! There may be candy...

A desire to learn a new cheezy accent and a willingness to have goofy fun.

Truth in Comedy
Teachers: Benjamin Park

Join members of Roadkill Buffet, MIT's premiere improv comedy troupe, and learn the basics of improv, the art of acting without a script. Learn why being funny isn't the most important part of improv and why a scene about an astronaut and beekeeper will never be successful!

Experience with some sort of acting would be helpful, but is not absolutely necessary.

How to Kick it Old School
Teachers: Ari Nieh

Singers of early music are presented with a unique challenge: how do you connect with the audience via a composition that was written several centuries ago? We will take a fresh look at some famous motets and madrigals from the perspective of text painting, using the composers' intent to motivate our dynamics, tempo, and phrasing. The goal of this course is for you to learn how to take an unfamiliar piece of music and make it awesome.

We will spend most of the class singing. Please show up well-rested, hydrated, and ready to learn!

For singers: basic sight-reading skills. For observers/listeners: none.