ESP Biography

ELLEN REAVEY, Third year Biomedical Engineering student at BU

Major: BME

College/Employer: Boston University

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Ellen  Reavey

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Well, Ellen Reavey [fresh from a sabbatical in Dresden, Germany] experienced new age Hipster culture on a daily basis whilst in Europe. Heavily influenced by Lady Gaga, Perez Hilton, John Kerry, Bjork, and Enya, Miss Reavey has become a campus celebrity for her extensive research on the topic of what it means to be a Hipster in America today.
Other interests include calisthenics, method acting, party-hostessing, reassurance, and risk management.
Ellen can be found frequenting Espresso Royale to purchase bagels with vegan "cream cheese."

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X2866: Introduction to Hipster Culture in Splash! 2009 (Nov. 21 - 22, 2009)
Urban Outfitters, skinny jeans, Animal Collective, and other hipster icons have become major aspects of the mainstream American lifestyle. Together we will study just how Hipsters came to be, what exactly being a Hipster entails, and where the culture might be going.