Major: Not available. College/Employer: Not available. Year of Graduation: Not available. |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I'm a senior, Asian-American and female. I come from Marietta, GA but was born in Lenexa, KS. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)H3314: Intro to the Japanese Language in Spark! 2010 (Mar. 13, 2010)
Have any interest in Japan? Come learn a bit about the language! We'll give you a basic introduction to both spoken and written Japanese, with an emphasis on speaking. This class is not for students who have taken Japanese before or for students who have taught themselves Japanese though anime. Expect to learn a lot in this class but still feel absolutely clueless by the end of it; Japanese is an incredibly complex language and we'll barely be able to scratch the surface in three hours.
H3315: Intro to the Japanese Language: Part Two! in Spark! 2010 (Mar. 13, 2010)
Still interested in Japanese despite having taken our other class? Come get some more exposure to the language, then have more information thrown at you, including how to find lessons in your area and what you should study on your own.
H1636: Boffer Construction in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
Tired of using a videogame controller to fight your battles? Come build a boffer weapon and be your own avatar! A boffer is a padded foam weapon constructed to strict safety standards used for fights in Live Action Role-Playing (LARPing) or just plain fun. In this class we will learn to build basic mid-length swords. ***Teacher's note: If you have attended this class before, PLEASE refrain from signing up so that others may try something new. Thanks!
H1667: 10 Bad LARPs in 100 Bad Minutes in Splash! 2008 (Nov. 22 - 23, 2008)
Ever want to play a fairy princess, a communist spy, or a peace-loving werewolf who really only cares about saving the environment? Then Live Action Role-Playing (LARPing) is probably for you. LARPing is, as the name implies, role-playing that involves players physically acting out their characters' roles, and LARPs themselves are wildly varied in the what you can play and do.
And we're here to bring you the worst of them. Join us for a hilarious 100 minutes of ridiculous role-playing and games. Including such beauties as the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support Group, Amnesia: The LARP, and Football: The Musical.
H1314: Boffer Weapon Construction in Spark! Spring 2008 (Mar. 08, 2008)
Want to club people into submission without all of those troublesome legal repercussions? Then boffer making is for you!
Participants will learn to make a basic foam sword and the principles needed to make more elaborate creations.
The Art of Chain Mail in SPLASHONWHEELS (2008)
A long time ago, when things were more hardcore, people actually tried to kill each other with swords. Those who ...
Boffer Weapon Construction in SPLASH (2007)
Tired of using a videogame controller to fight your battles? Come build a boffer weapon and be your own avatar! ...
Duct Tape Design in SPLASH (2007)
Come learn how to make things out of duct tape! We will discuss techniques to construct just about anything out ...
The Art of Chain Mail in SPLASH (2007)
A long time ago, when things were more hardcore, people actually tried to kill each other with swords. Those who ...
The Art of Chain Mail in SPLASH (2007)
A long time ago, when things were more hardcore, people actually tried to kill each other with swords. Those who ...
A Brief Introduction to Japanese Culture and History in SPLASH (2006)
Get a brief overview of Japanese culture and history.