Major: Biomedical Engineering College/Employer: Harvard undergraduate student Year of Graduation: 2023 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Hello! I'm a Harvard freshman interested in literally anything STEM. Molecular/cellular biology is my main passion, but I'm also interested in quantum physics and organic chemistry (might even get a minor in physics, who knows). I'm currently doing a research project about DNA origami, so feel free to ask me about it or anything else! In my free time, I enjoy reading science fiction novels, cycling and playing video games (hooked on Forza Horizon 4 right now, would recommend) and hanging out with Phyllis, except when Phyllis goes to sleep at 5pm instead of video chatting. Looking forward to meeting and teaching you all! Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S14053: The 6 Coolest Topics in Biotechnology! in HSSP Summer 2020 (Jul. 11, 2020)
Ok, maybe the title is a little subjective, but we still think these biology/biotech topics are really cool and we hope you will too! This class will teach you about 6 topics that are at the frontier of modern biology and are booming areas of research and development. These topics (in no particular order) are:
1. CRISPR (not just CRISPR babies but also other cool uses for CRISPR/Cas)
2. DNA origami and computing
3. Gene circuits and synthetic biology
4. RNA sequencing
5. 3C (chromosome conformation capture)
6. Stem cells and tissue engineering
In each lecture, we'll cover the discovery/origin of each technique as well as current research and applications. Extra focus will be given to understanding primary research studies and experiments.