ESP Biography


Major: 18

College/Employer: MIT

Year of Graduation: 2016

Picture of Mitchell Lee

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M7886: Ask anything about math! in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Come ask all the math questions you've been dying to have answered to a panel of MIT math majors! We'll answer anything from conceptual questions (what are Lagrange multipliers?) to computational questions (how do I compute this integral?) to philosophical questions (what is math?)! We'll have teachers studying all areas of math, so hopefully we can answer any (reasonable) questions you throw at us.

M7987: The Shape of Space in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
The Earth seems flat at any given point, but it's actually (approximately) spherical, and if you keep walking in a certain direction for long enough, you'd end up where you started. But how can we tell whether the entire universe is curved, and whether it folds back in on itself? (What does that even mean?) What would it be like if the Earth were shaped like a donut or Moebius strip? Does Euclidean geometry apply on the surface of a sphere, or do we need a new system of geometry? We'll discuss answers to these questions, and even play some familiar games (tic-tac-toe, chess) on some unfamiliar surfaces (tori, Klein bottles).

M8071: Young Tableaux in Splash! 2013 (Nov. 23 - 24, 2013)
Young Tableaux are a ubiquitous combinatorial object. They arise in the theory of symmetric functions, representation theory, and more! Come learn all about them.

M7261: Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid in HSSP Summer 2013 (Jul. 07, 2013)
Hello, everyone. Today: We will learn how to mechanically generate believable English sentences. We will learn how to translate nucleic acids to proteins. We will learn how to certify that a koan has Buddha-nature. We will learn how to listen to canons and fugues. We will learn how to break record players. We will learn how to convince our friends to treat us to dinner on their birthdays. Finally, we will learn how to prove Gödel’s theorem that some true mathematical statements can never be proved.

M7153: Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid in Spark! 2013 (Mar. 16, 2013)
Hello, everyone. Today: We will learn how to mechanically generate believable English sentences. We will learn how to translate nucleic acids to proteins. We will learn how to certify that a koan has Buddha-nature. We will learn how to listen to canons and fugues. We will learn how to break record players. We will learn how to convince our friends to treat us to dinner on their birthdays. Finally, we will learn how to prove Gödel's theorem that some true mathematical statements can never be proved.

M6258: Young Tableaux and their Applications in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
In this course, we will discuss Young tableaux, combinatorial objects with a wide variety of beautiful theory surrounding them. We will also discuss my favorite theorem and one of its truly brilliant proofs.

M6708: Introduction to Group Representations in Splash! 2012 (Nov. 17 - 18, 2012)
Group theory is an area of math where people study symmetries of all sorts of things. Linear algebra is an area of math where people study linear maps between different spaces. Representation theory is what happens when you smash the two together.